Jerry statement on retaining McCarthy


The Godfather
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"Further, our loss on Sunday is shared by everyone here, not just Coach McCarthy. Our players. Our coaches. Our front office. Myself. There is accountability for our results. I am accountable for our results.
Jerry: There is accountability for our results.

Also Jerry: Let’s keep doing everything the same way.

Our descent into madness continues.


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He just proved he doesn’t care about the fans one bit. He still wants control and wants to do it his way.

next year he’ll claim victory when we make the nfc championship.. ans get blown out.

How the standard for this franchise has changed is disgusting


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To be fair, they can not get rid of Dak, might as well give them both one last run together. Problem is they most certainly will extend Dak and the new HC in 2025 will be stuck with him.

America's Cowboy

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Statement Jerry Jones:

“I believe this team is very close and capable of achieving our ultimate goals and the best step forward for us will be with Mike McCarthy as our head coach. There is great benefit to continuing the team’s progress under Mike’s leadership as our head coach. Specifically, there are many layers of success that have occurred this season as a result of Mike’s approach to leading the team, both with individual players and with our team collectively. Mike has the highest regular season winning percentage of any head coach in Cowboys history and we will dedicate ourselves, in partnership with him, to translating that into reaching our post season goals. Certainly, Mike’s career has demonstrated post season success at a high level, and we have great confidence that can continue.

"Further, our loss on Sunday is shared by everyone here, not just Coach McCarthy. Our players. Our coaches. Our front office. Myself. There is accountability for our results. I am accountable for our results. The lens we use to view and evaluate Coach McCarthy is holistic. While we’re all disappointed with the result on Sunday and with our playoff record, I am 100 percent supportive of him as our head coach and ability to reach our goals.

“We will start our process of review and decision making regarding everything that impacts our team and roster and, while we’re not going to address specific players and extensions or free agents at this point, it deserves our deepest review and consideration, and it will get it.”

Hard but smart decision, Jerry.

:clap: :starspin:


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The hubris and saying they are accountable when literally no one is being held accountable.

I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile man! Begone from me! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!


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Statement Jerry Jones:

“I believe this team is very close and capable of achieving our ultimate goals and the best step forward for us will be with Mike McCarthy as our head coach. There is great benefit to continuing the team’s progress under Mike’s leadership as our head coach. Specifically, there are many layers of success that have occurred this season as a result of Mike’s approach to leading the team, both with individual players and with our team collectively. Mike has the highest regular season winning percentage of any head coach in Cowboys history and we will dedicate ourselves, in partnership with him, to translating that into reaching our post season goals. Certainly, Mike’s career has demonstrated post season success at a high level, and we have great confidence that can continue.

"Further, our loss on Sunday is shared by everyone here, not just Coach McCarthy. Our players. Our coaches. Our front office. Myself. There is accountability for our results. I am accountable for our results. The lens we use to view and evaluate Coach McCarthy is holistic. While we’re all disappointed with the result on Sunday and with our playoff record, I am 100 percent supportive of him as our head coach and ability to reach our goals.

“We will start our process of review and decision making regarding everything that impacts our team and roster and, while we’re not going to address specific players and extensions or free agents at this point, it deserves our deepest review and consideration, and it will get it.”

Jerry Jones is an ole fool lol.


The Labeled One
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Can someone tell Jerry....12-5...3 straight years......isn't progress? It's stagnation.

You haven't improved....

You have done nothing.

The only reason why this team hasn't been 8-8 for the last 3 years is because the Giants and Washington have been dumpster fires. That's your 4 wins above 500 you dope!!!!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TV is free...Jerry won't get a penny from me......Won't be at any games!!!!!!! Or gear! And yea. I'll be there to see the crash landing this time next year....Ground Hog Day for 29 years...Lets go for 30....Why not????
Ratings equals money....


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Again with the 12 win seasons BS!!! Our division is crap!!! We play in the weaker NFC!!! We beat up on weak teams and good teams beat up on us, and then it shows in the playoffs, how blind can this man be.

I keep saying it over and over, MM & Dak are 13-15 against teams that finish the season with a winning record. Not against playoff teams, not against SB contenders, literally just teams above .500. You don't even have a winning record against teams that finish the season 9-8 like Green Bay and then you're "floored" when they mopped the floor with you. BOO THIS MAN!!!!


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Mike wasn't bad, but they better do something in free agency. I know they probably won't.