Jerry says today "We will welcome back Pacman Jones"

Biggems;2417279 said:
maybe for Jerry, this is more than just about football. I think it is a human thing for him.

he has stood by several players, including one of his favorites, The Playmaker.

Just think how good Jerry looks if he can help Pac Man straighten himself out off the field, even if Pac never amounts to anything else on the field. While everyone else is closing their doors or turning their backs to Pac, Jerry welcomes him with open arms.
Jerry would sign Satan if he thought he could play corner.
dbair1967;2416445 said:
I'll believe it when I see it.

Personally I dont think we need to worry about it because I seriously doubt Goodell lets him back this yr, and if not - good riddance

Jones was a bust on and off the field for us.

If Goodell let's him back at all he's defeating his nfl endorsed policies, purpose. If he let's him back, this whole Adam fiasco will be nothing more than a Goodell "It's good to be the King" chest thump.

Do the right thing, Roger. End it. He doesn't care. Why should you?
Pacman is a man with alot of bad wiring... to think that he could correct it in a year or two is just wishful thinking. Think about how hard it is for you or anyone to change something about yourselves.

Pacman is who he is... he wont change... at best he may be able to get one or two things under control. Thats all we ask for... thats all we could hope for.
jobberone;2416934 said:
I'd be very surprised if he's not reinstated. That's assuming he's doing everything he's supposed to be doing in rehab and he's acting like he's even starting to get it.

This isn't a thing about Jerry's feelings etc. This is Goodell trying to protect the NFL's image and at the same time helping the players. The suspension and rehab were in the best interest of AJ. He's needs to get it. It often takes addicts awhile to get it. This was a serious kick in the teeth which he needed.

Companies and corporations have programs for people like AJ. The NFL is no different.

Some of you are unreasonable to put it nicely when it comes to someone making a living and keeping their job. Thank goodness more enlightened people are making the decisions. Some of you are truly barbaric. Is it so difficult to want someone to succeed. If you can't answer that in the affirmative then perhaps you need to reaccess your ability to be a social creature.

Sorry, but that's as nice as I'll put it.

Paralyzed man to Pacman Jones: 'Try being put in a wheelchair'

By Pat Graham, AP Sports Writer
DENVER — Tommy Urbanski fidgets in his electronic wheelchair, trying to find a comfortable position.

No luck. The pain just shifts.

Urbanski, paralyzed from an inch above his belly button on down, was shot at least three times Feb. 19 at a Las Vegas strip club during the NBA All-Star weekend.

The pre-dawn shooting followed a scuffle involving Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones and a security guard inside the club. Las Vegas police have recommended felony and misdemeanor charges against Jones for inciting the fight that police say led to the triple shooting. The identity of the shooter remains a mystery, and prosecutors want to hold off on filing charges until more details emerge.

Now, Urbanski spends his time navigating his chair down the hallways of Craig Hospital, a Denver facility that specializes in spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries. The 6-foot-6, 390-pound former professional wrestler attends three to four physical therapy classes a day, learning how to get in and out of his chair, dress himself and put toothpaste on his toothbrush. All are still struggles as he regains strength in his arms.

Some days, the 44-year-old just can't get out of bed - the pain is too intense. Even so, he's grateful.

"There are people worse off than me," Urbanski said.

He tries to remain upbeat for his wife, Kathy, who's almost always nearby, even sleeping by his side on a fold-out couch. And for his father, Don, who came up from Florida to help.

After three weeks in a medically induced coma, lung and rib infections, bowel and bladder complications, pneumonia, multiple operations on his wrists and the removal of his spleen, progress has been slow.

"I make a step forward and then take two steps back," said Urbanski, who has a 9 mm bullet permanently lodged in his spine.

Former Detroit Lions offensive guard Mike Utley understands.

Utley was paralyzed Nov. 17, 1991, in an NFL game and gave a memorable "thumbs up" gesture as he was wheeled off the field. Now he reaches out to spinal-cord patients to give them hope.

"This injury has never changed who I am, who I was or who I want to be," Utley said. "I want out of this wheelchair real bad. But it will never stop me."

Recently, Urbanski's kidneys temporarily shut down, causing him to gain 57 pounds in water weight and his legs to swell to nearly three times their normal size. He's wearing size 17 shoes just so he can squeeze in his feet. He frequently stops in mid-sentence as a jolt of pain overwhelms him.

"A good day for me? Physically, I haven't had one," said Urbanski, who couldn't get out of bed Wednesday due to intense headaches he ranked at 20 on a 1-to-10 scale. "Mentally, looking over and seeing my wife by my side is always a good day. But the pain - it doesn't stop."

It all began in the early morning hours of Feb. 19.

Urbanski, who worked as a real estate broker during the day, was working at the Minxx strip club as a manager to earn extra income to send his wife to law school.

He arrived at the club at 4:45 a.m., entered through the back door, clocked in, grabbed a portable radio and was told there was a problem in the dancers' dressing room.

After breaking up the dispute, another employee asked Urbanski to keep an eye on the front door. As he stepped outside the club, he remembers seeing a muzzle flash out of his left eye and then crumbling to the ground.

"I didn't even feel the pain of the bullets," Urbanski said. "I didn't feel anything."

As Las Vegas police work to fill in the gaps, the Urbanskis are upset over what they consider a lack of progress.

"We're taking it very seriously," said Lt. George Castro, leader of the Las Vegas Police Department's violent crimes unit. "We are still working on and looking at everything that comes in. We've never closed our doors or said enough's enough."

According to a Las Vegas police search warrant, Jones was showering dancers on stage with thousands of dollar bills. Minxx strip club co-owner Robert Susnar has said the shooting happened after Jones threatened to kill a bouncer, whom the club owner said intervened when Jones allegedly attacked a dancer after she grabbed money on the stage.

Jones' attorney, Manny Arora, didn't respond to a phone call or an e-mail.

"Did it (throwing the money) incite them in a violent fashion or in excitement? We don't know," Castro said. "But when you call fire in a building, you're still liable if someone gets hurt. There's a certain amount of responsibility."

Jones, who has been questioned by police in nine other incidents since being drafted two years ago, has been suspended for the 2007 season for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy.

He's appealing the suspension and recently took out a full-page ad in a Nashville, Tenn., paper that said, "Learning that I would be suspended from the NFL was one of the worst moments of my life."

Urbanski shakes his head.

"That's the worst moment in his life?" Urbanski asked. "Try being put in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. This changes everything."

His wife is busy trying to get their life in order for when they return to Las Vegas in late July. On this day, she was on the phone, feuding with a worker's compensation company that wouldn't approve a bigger, more wheelchair-friendly bedroom.

"My moods are determined by his pain," said Kathy, who'll leave June 20 to return to her job teaching third-graders at a Las Vegas public school and will fly back on weekends. "Everyone in (the hospital) would rather be in that chair than their loved ones."

"In a heartbeat," said Don Urbanski, who has a hospital-issued apartment a short walk and an elevator ride from his son.

When asked how difficult this has been, watching his son adjust to his traumatic injuries, Don Urbanski put his hands over his face and sobbed.

His son stays focused on the small triumphs - playing the guitar or cooking balsamic chicken and wild rice for his family and the Craig Hospital staff.

It's those glimpses of his former life that uplift, and devastate, Urbanski.

Take an upcoming Harley Davidson fundraiser on June 3, when dealerships in New York and Las Vegas will raise money for Urbanski's care. Though appreciative, he wishes he were riding his motorcycle with them.

"I was always on my bike," he said, staring at his hands. "It's so nice that so many people care."

Bring up his professional wrestling days, and his eyes light up. Known as the "Mad Russian" and the "Polish Prince," he wrestled World Wrestling Federation stars such as Hulk Hogan, Sergeant Slaughter and Junkyard Dog. He fought mostly in smaller venues, but had a couple of WWF television appearances.

"I was usually the bad guy," Urbanski said with a laugh. "It was fun being the bad guy."

Now, that role's being played by others who have yet to be identified in the shooting.

"I didn't know these scumbags," Urbanski said. "The guy could've walked up and put one between my eyes and I would've been done.

"I'm alive. When you come to think of it like that, I got off easy."
jimmy40;2417520 said:
Jerry would sign Satan if he thought he could play corner.

And he'd offer up his mother in a package deal.
jobberone;2416934 said:
I'd be very surprised if he's not reinstated. That's assuming he's doing everything he's supposed to be doing in rehab and he's acting like he's even starting to get it.

This isn't a thing about Jerry's feelings etc. This is Goodell trying to protect the NFL's image and at the same time helping the players. The suspension and rehab were in the best interest of AJ. He's needs to get it. It often takes addicts awhile to get it. This was a serious kick in the teeth which he needed.

Companies and corporations have programs for people like AJ. The NFL is no different.

Some of you are unreasonable to put it nicely when it comes to someone making a living and keeping their job. Thank goodness more enlightened people are making the decisions. Some of you are truly barbaric. Is it so difficult to want someone to succeed. If you can't answer that in the affirmative then perhaps you need to reaccess your ability to be a social creature.

Sorry, but that's as nice as I'll put it.

I think it's possible to want someone to succeed but not keep enabling them. At some point, tough love is the best option. I will admit that most responses on this topic don't demonstrate "tough love," but you can't just let people do whatever they want without ramifications.
jimmy40;2417569 said:
Paralyzed man to Pacman Jones: 'Try being put in a wheelchair'

By Pat Graham, AP Sports Writer
DENVER — Tommy Urbanski fidgets in his electronic wheelchair, trying to find a comfortable position.

No luck. The pain just shifts.

Urbanski, paralyzed from an inch above his belly button on down, was shot at least three times Feb. 19 at a Las Vegas strip club during the NBA All-Star weekend.

The pre-dawn shooting followed a scuffle involving Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones and a security guard inside the club. Las Vegas police have recommended felony and misdemeanor charges against Jones for inciting the fight that police say led to the triple shooting. The identity of the shooter remains a mystery, and prosecutors want to hold off on filing charges until more details emerge.

Now, Urbanski spends his time navigating his chair down the hallways of Craig Hospital, a Denver facility that specializes in spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries. The 6-foot-6, 390-pound former professional wrestler attends three to four physical therapy classes a day, learning how to get in and out of his chair, dress himself and put toothpaste on his toothbrush. All are still struggles as he regains strength in his arms.

Some days, the 44-year-old just can't get out of bed - the pain is too intense. Even so, he's grateful.

"There are people worse off than me," Urbanski said.

He tries to remain upbeat for his wife, Kathy, who's almost always nearby, even sleeping by his side on a fold-out couch. And for his father, Don, who came up from Florida to help.

After three weeks in a medically induced coma, lung and rib infections, bowel and bladder complications, pneumonia, multiple operations on his wrists and the removal of his spleen, progress has been slow.

"I make a step forward and then take two steps back," said Urbanski, who has a 9 mm bullet permanently lodged in his spine.

Former Detroit Lions offensive guard Mike Utley understands.

Utley was paralyzed Nov. 17, 1991, in an NFL game and gave a memorable "thumbs up" gesture as he was wheeled off the field. Now he reaches out to spinal-cord patients to give them hope.

"This injury has never changed who I am, who I was or who I want to be," Utley said. "I want out of this wheelchair real bad. But it will never stop me."

Recently, Urbanski's kidneys temporarily shut down, causing him to gain 57 pounds in water weight and his legs to swell to nearly three times their normal size. He's wearing size 17 shoes just so he can squeeze in his feet. He frequently stops in mid-sentence as a jolt of pain overwhelms him.

"A good day for me? Physically, I haven't had one," said Urbanski, who couldn't get out of bed Wednesday due to intense headaches he ranked at 20 on a 1-to-10 scale. "Mentally, looking over and seeing my wife by my side is always a good day. But the pain - it doesn't stop."

It all began in the early morning hours of Feb. 19.

Urbanski, who worked as a real estate broker during the day, was working at the Minxx strip club as a manager to earn extra income to send his wife to law school.

He arrived at the club at 4:45 a.m., entered through the back door, clocked in, grabbed a portable radio and was told there was a problem in the dancers' dressing room.

After breaking up the dispute, another employee asked Urbanski to keep an eye on the front door. As he stepped outside the club, he remembers seeing a muzzle flash out of his left eye and then crumbling to the ground.

"I didn't even feel the pain of the bullets," Urbanski said. "I didn't feel anything."

As Las Vegas police work to fill in the gaps, the Urbanskis are upset over what they consider a lack of progress.

"We're taking it very seriously," said Lt. George Castro, leader of the Las Vegas Police Department's violent crimes unit. "We are still working on and looking at everything that comes in. We've never closed our doors or said enough's enough."

According to a Las Vegas police search warrant, Jones was showering dancers on stage with thousands of dollar bills. Minxx strip club co-owner Robert Susnar has said the shooting happened after Jones threatened to kill a bouncer, whom the club owner said intervened when Jones allegedly attacked a dancer after she grabbed money on the stage.

Jones' attorney, Manny Arora, didn't respond to a phone call or an e-mail.

"Did it (throwing the money) incite them in a violent fashion or in excitement? We don't know," Castro said. "But when you call fire in a building, you're still liable if someone gets hurt. There's a certain amount of responsibility."

Jones, who has been questioned by police in nine other incidents since being drafted two years ago, has been suspended for the 2007 season for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy.

He's appealing the suspension and recently took out a full-page ad in a Nashville, Tenn., paper that said, "Learning that I would be suspended from the NFL was one of the worst moments of my life."

Urbanski shakes his head.

"That's the worst moment in his life?" Urbanski asked. "Try being put in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. This changes everything."

His wife is busy trying to get their life in order for when they return to Las Vegas in late July. On this day, she was on the phone, feuding with a worker's compensation company that wouldn't approve a bigger, more wheelchair-friendly bedroom.

"My moods are determined by his pain," said Kathy, who'll leave June 20 to return to her job teaching third-graders at a Las Vegas public school and will fly back on weekends. "Everyone in (the hospital) would rather be in that chair than their loved ones."

"In a heartbeat," said Don Urbanski, who has a hospital-issued apartment a short walk and an elevator ride from his son.

When asked how difficult this has been, watching his son adjust to his traumatic injuries, Don Urbanski put his hands over his face and sobbed.

His son stays focused on the small triumphs - playing the guitar or cooking balsamic chicken and wild rice for his family and the Craig Hospital staff.

It's those glimpses of his former life that uplift, and devastate, Urbanski.

Take an upcoming Harley Davidson fundraiser on June 3, when dealerships in New York and Las Vegas will raise money for Urbanski's care. Though appreciative, he wishes he were riding his motorcycle with them.

"I was always on my bike," he said, staring at his hands. "It's so nice that so many people care."

Bring up his professional wrestling days, and his eyes light up. Known as the "Mad Russian" and the "Polish Prince," he wrestled World Wrestling Federation stars such as Hulk Hogan, Sergeant Slaughter and Junkyard Dog. He fought mostly in smaller venues, but had a couple of WWF television appearances.

"I was usually the bad guy," Urbanski said with a laugh. "It was fun being the bad guy."

Now, that role's being played by others who have yet to be identified in the shooting.

"I didn't know these scumbags," Urbanski said. "The guy could've walked up and put one between my eyes and I would've been done.

"I'm alive. When you come to think of it like that, I got off easy."

Great find, jimmy. I've used the portion in bold in several debates and yelled it form the highest mountains concerning Adam. Whom BTW, has yet to own up for the Urbanski incident and his direct involvement with it. He's a man's man, that Jones.

If this doesn't scream "I dont care" on adams behalf. I just don't know. I really don't.
Seven;2417615 said:
Great find, jimmy. I've used the portion in bold in several debates and yelled it form the highest mountains concerning Adam. Whom BTW, has yet to own up for the Urbanski incident and his direct involvement with it. He's a man's man, that Jones.

If this doesn't scream "I dont care"" on adams behalf. I just don't know. I really don't.

And Jerry signed him.
Big Dakota;2417631 said:
And Jerry signed him.

Oh no you didn't ;)................don't get me started there.
jimmy40;2417569 said:
Paralyzed man to Pacman Jones: 'Try being put in a wheelchair'

By Pat Graham, AP Sports Writer
DENVER — Tommy Urbanski fidgets in his electronic wheelchair, trying to find a comfortable position.

No luck. The pain just shifts.

Urbanski, paralyzed from an inch above his belly button on down, was shot at least three times Feb. 19 at a Las Vegas strip club during the NBA All-Star weekend.

The pre-dawn shooting followed a scuffle involving Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones and a security guard inside the club. Las Vegas police have recommended felony and misdemeanor charges against Jones for inciting the fight that police say led to the triple shooting. The identity of the shooter remains a mystery, and prosecutors want to hold off on filing charges until more details emerge.

Now, Urbanski spends his time navigating his chair down the hallways of Craig Hospital, a Denver facility that specializes in spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries. The 6-foot-6, 390-pound former professional wrestler attends three to four physical therapy classes a day, learning how to get in and out of his chair, dress himself and put toothpaste on his toothbrush. All are still struggles as he regains strength in his arms.

Some days, the 44-year-old just can't get out of bed - the pain is too intense. Even so, he's grateful.

"There are people worse off than me," Urbanski said.

He tries to remain upbeat for his wife, Kathy, who's almost always nearby, even sleeping by his side on a fold-out couch. And for his father, Don, who came up from Florida to help.

After three weeks in a medically induced coma, lung and rib infections, bowel and bladder complications, pneumonia, multiple operations on his wrists and the removal of his spleen, progress has been slow.

"I make a step forward and then take two steps back," said Urbanski, who has a 9 mm bullet permanently lodged in his spine.

Former Detroit Lions offensive guard Mike Utley understands.

Utley was paralyzed Nov. 17, 1991, in an NFL game and gave a memorable "thumbs up" gesture as he was wheeled off the field. Now he reaches out to spinal-cord patients to give them hope.

"This injury has never changed who I am, who I was or who I want to be," Utley said. "I want out of this wheelchair real bad. But it will never stop me."

Recently, Urbanski's kidneys temporarily shut down, causing him to gain 57 pounds in water weight and his legs to swell to nearly three times their normal size. He's wearing size 17 shoes just so he can squeeze in his feet. He frequently stops in mid-sentence as a jolt of pain overwhelms him.

"A good day for me? Physically, I haven't had one," said Urbanski, who couldn't get out of bed Wednesday due to intense headaches he ranked at 20 on a 1-to-10 scale. "Mentally, looking over and seeing my wife by my side is always a good day. But the pain - it doesn't stop."

It all began in the early morning hours of Feb. 19.

Urbanski, who worked as a real estate broker during the day, was working at the Minxx strip club as a manager to earn extra income to send his wife to law school.

He arrived at the club at 4:45 a.m., entered through the back door, clocked in, grabbed a portable radio and was told there was a problem in the dancers' dressing room.

After breaking up the dispute, another employee asked Urbanski to keep an eye on the front door. As he stepped outside the club, he remembers seeing a muzzle flash out of his left eye and then crumbling to the ground.

"I didn't even feel the pain of the bullets," Urbanski said. "I didn't feel anything."

As Las Vegas police work to fill in the gaps, the Urbanskis are upset over what they consider a lack of progress.

"We're taking it very seriously," said Lt. George Castro, leader of the Las Vegas Police Department's violent crimes unit. "We are still working on and looking at everything that comes in. We've never closed our doors or said enough's enough."

According to a Las Vegas police search warrant, Jones was showering dancers on stage with thousands of dollar bills. Minxx strip club co-owner Robert Susnar has said the shooting happened after Jones threatened to kill a bouncer, whom the club owner said intervened when Jones allegedly attacked a dancer after she grabbed money on the stage.

Jones' attorney, Manny Arora, didn't respond to a phone call or an e-mail.

"Did it (throwing the money) incite them in a violent fashion or in excitement? We don't know," Castro said. "But when you call fire in a building, you're still liable if someone gets hurt. There's a certain amount of responsibility."

Jones, who has been questioned by police in nine other incidents since being drafted two years ago, has been suspended for the 2007 season for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy.

He's appealing the suspension and recently took out a full-page ad in a Nashville, Tenn., paper that said, "Learning that I would be suspended from the NFL was one of the worst moments of my life."

Urbanski shakes his head.

"That's the worst moment in his life?" Urbanski asked. "Try being put in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. This changes everything."

His wife is busy trying to get their life in order for when they return to Las Vegas in late July. On this day, she was on the phone, feuding with a worker's compensation company that wouldn't approve a bigger, more wheelchair-friendly bedroom.

"My moods are determined by his pain," said Kathy, who'll leave June 20 to return to her job teaching third-graders at a Las Vegas public school and will fly back on weekends. "Everyone in (the hospital) would rather be in that chair than their loved ones."

"In a heartbeat," said Don Urbanski, who has a hospital-issued apartment a short walk and an elevator ride from his son.

When asked how difficult this has been, watching his son adjust to his traumatic injuries, Don Urbanski put his hands over his face and sobbed.

His son stays focused on the small triumphs - playing the guitar or cooking balsamic chicken and wild rice for his family and the Craig Hospital staff.

It's those glimpses of his former life that uplift, and devastate, Urbanski.

Take an upcoming Harley Davidson fundraiser on June 3, when dealerships in New York and Las Vegas will raise money for Urbanski's care. Though appreciative, he wishes he were riding his motorcycle with them.

"I was always on my bike," he said, staring at his hands. "It's so nice that so many people care."

Bring up his professional wrestling days, and his eyes light up. Known as the "Mad Russian" and the "Polish Prince," he wrestled World Wrestling Federation stars such as Hulk Hogan, Sergeant Slaughter and Junkyard Dog. He fought mostly in smaller venues, but had a couple of WWF television appearances.

"I was usually the bad guy," Urbanski said with a laugh. "It was fun being the bad guy."

Now, that role's being played by others who have yet to be identified in the shooting.

"I didn't know these scumbags," Urbanski said. "The guy could've walked up and put one between my eyes and I would've been done.

"I'm alive. When you come to think of it like that, I got off easy."

Bad things happen at strip clubs - do they not?

I think I will go work at one as a bouncer and increase my odds that something bad will happen to me!

What an idiot Pacman is.
If the article Jimmy posted doesn't make you see what P.Jones is you aren't human. Then JJ taking the POS under his wings makes him a complete fool.
But then most people know he is any way.
dbair1967;2416716 said:
no, he wasnt, and he definitely wouldnt be now

Yes he was... and the numbers prove he was playing their best ball...
khiladi;2417741 said:
Yes he was... and the numbers prove he was playing their best ball...

Really? So post them then because I recall him getting thrown at alot, and giving up alot of completions.
I'm a little confused here. Didn't everyone, including Jerry Jones, say that when Jones came to Dallas, it was his LAST chance?? Now, they are saying THIS time he comes back will be his last chance.

It reminds me of a poor parent who keeps telling their brat who is making a scene in the supermarket, "You do that ONE MORE TIME, and you're getting a spanking"...haha. What a joke this organization has turned into. There is no character, no rules, no nothing but Jerry Jones trying to create media attention--even if it's negative.

I used to be so proud to be a Cowboys fan. Right now, I'm ashamed of the leadership of this once great organization.
dbair1967;2417783 said:
Really? So post them then because I recall him getting thrown at alot, and giving up alot of completions.

It is in the thread:DMN: Football Outsiders - Adam Jones Has Been Dallas' Best CBThe numbers clearly indicate he played the best ball, despite taking a year off and being forced into the role of a starter. He has the most passes defended along with the least YPA attempted against him.BTW, funny how our special teams coach sucks, but when one needs to bust on Pac-man, all of the sudden he sucks at punt returning, and it has nothing to do with horrible blocking....
dbair1967;2417783 said:
Really? So post them then because I recall him getting thrown at alot, and giving up alot of completions.

Anthony Henry31-of-45 (69 %), 392 yards, 8.7 ypa, 2 PBU, 0 INT, 2 pass interferencesAdam "Pacman" Jones21-of-42 (50%), 216 yards, 5.1 ypa, 7 PBU, 0 INT, 1 pass interferenceMike Jenkins22-of-33 (67%), 248 yards, 7.5 ypa, 2 PBU, 1 INT, 0 pass interferenceTerence Newman14-of-17 (82%), 175 yards, 10.3 ypa, 1 PBU, 0 INT, 0 pass interferenceOrlando Scandrick7-of-14 (50%), 85 yards, 6.1 ypa, 0 PBU, 0 INT, 0 pass interferenceAlan Ball2-of-3 (67%), 12 yards, 4.0 ypa, 0 PBU, 0 INT, 0 pass interferenceA YEAR OFF and look at the yardage he has given up... Look at the YPA... Adam Jones is a freaking beast...
BHendri5;2416590 said:
Jerry said that "WE Would CONSIDER, he said Consider, bringing him back, he did not give a definite answer.

Consider and yes we will welcome him back, has different meanings, one is means I have to think about it, the other is yes he is still a part of this team.

Who started this thread. Man, this reminds me of talking to a girlfriend years ago, A man can say to a woman, I think I may stop by, and she'll hear yes I'm coming.

I know that is off track, but this thread reminded me of a conversation in the Barbershop today about women.

To all the ladies that post in here, I mean no offense, I really love how women think, my wife constantly asks me what I'm laughing about whenever we have certain conversations, or have certain situations.

I enjoy being married and the things she says and do keeps me laughing, add that to the things the kids do and say, you can not get this at the movies.

LOL. You damn well better stop by!
And I am not even going to touch the coming part.
Seven;2417615 said:
Great find, jimmy. I've used the portion in bold in several debates and yelled it form the highest mountains concerning Adam. Whom BTW, has yet to own up for the Urbanski incident and his direct involvement with it. He's a man's man, that Jones.

If this doesn't scream "I dont care" on adams behalf. I just don't know. I really don't.

Did Pac shoot him?Were u there?If he didnt shoot him and he obviously didnt or would be in jail,then what is he supposed to own up to?Would u own up to something of this magnitude if u didnt do it?If a friend of his did it,he still isnt to blame unless he pulled the trigger.If ur friend beats up a person while u are standing around do u get in trouble?no.Now on the other hand the guy who did shoot him should be punished severly.I do feel for the man.

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