JFK assassination– conspiracy or not...

I have never heard that they were able to show Oswald doing any practicing in the weeks before the assassination. For those so willing to believe it was Oswald alone that is a big poke in their eyes. Oswald was not a sniper or even close to it.

Also the very strange orders given to the Secret Service in the days before the assassination have never been explained.

How would anyone even know? I guess they could have asked him after the fact but seeing how none of the conspiracy clips I've seen have hammered his admitting to not practicing into the ground, did they even bother?

I've never seen anyone prove that he ate food or drank water in the month leading up to the shooting, but because he was alive I'm just going to assume he did. Likewise, if they conclude that he was the shooter you kind of have to assume he took a couple of practice shots just to see if the thing was functional after he bought it.

I was curious as to the distance and found this on Wikipedia.

During his Marine Corps service in December 1956, Oswald scored a rating of sharpshooter (twice achieving 48 and 49 out of 50 shots during rapid fire at a stationary target 200 yards [183 m] away using a standard issue M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle), although in May 1959, he qualified as a marksman (a lower classification than that of sharpshooter). Military experts, after examining his records, characterized his firearms proficiency as "above average" and said he was, when compared to American civilian males of his age, "an excellent shot".

Of course, just after there's a part about someone who says he sucked so who knows.

As for the shot, guess it was like 88 meters? Nothing point blank but not exactly in the range of unthinkable.
The doctors at Parkland were trying to save Kennedy, they never inspected the head wound. They all are on record as agreeing that the autopsy photos do match what they saw. Grodin is a money grubbing fool and was publicly embarrased during the recreation shows.

The basic rules of physics prove no shot from the GK hit Kennedy in the head. He had no injuries on the left side of his head. The trajectory of a bullet from the GK would have hit Jackie after hitting JFK.

Really watch the Zapruder film in HD. Ignore the myth of back and to the left as it means nothing about the direction of the bullet. The Zapruder film as well as enhanced versions of films from the opposite side of Elm clearly show a bloody mist going forward. You can actually see a skull fragment flying forward and up from his head. And the most damning evidence to the conspiracy theorists is you can clearly see the flap of scalp that is seen in the autopsy photos above his right ear. The doctors at Parkland did not see this because Jackie closed it as they road to the hospital.

Six doctors from Parkland were interviewed and one nurse. One said he was six inches from the head wound. Every one of them said the back of his head was blasted out in Grodens film. The comment that they didnt bother to look at the head wound while they were working on him is as big a fantasy as the WCR. They also said the autopsy photos dont match what they saw in the ER. Zapruder film has been altered, Stevie Wonder can see the black dot in the lower rear portion of JFKs head after the fatal shot. It shows back and to the left just perfect though.
Six doctors from Parkland were interviewed and one nurse. One said he was six inches from the head wound. Every one of them said the back of his head was blasted out in Grodens film. The comment that they didnt bother to look at the head wound while they were working on him is as big a fantasy as the WCR. They also said the autopsy photos dont match what they saw in the ER. Zapruder film has been altered, Stevie Wonder can see the black dot in the lower rear portion of JFKs head after the fatal shot. It shows back and to the left just perfect though.

There is absolutely no black dot. Groden is a hack out to make a buck. So where did this shot that blew out the back of his head come from?

Kennedy is leaning to his left and facing slightly left of center at the time of the head shot, correct? You do know that the Grassy Knoll was just slightly infront of the car at that time right?

Kennedy is facing away from the GK and the GK is as more to the side than to the front so just how does a shot from the right side, of a target facing to the left away from the shot blow out the rear right of his head?
another strange thing about the shooting: snipers will tell you when having to fire shot after shot invariably the first shot is the most accurate-you have the most time to set it up and get ready. Yet supposedly Oswald got better with each succeeding shot.

His first shot was obscured by a tree. As Kennedy emerged, the shot was clear
Warren comision report fiction. I doubt LHO fired a shot. No gunshot residue on his cheek. No one saw him on the stairs after the shot. I think he had knowledge that is all. Parkland Dr's describe JFK's head wound as frontal. See Robert Grodin film a case for conspiracy on Youtube, all taken from photographic evidence and eye witness accounts. Pay close attention to six Parkland Dr's when they see government faked autopsy photos. Eleven rail road workers standing on over pass heard a shot from under the tree branch on grassy knoll and all saw smoke after, testimony conveniently ignored by Warren comision. Mobster waltzes in to DPD basement two days later for clean up job, hey that happens every day right?

IIRC, the paraffin test you refer to never exisited back then.

Ruby was far from a mobster. He was certainly known by them, but his mob ties are greatly exaggerated. Yes, it was pure chance that brought Ruby to the station that day.
IIRC, the paraffin test you refer to never exisited back then.

Ruby was far from a mobster. He was certainly known by them, but his mob ties are greatly exaggerated. Yes, it was pure chance that brought Ruby to the station that day.

And it was pure chance that Oswald was brought down threw that hallway at that specific time.

The position of the car that Oswald was going to be taken in also played a part in all this, it was just by chance that the car wasn't in the right spot.
And it was pure chance that Oswald was brought down threw that hallway at that specific time.

The position of the car that Oswald was going to be taken in also played a part in all this, it was just by chance that the car wasn't in the right spot.

Oswald was cold so they delayed a few minutes to find him a sweater.

All the TV lights and flashes from cameras badly obsured the vision of the transfer unit as well...they could not see Ruby coming.
IIRC, the paraffin test you refer to never exisited back then.

Ruby was far from a mobster. He was certainly known by them, but his mob ties are greatly exaggerated. Yes, it was pure chance that brought Ruby to the station that day.

I guess while you were busy studying the Warren Report you must have missed this little nugget.

Kennedy replied: "I think that's true. He talked about that. He publicly supported the Warren Commission report but privately he was dismissive of it."

He said his father had investigators do research into the assassination and found that phone records of Oswald and nightclub owner Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald two days after the president's assassination, "were like an inventory" of mafia leaders the government had been investigating.

He said his father, later elected U.S. senator in New York, was "fairly convinced" that others were involved.


OOPS! Let me guess, RFK was nuts and didnt have the means to check this out. Whatever gets you through the night.
Oswald was cold so they delayed a few minutes to find him a sweater.

All the TV lights and flashes from cameras badly obsured the vision of the transfer unit as well...they could not see Ruby coming.


Back in 1982, I was attending college for the first time and attended a talk given by comedian/activist/social commentator Dick Gregory and Dick was very pro-conspiracy. He talked about the infamous "3 Hobo" photo and how/why JFK was killed via a conspiracy. Today we don't even hear much about that photo, but it spurred on my interest in the case... much of my time spent on the pro-conspiracy side of the ledger.

But over the years so much anti-conspiracy information has come forward that my belief in the pro-conspiracy possibility has become weak.

I look at things like the Lee Bowers statements. The pro-conspiracy side points out the Bowers statements that make it seem he saw a shooter-team behind the fence on the grassy knoll. But when you go back to read what he actually said... Well he doesn't say he saw a shooter-team behind the fence on the grassy knoll. Bowers statements were twisted and then his accidental death was put in the "He was killed because he knew too much" list.

Back in 1982, I was attending college for the first time and attended a talk given by comedian/activist/social commentator Dick Gregory and Dick was very pro-conspiracy. He talked about the infamous "3 Hobo" photo and how/why JFK was killed via a conspiracy. Today we don't even hear much about that photo, but it spurred on my interest in the case... much of my time spent on the pro-conspiracy side of the ledger..

But over the years so much anti-conspiracy information has come forward that my belief in the pro-conspiracy possibility has become weak.

I look at things like the Lee Bowers statements. The pro-conspiracy side points out the Bowers statements that make it seem he saw a shooter-team behind the fence on the grassy knoll. But when you go back to read what he actually said... Well he doesn't say he saw a shooter-team behind the fence on the grassy knoll. Bowers statements were twisted and then his accidental death was put in the "He was killed because he knew too much" list.

Much of the truth got twisted.

Late 60's on the JFK case became big business. Most of these people were only interested in the money.

Sad part is every made up or twisted theory became folklore and got repeated by the following writer. Case in point, as I posted before, CE 399 the so-called magic bullet. A bullet that was far from prestine and a shot path that did not stop, turn, drop and turn again. Yet that same zig-zag drawing shows up in every book.

The head wound is the same. These doctors were trying to save his life. The wound itself was partially closed by Jackie in the car...she testified she was trying to hold his hair on. So as he lies on the table with all that hair, blood and brain matter coming from behind that skull flap it would be very easy to think that there was an exit wound behind his ear. All the doctors testified that they did not lift his head to examine the wound.

The case comes down to having non-ballestic experts do the autopsy. They assumed that the front neck wound was an emergency life saving proceedure so they never dissected the wound path. Had a competent medical examiner done the autopsy much of the doubt would not have occurred.
Don't think there's any conspiracy about what went down.

The why of it is foggy though.

I think what history shows us though is, ... things.. tend to happen when you go after the FED.
I guess while you were busy studying the Warren Report you must have missed this little nugget.


OOPS! Let me guess, RFK was nuts and didnt have the means to check this out. Whatever gets you through the night.

So what was to gain?

With all the mob guys that turned and went into witness protection not one spilled the beans, huh?

That is what is sooooooooo funny about all of this. So the mob hired the hit, the secret service played a role, than you had a CIA and FBI cover-up, you have doctored film, pictures and bodies. Just how many people do you have in this conspiracy? 50? 100? 1,000? 10, 000? It becomes so big that it is laughable.

Almost 51 years have passed and with all of these conspirators not one leak. Not one shread of actual evidence has surfaced.

People are so quick to grasp any theory, no matter how far fatched it is, yet won't enter the possibility that what was said to have happened actually did.
So what was to gain?

With all the mob guys that turned and went into witness protection not one spilled the beans, huh?

That is what is sooooooooo funny about all of this. So the mob hired the hit, the secret service played a role, than you had a CIA and FBI cover-up, you have doctored film, pictures and bodies. Just how many people do you have in this conspiracy? 50? 100? 1,000? 10, 000? It becomes so big that it is laughable.

Almost 51 years have passed and with all of these conspirators not one leak. Not one shread of actual evidence has surfaced.

People are so quick to grasp any theory, no matter how far fatched it is, yet won't enter the possibility that what was said to have happened actually did.

What was to gain was RFK knew what really happened before JFK's body was in the ground. That is why he couldnt be allowed to live to become president. Alot of well known people were looking at prison. BTW Howard hunt talked before he died, kind of a major leak dont ya think.
What was to gain was RFK knew what really happened before JFK's body was in the ground. That is why he couldnt be allowed to live to become president. Alot of well known people were looking at prison. BTW Howard hunt talked before he died, kind of a major leak dont ya think.

LOL so a confession through his son to Rolling Stone is a smoking gun?

Since you love the son hearsay proof how about Woody Harrelson's dad....priceless.
Anyone who qualifies with the rifle in the Marines is an excellent shot even by military standards. The fact he shot on a sharpshooter level pre qualification is significant as the conditions during qualification may be subpar. I shot high expert all week. I was selected to qualify in the morning which was in February. It was nice all week and then that morning so cold you couldn't feel your fingers after awhile and the wind was blowing so hard you could barely hit the freehand target. The point still is a trained shooter could easily make those shots. It's not a guarantee.
So tell me where a second shooter was?

Cause I can't wait to shoot them down.

Sewer? No shot from there.

Triple overpass? Too visable and windshield is in the way.

Grassy Knoll? Wrong angle and limited view. A shot from there would have exited the left side...no wound and Jackie was not hit.

Sixth floor School Book Depository? First shot? Likely hit traffic signal and deflected and caused the Taque wound. Second shot? Perfect line back through Connelly and Kennedy leads directly to the 6th floor window. Third shot? Again, perfect line back to the 6th floor window.
This case still intrigues the heck out of me. I have to say that Stone's JFK piqued my interest although I know there are major holes all over the conspiracy theories. He tells a great story though.

I still can't believe how close in Dealey Plaza is. I've visited twice and can totally see how an expert shot could have been successful. Was Oswald an expert shot? I've heard everything from "expert marksman" to "shaky legs" that he was allegedly referred to in the Corps.

Film, videos, and movies make the area look much larger than it is in person.
This case still intrigues the heck out of me. I have to say that Stone's JFK piqued my interest although I know there are major holes all over the conspiracy theories. He tells a great story though.

I still can't believe how close in Dealey Plaza is. I've visited twice and can totally see how an expert shot could have been successful. Was Oswald an expert shot? I've heard everything from "expert marksman" to "shaky legs" that he was allegedly referred to in the Corps.

Film, videos, and movies make the area look much larger than it is in person.

JFK was the most propagandistic movie this side of the *****.

It was entirely fiction...Garrison was a well known showman and crook. An entire generation saw his skillfull use of real footage and bought into every myth out there.

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