The testing procedure is the issue, and with Crazy Cabbage being legalized rapidly throughout the country, the testing policies need to be addressed to coincide with the legalization.
What I mean by this, is that there needs to be a more accurate testing method. For instance, if you work for a company that requires you to take Random UAs, you could have smoked a joint a month ago, but it shows up in your system, and your fired.
There needs to be a mouth swab test or something like that for example, that would indicate if you have smoked or ingested THC within the past 24 hrs. This would indicate that you were under the influence, at that time of the test, not from a joint you smoked while on vacation, away from work, a month ago.
Ive even heard that you can get a DUI, if its determined that you were under the influence of Marijuana,, I'm not a cop, but how do they know a time frame, maybe your car smells like pot from someone else that had been in your vehicle, the cop smells it, you take a UA and get a DUI because you smoked a joint a month ago? See where I'm going with this.
I don't care one way or another rather a common person, or a professional athlete does on his or her time away from the office or field of play, but what I would be more concerned with would be certain athletes like Gregory, that clearly has a problem, going hog wild and showing up to practice, and games stoned. I want to watch sober athletes play, but have zero issue with responsible use while away on free personal time.
Alcohol is legal, but there is proper testing for the amount of time its in your system, and the testing is practical when applied.
Marijuana is fat soluble, therefore remaining in ones system for a very extensive time frame, long past the influence of the drug.