Jerry Jones was just on the fan he said what i have suspected *Audio Post #84*


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You guys should really see all the Blue Star Realty signs attached to property out in the Frisco area.


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What I want my GM to say is that my job is to do everything in my power to put a winning product on the field.

My job, as GM, is to win football games. That is my only priority.

It is the job of my boss, who is the owner, and the marketing department to put bums in the seats, not mine.

And this is reason that the owner and the GM must be 2 different people.

The owner's priorities are likely primarily associated with financial success, net revenue. His bias therefore may favor the Barnum & Bailey path. (JJ)

The GM's job, as RXP says, is all about assembling and maintaining a winning team, and competing for championships every year. (not JJ)


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The owner and chief marketer can make statements about it being all about the show and the entertainment value.

The GM cannot ever make that statement - it's all about wins and losses.

When the owner and GM are the same person, you have a huge problem when it comes to the motivations at the top. I don't doubt that Jones wants to win - he just only wants to win his way.

This statement, as well as the 40 year old brain comments and him stating that he can see himself doing this for the next 10-15 years is his way of giving his detractors the finger. He is going to do it his way, come hell or high water. As someone who bought the team when they were losing $1 million per month, and turned it into a cash machine, he has that right. We have the right to call him out on it, and not support the product if we are offended enough.

As I have said on countless occasions, until he either passes away, becomes incapacitated, is indicted on a felony or takes a huge hit to his bottom line, the control of this team's on-field operations will have to be pried from his cold, dead grip. And, with Stephen due to succeed him, the circle of life will likely continue.


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Jerry didn't outright say that winning was secondary, but he implicitly expressed what his priorities are. In response to "Are you worried about fan apathy?", the first words to come out of his mouth are "Not with games like the other day. That's a show!" And then he says "but that's not what we're there to do; we're there to win". I suppose you can take that how you want, but to me, that should clearly tell you what you need to know about how Jerry thinks. Jerry probably felt the second part of his response was obligatory.

Another disturbing thing he said in the interview was - and I'm paraphrasing - that he doesn't need a GM because hey, he'd just be a middleman. And that when you have an owner who can know everything about the players and cut the checks too, that's a much better way of doing things. And yeah, I guess we already knew that's how Jerry thinks, but it hurt my ears and my brain to hear it straight from his mouth.

Just ugh.


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Stop buy tickets and enabling this lunatic to ruin our Cowboys. We have more power collectively than Jones, it's OUR money that goes into pocket.

Stop getting sucked in every year with his propoganga of "this is our year".


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Thanks, Jerry. Just thanks for
...making me lose interest in my team after 44 years of being a fan
...making my team a laughing stock
...making other teams feel like they are never out of it, regardless of the score
...making me never want to waste another Sunday afternoon watching my favorite football team
...making the fans and the cowboys players suffer the most because you don't have the balls to deal with the coaching staff
...showing a coaching staff that its OK to blow big leads, when the whole world knows you should be running the ball
...making me feel like its going to be a long time before the Cowboys have a respectable team and coaching staff

Or, is it that you are the coaching staff and the coaches are just your puppets?
Seeing Jimmy Johnson leave when the dynasty team he built was running on all cylinders makes me wonder...
Seeing a quality coach like Bill Parcells leave also makes me wonder


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I stopped listening after 4 minutes. My main point of contention in listening to this BS is that Jerry continues to make excuses and I hear no anger in his voice. I know he's a salesman, but at this point, show a little emotion - your team just got the **** kicked out of it, in large part due to your coaches.


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So just to be clear, we're now worried that Jerry doesn't even want to win?

I don't believe for one second that he said "winning is secondary". That reads more like the OP's editorializing.

Reads more like the OP is using the context of the statement to make a solid inference. If Jerry did in fact say that the Cowboys losing isn't a reason to stop coming to the games, he is implying that winning is secondary to the "entertainment factor." Does everything have to be spelled out or stated letter for letter or is it actually possible to infer things by using common sense? Or is that not cool these days?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Thanks, Jerry. Just thanks for
...making me lose interest in my team after 44 years of being a fan
...making my team a laughing stock
...making other teams feel like they are never out of it, regardless of the score
...making me never want to waste another Sunday afternoon watching my favorite football team
...making the fans and the cowboys players suffer the most because you don't have the balls to deal with the coaching staff
...showing a coaching staff that its OK to blow big leads, when the whole world knows you should be running the ball
...making me feel like its going to be a long time before the Cowboys have a respectable team and coaching staff

Or, is it that you are the coaching staff and the coaches are just your puppets?
Seeing Jimmy Johnson leave when the dynasty team he built was running on all cylinders makes me wonder...
Seeing a quality coach like Bill Parcells leave also makes me wonder

Astutely phrased.
You sir, are echoing many, many fans right now...
Myself included, unfortunately.
So sad...


Safety third
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Somebody needs to plant the idea in Jerry's head that he should make Garret dress up in clown suit on game day to keep the kids entertained.


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Thanks, Jerry. Just thanks for
...making me lose interest in my team after 44 years of being a fan
...making my team a laughing stock
...making other teams feel like they are never out of it, regardless of the score
...making me never want to waste another Sunday afternoon watching my favorite football team
...making the fans and the cowboys players suffer the most because you don't have the balls to deal with the coaching staff
...showing a coaching staff that its OK to blow big leads, when the whole world knows you should be running the ball
...making me feel like its going to be a long time before the Cowboys have a respectable team and coaching staff

Or, is it that you are the coaching staff and the coaches are just your puppets?
Seeing Jimmy Johnson leave when the dynasty team he built was running on all cylinders makes me wonder...
Seeing a quality coach like Bill Parcells leave also makes me wonder

Yep, the Cowboys game used to be tops on my list for Sunday's or whenever the game was. Now it is barely the third option. I enjoy spending time on other things and have even worked some from home instead of watching the game (see Bears 2nd half).

I used to be a diehard, now, I barely wear Cowboys gear or make it known who I'm still rooting for. Kind of like Giants fans this year.


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The team is getting to the point where I might consider skipping watching out on games, especially if Garrett returns. I'm not going to waste time supporting a clown show. Jerry may think this is entertainment, but we'll see how entertaining it is when guys like Demarco and Dez decide to leave because they actually want to win.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Crap like this is why I would really rather Jerry just move the team and then we can all start over with an expansion franchise.

Oh man... to lose the Cowboys? To most likely- California?!

I hope they leave the name and the Star behind for the expansion team to take back.
And they keep the history.
I don't know what I'd do if that doesn't happen.


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I hope they leave the name and the Star behind for the expansion team to take back.

That would be the thing, you know Jerry is too big of a horses behind to leave the name and star. It would be his final "F You!" to the fans.


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There isn't an owner in all of pro sport that would have responded to questions of fan apathy with: "Not with games like the other day. That's a show!" .....a little over a day after a devastating last minute loss in a tight playoff run. It just smacks of arrogance and indifference to the followers of the team he owns.