That clears that up (lol) the only way this gets a new owner is he ( and probably Stephen too ) is 6 ft under.
Amazing, especially considering that when
Forbes did its annual valuation of franchises this year, the Broncos were 10th. So if the Broncos are 10th and worth $4.5 billion, what are the rolling-in-dough Cowboys worth?
Forbes says $6.5 billion. The smartest business consultant in NFL circles, Marc Ganis, told me he thinks Jones would get $8 billion or $8.5 billion if he tried to sell. Jones, when I asked him, said:
“Ten up.”
Asked to clarify, he said, “more than $10 billion.”
“But let me make this very clear,” Jones said. “I’ll say it definitively. I will never do it. I will never sell the Cowboys. Ever.”