JFK assassination– conspiracy or not...

The Kennedy Presidency is a real bugger to judge. On one hand he and the Jackie were mesmerizing. There's just no two ways about it... Like'em, dislike'em you have to say he (they) were more charismatic than any president/first lady since then.

The showdown with the Soviet Union... I don't think any of us who didn't go through that can really understand the tension brought to the entire country and world over that situation. And Kennedy handled it about as well as you could.

For me that's the high point of his presidency. You've got a boatload of outright failures like "Bay of Pigs" and of course there is a connection to Vietnam (no matter what he would have done about Vietnam if he had lived).

I've read that there were no major legislative pieces put forth by the Kennedy administration during his time in office... which of course would be a negative.

He is tough to evaluate. He did very well during the Cuba Missle Crisis. He ignored the unanimous opinion of the Joint Chiefs (who wanted an invasion ), and kept his head. Yet, it was his bungling the Summit with Soviet Premiere Kruschev, that caused the Soviets to try planting missiles in the first place.
The Kennedy Presidency is a real bugger to judge. On one hand he and the Jackie were mesmerizing. There's just no two ways about it... Like'em, dislike'em you have to say he (they) were more charismatic than any president/first lady since then.

The showdown with the Soviet Union... I don't think any of us who didn't go through that can really understand the tension brought to the entire country and world over that situation. And Kennedy handled it about as well as you could.

For me that's the high point of his presidency. You've got a boatload of outright failures like "Bay of Pigs" and of course there is a connection to Vietnam (no matter what he would have done about Vietnam if he had lived).

I've read that there were no major legislative pieces put forth by the Kennedy administration during his time in office... which of course would be a negative.

I really admired him. He, in my opinion, was a great American & well on his way to being a great President. And all just snuffed out. I could just cry thinking about his end.
He is tough to evaluate. He did very well during the Cuba Missle Crisis. He ignored the unanimous opinion of the Joint Chiefs (who wanted an invasion ), and kept his head. Yet, it was his bungling the Summit with Soviet Premiere Kruschev, that caused the Soviets to try planting missiles in the first place.

Very true. Kennedy's performance at that summit was... well... Remember what we saw last Sunday night vs NO? LOL!
I really admired him. He, in my opinion, was a great American & well on his way to being a great President. And all just snuffed out. I could just cry thinking about his end.

I think a lot of folks that weren't old enough to experience the Kennedy presidency hold him in much higher regard than that did live through that period.

And though it seems odd, the assassination and the conspiracy therories added an aura to him and his presidency.

I question if he was on his way to being a great President. Up until his death there simply weren't signs of a great Presidency.
I think a lot of folks that weren't old enough to experience the Kennedy presidency hold him in much higher regard than that did live through that period.

And though it seems odd, the assassination and the conspiracy therories added an aura to him and his presidency.

I question if he was on his way to being a great President. Up until his death there simply weren't signs of a great Presidency.

I disagree but we'll never know what might have been. I always believe he was special.
Yep. Oswald pulling that off with a single shot bolt action rifle in that time frame is nothing short of miraculous.

Kennedy was 200 feet away for the head shot.

The latest testing with HD scans and interviews with witnesses show that the first shot that began the time cycle was much earlier than most thought. Zapruder stopped recording as the motorcade turned the corner and restarted as Kennedy's car came into view. By accounts of witnesses as well as other home movies the first shot to last shot could have been nearly 12 seconds.
I cannot recall the book's title now but I read one recently about the Cowboys & many of those players from that time caught hell on the road about the assassination. Bad time to have Dallas in front on anything.
Part of me never wants this to be solved. There is nothing like good conspiracy theories that keep this world fascinating. The same goes for Bigfoot, Area 51, etc, etc.

I think LHO was the lone gunman as well but I am not certain.
I think a lot of folks that weren't old enough to experience the Kennedy presidency hold him in much higher regard than that did live through that period.

And though it seems odd, the assassination and the conspiracy therories added an aura to him and his presidency.

I question if he was on his way to being a great President. Up until his death there simply weren't signs of a great Presidency.

He is tough to evaluate. He did very well during the Cuba Missle Crisis. He ignored the unanimous opinion of the Joint Chiefs (who wanted an invasion ), and kept his head. Yet, it was his bungling the Summit with Soviet Premiere Kruschev, that caused the Soviets to try planting missiles in the first place.

MichaelWinicki is right, outside of the Cuban Missile Crisis JFKs Presidency lacked anything great, and the CMC was him delegating to his brother who made the decision to ignore the unanimous consent of the Joint Chiefs. The true hero of JFKs' Presidency was RFK, who had to be forced to take the Attorney Generalship by his father as he didn't want to do it. During crises JFK trusted his brother and his brother took the lead in the room. Almost all of JFKs' major accomplishments were simply him listening to his brother. RFK is one of our nations top 5 leaders since the beginning of the Great Depression (including FDR, Eisenhower, MacArthur etc;) and very well could've become our greatest President, which isn't a distinction that is thrown around lightly, his brother isn't - JFK lacked conviction, his brothers integrity and desire to forego political gain for what he believed in, however JFK is certainly a top 5 "icon" in American history.
Oswald alone.

It is not even in question. There is not one single concrete piece of evidence that says otherwise.

The prestine bullet that was found on the hospital stretcher.

Not too mention Kennedy's fatal headshot with his head exploding via an exploding
Oswald qualified as a sharpshooter in the Marines.

He got off three shots in 8.4 seconds. Not the 5 that conspiracy buffs hang to. Three shots in eight seconds is very doable.

I'm not sure about the strange orders given by the SS. If you mean publicizing the route...that was fairly standard. If you mean removing the bubble top on the limo, that was JFK himself that ordered it off.

sharpshooter is NOTHING. Do some research. As regards the Secret Service= do the same.
Kennedy was 200 feet away for the head shot.

The latest testing with HD scans and interviews with witnesses show that the first shot that began the time cycle was much earlier than most thought. Zapruder stopped recording as the motorcade turned the corner and restarted as Kennedy's car came into view. By accounts of witnesses as well as other home movies the first shot to last shot could have been nearly 12 seconds.

another strange thing about the shooting: snipers will tell you when having to fire shot after shot invariably the first shot is the most accurate-you have the most time to set it up and get ready. Yet supposedly Oswald got better with each succeeding shot.
The prestine bullet that was found on the hospital stretcher.
Not too mention Kennedy's fatal headshot with his head exploding via an exploding bullet. (corrected)
Warren comision report fiction. I doubt LHO fired a shot. No gunshot residue on his cheek. No one saw him on the stairs after the shot. I think he had knowledge that is all. Parkland Dr's describe JFK's head wound as frontal. See Robert Grodin film a case for conspiracy on Youtube, all taken from photographic evidence and eye witness accounts. Pay close attention to six Parkland Dr's when they see government faked autopsy photos. Eleven rail road workers standing on over pass heard a shot from under the tree branch on grassy knoll and all saw smoke after, testimony conveniently ignored by Warren comision. Mobster waltzes in to DPD basement two days later for clean up job, hey that happens every day right?
So much fiction:

The Magic bullet was not prestine...it was badly flatened. It passed thru Kennedy and tumbled. When it hit Connelly it hit him sideways causing a keyhole wound and got bent on his rib. It was going backwards when it struck his wrist. It was also not going full speed by then. The test fires directly into a wrist bone causing mangled bullets are not proof of anything. The latest reenactment completely recreated the magic bullet, passing through both torsos and coming out in almost the exact condition of CE 399. There was no zig-zag path either. Kennedy was sitting much higher than Connelly and Connelly's seat was 6 inches inside Kennedy's. The bullet's path was a straight line from the SBD thru Kennedy and into Connelly's armpit.

Ruby was not a mobster. And he would not have even been there to shoot Oswald had Oswald not wanted a sweater that delayed the transfer a few more minutes

High powered rifles do not leave lingering smoke.

The doctors at Parkland were trying to save Kennedy, they never inspected the head wound. They all are on record as agreeing that the autopsy photos do match what they saw. Grodin is a money grubbing fool and was publicly embarrased during the recreation shows.

The basic rules of physics prove no shot from the GK hit Kennedy in the head. He had no injuries on the left side of his head. The trajectory of a bullet from the GK would have hit Jackie after hitting JFK.

Oswalds prints were all over the rifle and shell casings. His prints were all over the boxes obscuring the window from the rest of the floor. The ballestics from the recovered bullet and fragments match his rifle and unused 4th shell. He was seen near the breakroom after the shooting. Nobody was working, most employees were watching the motorcade so not seeing him running down the stairs is hardly evidence of innocence.

Despite the conspiracy theories "facts" the truth is the vast majority of witnesses heard 3 shots, several actually saw the rifle sticking out from the 6th floor and saw it fire at the motorcade.

Really watch the Zapruder film in HD. Ignore the myth of back and to the left as it means nothing about the direction of the bullet. The Zapruder film as well as enhanced versions of films from the opposite side of Elm clearly show a bloody mist going forward. You can actually see a skull fragment flying forward and up from his head. And the most damning evidence to the conspiracy theorists is you can clearly see the flap of scalp that is seen in the autopsy photos above his right ear. The doctors at Parkland did not see this because Jackie closed it as they road to the hospital.

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