Twitter: Jerry: We have a QB we can build with for years to come


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Dak isn’t even close to Romo. Stop talking, Jerry.
I've been a Cowboy's fan for 39 years it's been good time's bad time. I hear fans that want change I say why?. Listen to some of the stuff that comes out of Steven and Jerry mouth. I can tell how the next coach of the Dallas Cowboys will be picked. Jerry will get a bottle of favorite alcoholic beverage and head over to has old pal Larry Lancewel. that's how we got Monte Kiffin. The biggest problem with this team is the one that will never change. How can you evaluate talent when you don't now what it look's like. Dak is not a franchise QB. You want change and so do I. But real change starts at the top so all we can do is hope


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22 years. Still blaming the coaches.
Risen, ok I'll concede Dak is struggling, has been now last year and going into this season. And I'm not saying he is anything near Jared Golff, but everyone believed Jared was a bust in LA, EVERYONE. And he was, pitiful QB his first 2 or 3 season, I can't remember when he was drafted. But then along comes McVay and look at Golff now. We are all good studies of this team, and almost to a man we agree the coaching is dysfunctional as hell. Our play book is like that movie ground hog day, teams we compete with see the same tired formations and runs and WR routes game in and game out. Add to that this one question, just what has clapper, Jerrah and vanilla queen given Dak to help him progress from his 16 season? Kellen Moore? Are you FING kidding me, and this is not to say Dak will suddenly become the next top 5 QB if any of those change, but my gosh man, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Bottom line here is this, I have like most fell off the Dak Prescott fan train, but I am willing to say, we cuould be a pretty damn good team IF this coaching staff actually knew how to draw up a scheme that benefitted HIS abilities, not their own. But what we have is a stubborn, hardheaded bunch of coaches that keep defining insanity, week after week after week. How many here would simply stay the course with what is known through out the league, or go back, sit down and change up how things are being done on the field, I'm pretty sure all of us would go to Jerrah and tell him, we need someone who can come in here and help us shake things up. Does that include firing vanilla queen, meh, maybe it does, but we all know SOMETHING has got to change. And from where I am sitting, that's the stinking play calling and game plan. They know it, hell we just heard it before the Lions game going to add some new "wrinkles"... well *** are these new wrinkles??????? We are all still waiting.


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You are one of the fans who think you only need a “great” QB, Tony is a HOFer, and Tony is better than Troy.

You seem to be content with a QB who puts up good regular season stats but his team did not sniff a SB during his career.

I started watching the Cowboys in 1988 and do not miss Tony Romo since he is not a champion.

Thus, I am glad he is retired.

Um, no, I am not one of those fans who think you only need a great QB. And that's why I'm not the one talking about team accomplishments. That would be you, troll.


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We need to draft a QB with a first rounder.

Even if Dak makes a miracle turnaround, then that’s fine. Either Dak or the rookie could be used for future trade bait to recoup the draft picks.

But not adding any talent to the QB position would be incredibly dumb.

Kind of like it was incredibly dumb to surround Dak with an undrafted scrub QB as his back up in the first place.


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I don’t think Romo is going to be in the HOF.

Yes winning championships and playoff games is a team accomplishment.

That being said. It’s clear that HOF voters take those into consideration when selecting who gets in.

It’s why I believe that unfortunately Eli Manning May get in (yuck) even though Romo was a far superior QB to Manning.

It’s not fair, but that’s the way the system works.


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I know better, but I can only hope that Jerry defends and supports Dak right up to the pick where we take out next Franchise QB in the top 10 of the draft next year. That way nobody tries to trade in front of us!


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I’ll give it to Jerry. He’s consistent. He consistently says literally the exact opposite of what EVERYBODY wants to hear


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Yep. We had to deal with the agony of the Romo
Era without as much as a divisional playoff win. Now all of a sudden fans are impatient???

I see....

So when the Cowboys to make deep playoff runs with Romo you saddle him with the brunt of the blame.

Yet, we're all witnessing week after week of Dak's individual ineptitude and the apologetic is "but the Garrett...but Linehan....but the wide receiver group!"


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I don’t think Romo is going to be in the HOF.

Yes winning championships and playoff games is a team accomplishment.

That being said. It’s clear that HOF voters take those into consideration when selecting who gets in.

It’s why I believe that unfortunately Eli Manning May get in (yuck) even though Romo was a far superior QB to Manning.

It’s not fair, but that’s the way the system works.

This is probably accurate. I don't think Eli will get in, but it is possible, because the voting/voters are stupid and don't really think.

I don't think it's likely Romo gets in for the same reason (barring a come back - and it's possible after a long career in broadcast and/or coaching he could get in later). But as far has his play, he was absolutely HOF caliber.


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Romo 0 SBs. Obviously, Romo did not play well enough.

Aikman 3 SBs.
Troy said Romo was better than he was, he said Dak isn't very good, I will take Troy's word for it, we all see the reason now of why you are a Dak apologist, you were a Romo hater , and didn't like Troy and believe Dak is better than both. I guess by your logic Dan Marino was bum, and any QB who did not win a SB is a bum too. Dak is great, Dak is great, Dak is great- NOT.


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I think that being able to pass the ball would help win championships. I know it's hard to keep up, but the QB's can only control the majority of the passing game which is only 1/4th (pass offense, rush offense, pass defense, rush defense) of the game. They are reliant on their teammates for the other 3/4ths of the game, so regardless of how good they play, they might not win. If they do their job well, they give more of a cushion for the other parts of the game, and vice versa if they do poorly.

Romo generally played his part well, and had the rest of the team letting him down, while Dak is currently doing his part quite poorly and the rest of the team hasn't been able to make up for his weaknesses.
I wonder what the points the D gave up for those lower rated game TR played vs Dak's for the same Rating.


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Dak is fine. Speaking of Julio Jones. Would the Falcons trade him? Is it worth a call at least? He would make the entire offense a real threat again.even If he is a decoy. Right now we cant make defenses respect our passing attack.But if Jones is here, he could instantly garner that,day 1.


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We can "build" with Dak because we constantly will have decent picks in the draft.

I don't want a QB we can build with, I want a QB we can WIN with.


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This is just Jerry's way of supporting a struggling Dak Prescott. If Dak continues to play like he is, he won't get an extension, and if he does it won't be for a lot of money. Jerry and Stephen are not dumb enough to give him a mega million deal and I believe this. If anything BIG happens it will be Garrett getting fired.........


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Mike White will be a starter sooner than we think.Not knocking Dak..he can be special, but white is a pure pocket passer with high football IQ...The problem is our receivers are terrible,but then again, we knew this in preseason. Time to see if Julio Jones can be had.They are 1-4...AND ON THE DOWNWARD PATH.