Twitter: Jerry's disregard for the position of Head Coach


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Everyone knows only the crap GM gets a free ride and no one gets a trophy!
No free rides for Jerry, he has built everything from the ground up by shear will, determination and a huge pair of brass ballz. Great American success story. Ty…


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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……of course every team in the league “will some day have somebody” coaching other than the present coach.

I’m not exactly sure what Jerry’s point is….

I think that is his point, which is why it was better left unsaid. I think McCarthy understands as well as anyone that his job is always on the line, and Jerry's comment probably doesn't bother him because of it, but it was unnecessary of him to say it, especially after saying that he would consider Quinn for head coach.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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And THEN, and only then, he would win an ounce of respect from me for showing he's still a man and not another jellyfish puppet.

That's just silly. Head coaches understand that the job is only yours as long as you have success. Do other coaches also need to go up to their GMs or owners and say, "Hey, if I'm not promised that I'll be head coach in 2023, I'm out of here!"


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No free rides for Jerry, he has built everything from the ground up by shear will, determination and a huge pair of brass ballz. Great American success story. Ty…

He sucks at his job for multiple decades with no accountability. The very definition of a free ride. He’s great at pointing fingers though.


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I think that is his point, which is why it was better left unsaid. I think McCarthy understands as well as anyone that his job is always on the line, and Jerry's comment probably doesn't bother him because of it, but it was unnecessary of him to say it, especially after saying that he would consider Quinn for head coach.

… it. Thanks


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That's just silly. Head coaches understand that the job is only yours as long as you have success. Do other coaches also need to go up to their GMs or owners and say, "Hey, if I'm not promised that I'll be head coach in 2023, I'm out of here!"

Yeah, whatever. From the guy who would NEVER relinquish playcalling duties as a 20 year SB winning NFL coach. To become a walk around clip board holder with an inherited 2 year O coordinator to whom he'd never met and inherited that could have used a little help at his job the last 10 games of last year.

He shouldn't have accepted the job in the first place if he ain't got the balls to initiate change. Just another Yes Man looking for his retirement check at this point.


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As frustrating as it is to watch a once storied franchise go through 26 years of failure, the constant blame on a long succession of head coaches has never had any merit in Dallas. It's what the lazy do. It's what the misinformed do.

This is a direct quote from Jerry's Senior Bowl interview.

That quote should disgust you. It should make you angry. It doesn't matter what you think of Mike McCarthy. You don’t do that to your head coach.

All these many years later and the egomaniacal owner still doesn't have any respect whatsoever for the position of head coach. Every head coach after Jimmy has not only been put in a position to fail being saddled with no real front office but also in a thorough undressing of any head coach authority. You're not the voice of the team. You don't control your own locker room. You don't decide who's on the field and who isn't. You don't even control your own staff meetings during the week and the players have a direct path around you to your boss if they have any issue with what you're doing.

So you don't have anyone to get you the right players and don't have any ability to coach the team you're given as you see fit.

Now get out there and win us a Championship, "coach"!

This and only this is the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys. From the mid 90's to the present day. If you're wasting even a second of your time criticizing Mike McCarthy or a coordinator you are nothing more than a zombie in Jerry's fan mob. You're doing his bidding for him. He wants fans like you.

You can judge our head coach under these circumstances if you want. As if it's a level playing field with the rest of the league. I can not. I know better. The winning head coach of the Super Bowl every year had and will continue to have a much easier path to their Championship than a head coach in Dallas under Jerry Jones will ever have.

He turns 80 this year and that is the only positive that will come from 2022.


If I was McCarthy I'd quit today. Sell myself that I took a 6 win team and doubled it in one season. He's obviously out very soon. I'm not a huge fan of McCarthy after the playoff game but I feel he's the best HC we've had since Wade Phillips. Which is sad to say. But how is he supposed to do well knowing he's getting fired? How's he supposed to put his heart into knowing he's a rental. Jerry is the absolute worst owner and GM in all of sports. That quote does make me mad. Pure dysfunctional organization that doesn't deserve the loyal fanbase it has.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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If I was McCarthy I'd quit today. Sell myself that I took a 6 win team and doubled it in one season. He's obviously out very soon. I'm not a huge fan of McCarthy after the playoff game but I feel he's the best HC we've had since Wade Phillips. Which is sad to say. But how is he supposed to do well knowing he's getting fired? How's he supposed to put his heart into knowing he's a rental. Jerry is the absolute worst owner and GM in all of sports. That quote does make me mad. Pure dysfunctional organization that doesn't deserve the loyal fanbase it has.

Jerry still owes him $18 million if he's fired today. If he quits today he gets nothing.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Jerry still owes him $18 million if he's fired today. If he quits today he gets nothing.

And I don't believe for a minute that any of these fans saying they'd quit if they were him would do it. If McCarthy wants to continue being a head coach, whether here or somewhere else, his best shot of doing that is to win.


To The Moon
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We’re gonna contend next year! I’m getting a Parson’s jersey too.

Seriously, McCarthy should straight up quit. Go off last year’s resume. I’d love to see the Jones’s squirm.


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Jerry is a rude classless idiot.

How does the coach run the team, hold players accountable now that Jerry has publicly undressed him like this? He did this to Garrett also.

Wait...McCarthy was running the team AND holding BOTH himself and players accountable before?

I musta missed it.



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What was the lie? I must have missed that.

12:46 for the whopper lie and Chuckles serial killer laugh....seriously, I don't think Booger found it amusing....then or now.



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Just preaching to the choir!

Jerry has a lot of regard for the head coach's duties. That's why he's assumed most of them.

Any play you see that seems inexplicable and out of place.....that's Jerry.


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Jerry still owes him $18 million if he's fired today. If he quits today he gets nothing.
Ouch, that sucks. I didn't know that. I still feel for the guy. Your boss telling you that you're going to be replaced is not a fun spot to be in. But I think for a couple million I could tolerate being uncomfortable. I still think it sucks Jerry did that. Not a good working environment and it hurts our chance at success.


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Dallas will never win another title under Jerry and junior probably gets worse. The Joneses have all but killed the mystique of the Dallas Cowboys. It is now just a money printing machine……

......and have become a joke around the NFL really...., when you mention their name now it conjures up an overhyped money making franchise who hasn't really won anything in this century but rest on their laurels of the past. The "accident waiting to happen" is apparently real and blazoned in the minds of many. It is sad when you lived through the glory years and now see this happening. Those who did not, well, these are your Dallas Cowboys.


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I wish I could get real upset about this but since the guy flat out admits that he lied to Jerry because he needed the job and he did what he had to do.

That pretty much tells you it all right there He's going to do what he has to do to keep his job and protect his family.

Sorry but I don't believe anything Jerry said had anything to do with McCarthy not having the team prepared for that playoff game in his own words they were nervous before the game.
Nothing Jerry said caused 14 penalties in that game That's total lack of discipline and accountability what he is getting paid a handsome salary to instill in this team.

I think Jerry still ticked off over that game and I can't say as I blame him when you're getting millions of dollars to oversee a team that embarrasses itself its fan base and its owner on national television you may have to develop a thick hide.
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