Jesse Holley calls out Dak and "the standard"


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I'm just waiting for the silly comments that come from people who didn't actually watch the clip. Jesse nailed it, but you have to watch it all to know it. Let's see who doesn't.
in a summary what did he say?


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in a summary what did he say?
he said to give dak another chance, then another, then another. It's scary to move on like all the teams that have. we should stay the same, who are we going to get to choke in the playoffs if we don't make it to the playoffs? It's like a needle in a hay bail, after centuries of looking one day you might find it. some bs like that....


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The only thing I don't like about Jesse Holley is he doesn't use his experience with the Romo-Chokers to compare and contrast.

They all go to Nate Newton of course since he has the Championship Pedigree. What makes it work Nate?

Well... you can learn as much from what NOT to do as much as you should learn what to do.

Holley may not have enough time in the Wade/Garrett years to make these types of comparisons based on experience, but would be interesting to hear comparisons with another team that also flopped when it had the talent.


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Jesse is a frustrated fan like so many, that needs to shut his mouth. He's speaking from emotion rather than rationality. Dak had an MVP season but ended the season with one bad game. It happens, even to the best of them. I can't believe Jesse has been put in a position to have an audience. Who are these people who care what he has to say?
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he almost had the MVP.



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Jesse is on one about this team lately. He's not wrong.

That month long fasting he's doing right now is probably only fueling the rage.


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I'm just waiting for the silly comments that come from people who didn't actually watch the clip. Jesse nailed it, but you have to watch it all to know it. Let's see who doesn't.
My favorite part of the video is how he explains omelletes are better if you finish them in the oven.


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It starts at the top with Jerry. We can try to call out the players, the coaches, whoever we want, but the owner/GM encourages whatever you see out there today. There's a reason no matter how many parts we rotate out, we see the exact same results and we have the exact same ceiling. I thought maybe things would change after Garrett left, but it's the EXACT SAME RESULTS. We just fail in a different way. Instead of losing a close game at the end with Garrett, we blow out weak teams, but get demolished by good teams. It's a slightly diifferent formula for failure, but the end result is the same-- failure.

It's literally the same script over and over and over. Dak going to say he's got to get better. The coach going to say he's got to get better... and then utter embarrassment over and over. We're wasting our time worrying about what needs to be done because we know the end result. No combination of players and coaches have been able to overcome Jerry.


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:hammer: :hammer: :clap::clap::clap::bow::bow::bow: The absolute best I've heard. He covered it his message to fans who are taking winning for granted. I said in another thread a bunch of teams/fans would kill to have our record for the last 3-4 years. He's right, every year 31 teams will fail and only one team will win it all but it starts with the playoff. Kinda like winning the lottery...... buying a ticket gives you a chance but w/o one you have zero chance.

His message to Dak and the players is the best part ..........tap down and earn the respect of fans and former players ON THE FIELD, not you 10/20K outfits and flashy cars.

If I'm Jerry, this video is played at the start of TC.

If we're talking about standard, the standard has to be higher than a decent regular season record. I'm sorry, but i'd rather have a 9 and 8 regular season record and keep progressing in the playoffs than a 12-5 and first round playoff exit. We've had failure for nearly 30 years straight. I'm sorry, but the 'standard' has to be higher than the 2nd round of the playoffs over a 30 year time period.

You can just analyze the moves the organization makes and tell it's destined for failure. We were supposed to be a running team but passed up O line for a TE in the 2nd round. Drafted a microback in the 6th and didn't even bother trying to get Derrick Henry when he was supposedly on the market.

There's ZERO sensible direction from this organization other than Jerry and his boys playing real-life madden and laughing as they pocket fistfuls of money from gullible fans.


Star Power
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We’re close guys. Instead of the short term 90s team improvement that can’t last, where in ‘91 — two seasons after going 1-15 — they won their first playoff game, and in ‘92 the following season, they won the SB with a 52-17 thrashing of the Bills, the organization is on a 29 year plan. You’ll see it come together next season. I’m telling you. Just hold on. All this patience will pay off.


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Who is this Bozo?
Keep making Dak rich or else we don't make the playoffs where he chokes and we go one and done.
This cat insults humanity!
I stopped watching as soon as he supported extending our crappy quarterback
so what would you two genius's do with dak?
$60 mil cap hit in 24 whether he plays or not, and a no trade clause.

Since jerry already kept mike, what qb could you get that can do better with bozo mike as HC and calling the plays, making game plans,
and worse making up game plans, and getting the team ready to play a big game ! lol.

To get out of 60 mil hit in 24, you have to extend dak, just make it so they can get out of it if needed.
even with a new HC dak was a problem because cap boy and his daddy pushed all that $ forward to 24.
So they have to roll with dak in 24 no matter what. Without that they cant sign parsons or lamb either.

They could trade those 2 and maybe dak and then use those draft picks to get a new qb and wr , and maybe tank or get low enough
for high picks in 25, but jones boys would never do that.,


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He's friends with Michael Irvin and Nate Newton, who know what "the standard' looks like.The 21st century "standard" is what we've seen from Dak and company.

Squeezing into the playoffs, or just getting squeezed out, means limited draft capital every year.
My own strategy is go cheap but long on QBs trying to find one on the cheap, and don't think about free agent money on a QB until the *rest* of the team looks close to SB caliber. Then you can spend all that QB savings to get you over the top.

First year with Jimmy, we were 1-15, and I *liked* it.
Watching young guys trying hard and getting better, instead of old guys phoning it in and getting worse.
That was fun. It was hopeful.

nate dizzle

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I can't wait to create a thread later on today or tomorrow (I have been feeling sick) that will properly inform, educate and hopefully make every one of you realize how wrong y'all have been the past 3 playoffs. It's going to have several videos with full explanations from Kurt Warner, Michael Irvin and even Cole Beasley. I seriously hope y'all watch the videos several times and pay attention. Extremely informative videos that will explain what is truly wrong and how it's not Dak.
Eagerly awaiting the Dak excuse tour montage. I hope it's set to a catchy 80s song.

The Final Countdown?
The Heat is On?
Holding Out For A Hero?
No Easy Way Out?