JFK assassination– conspiracy or not...

please, don't be blind

I gotta say that for better than 20 years I thought the single bullet theory was all bosh, but after seeing recreations that show that it wasn't just possible, but strongly possible... Well that's why I'm now much more so on the "It was Oswald and only Oswald" side of the ledger.
I gotta say that for better than 20 years I thought the single bullet theory was all bosh, but after seeing recreations that show that it wasn't just possible, but strongly possible... Well that's why I'm now much more so on the "It was Oswald and only Oswald" side of the ledger.

I remember seeing the Zapruder film on Goodnight America with Geraldo Rivera and I was hooked. The American public has been exposed for well over 30 years to one conspiracy theory after another. From guns in umbrellas and sewers to Kennedy's body was stolen and surgically altered with switched coffins on the way from Dallas to Bethesda.

The trouble is that with all that being put forth the other side was never really examined. It was easier to create a conspiracy than to really look at the facts. And with each passing theory the same untruths kept being repeated and soon became the "facts" in the case.

The magic bullet was presented as if it was shot into cotton wadding and was prestine. The truth is it was severely dented on the side and pinched at the end...the damaged areas are crucial to understanding what happened that day. Then we are told that this bullet had to turn one way, hover, turn the other way, and then go down. The facts are that the limo's back seat was much higher than the rumble seat and the rumble seat was 6 inches farther inside the car. Elm also has a downward decline going away from the SBD which also changed the angle.

The bullet struck Kennedy in the upper back. Photo evidence shows that his shirt and jacket had risen up which is why the hole in the shirt and jacket seems lower than the wound in the back. It passed through Kennedy knicking his vertebra, which caused the involuntary reaction where his hands locked at his throat, and because of the combination of striking the vertebra and the tightness of his neck from his tie began tumbling. It hit Connelly going sideways in his back by his armpit leaving a keyhole wound. It then struck and broke his rib...why was the damage on CE399 important? Because it struck the rib sideways which dented the bullet. It left a large wound in his chest because it was still tumbling and entered his wrist backwards...pinching the back end of the bullet. It then barely penetrated the skin of his thigh.

Now all the conspricy theories point out the mangled test fired bullets into cadvers wrists. All well and good except the test is flawed. The test fire is going full speed, nose first into the wrist bone. The bullet that struck Connelly's wrist was going less than half its top speed by then and struck rear first. Test fires with reduced loads withstood far less damage to the bullet and the test bullets during the recreation through two synthetic torsos striking bones after tumbling came out of the test nearly identical to CE 399.
I gotta say that for better than 20 years I thought the single bullet theory was all bosh, but after seeing recreations that show that it wasn't just possible, but strongly possible... Well that's why I'm now much more so on the "It was Oswald and only Oswald" side of the ledger.

Break on less to the other side.
(4:05 mark of video)
"Milteer: H*ll, they'll pick up somebody within hours after,
if anything like that would happen...just to throw the public off."
Oswald qualified as a sharpshooter in the Marines.

He got off three shots in 8.4 seconds. Not the 5 that conspiracy buffs hang to. Three shots in eight seconds is very doable.

I'm not sure about the strange orders given by the SS. If you mean publicizing the route...that was fairly standard. If you mean removing the bubble top on the limo, that was JFK himself that ordered it off.

^^ This. Oswald was a highly competent Marine-trained gunman. I also saw an analysis done that showed it may not have been 8.4 seconds. It may have been about 12. Oswald may have taken his first shot before the Zapruder film started (a film with no sound), and that shot hit a street lamp and therefore missed. There was some evidence that that is what happened. 3 shots in 8.4 seconds, 2 of them hits, doable. 3 shots in 12 seconds, 2 hits, very doable. It's also no surprise at all that he was able to hit his target. I went to the School Book Depository to look for myself. At that distance, I thought I could have made the shot myself, and I'm not Marine-trained. It was a very makeble shot, unfortunately.

They've also done analysis of the angle from the grassy knoll and have proven the shots that hit could not have come from there. At that angle a hit would have gone through the President and likely would have hit Mrs. Kennedy, wounding or killing her. If by some miracle it had missed her, it would then hit the car door by her.

No, folks, Oswald was the only gunman. Is it still possible there was a conspiracy and he was who was put up to this? That's possible, but it's not proven. It does look suspicious that Jack Ruby killed Oswald before they had a chance to get any information from him. It looks suspicious, though that's not proof of a conspiracy.

The craziest of conspiracy theories are all nonsense. There's one that says the driver did it. That's ridiculous. Governor Conelly, his wife, and Jackie Kennedy were right there. They would have seen that and reported it. There's another theory (to use the term loosely) that Kennedy but the up to it as an elaborate suicide to guarantee going into history as a great president. That one's laughable. There's another that says a future version of JFK came back in time and arranged it to prevent World War III. That's another laughable one. Someone's been watching too much Star Trek.

If it was done by the Cubans, they've done a great job covering their tracks. I don't think they did. To do so and get caught could have provoked a war and the occupation of their country. And the choice of Oswald as their sharp shooter would be a strange one indeed. He was a competent gunman, but an unstable man. It's also unlikely that the Soviets would have risked all out war by doing this. Was it LBJ? He did have something to gain by Kennedy's death, but thus far there hasn't been any proof that he engineered something so sinister. Was it Nixon? That would make more sense if Nixon had been planning to run in '64, which he wasn't.

Some day we may have technology that allows us to peer back into time, kind of lack a historical surveillance system. We may never know until we get that technology.
They've also done analysis of the angle from the grassy knoll and have proven the shots that hit could not have come from there. At that angle a hit would have gone through the President and likely would have hit Mrs. Kennedy, wounding or killing her.

I guess you never heard of an exploding bullet. Ever think WHY Kennedy's head exploded? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ritchson.htm
I guess you never heard of an exploding bullet. Ever think WHY Kennedy's head exploded? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ritchson.htm

What a load of balogna. Every bit of the physical evidence points to the bullet coming from Oswald's perch in the Book Depository and absolutely zero points to the grassy knoll. Even with an exploding bullet, the wound would have been on the right side of Kennedy's head, not in the back where it was. They've reconstructed this over and over with computer models, dummies, etc. Both hits were from Oswald. He was a competent marksman, the wounds match his rifle, his fingerprints were on that rifle. No bullet from anyone other than Oswald went into Kennedy. The only way for there to have been another gunman is if he missed and also avoided capture. Highly unlikely.

Does this prove beyond all doubt that there was no conspiracy? No, it doesn't because it's possible that someone put Oswald up to this. It's possible, but not proven. Given the unstable and pathetic little man that he was, that seems unlikely. It's not out of the question, but it's unlikely. Oswald did have motive to kill Kennedy. Oswald was a pro-Cuba Marxist who resented Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs.

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