JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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It is a great and legit mystery.

On a side note; this thread also reminded me that we actually have real people in this forum that still think the USA never went to the moon.
Once I learned how strongly some believe that, very little surprises me as far people's beliefs on various conspiracies.
The CowboysZone probably has someone, somewhere that even think the aliens in the original movie "Alien" were real and that it was live footage that Hollywood and the US govt made into a movie to cover it up.:omg::lmao:
It is a great and legit mystery.

On a side note; this thread also reminded me that we actually have real people in this forum that still think the USA never went to the moon.
Once I learned how strongly some believe that, very little surprises me as far people's beliefs on various conspiracies.
The CowboysZone probably has someone, somewhere that even think the aliens in the original movie "Alien" were real and that it was live footage that Hollywood and the US govt made into a movie to cover it up.:omg::lmao:
Any Flat Earther's here? Not me...
I don't know what to think about the Kennedy assassination...

Some days I think it was Oswalt himself because he had a personal vendetta and there was no one else involved.

In other days I think it was a full-fledge conspiracy with multiple shooters.

No matter which option you choose (or something in between) there's proof in support of it and there's proof out there debunking it.
If you watch the latest videos it’s clear as day there were multiple shooters from different positions, unless you don’t understand how a gun works then it’s a mystery to you...
Oh my gosh I’m blind....anyone see that ad of the 40+ singles at the bottom? They change,but it was there. Whoa....good luck to that company.

Ok I lost my train of thought. Let me my scrupples back. Now then...I’ve read the Warren Commision Report. Have that book in fact. Although at face value,there is a wide range of possibilities....it was on the money IMO. (And I’m paraphrasing here,so forgive me if it’s not exactly right ) Him trying to assassinate an old retired military guy a week or 2 earlier,and the things his wife said...as well as the shooting of another officer,and what the Russians (and Mexican gov) said in his mental instability...I do not believe anyone did anything but him. It’s a chaotic cast of characters no doubt,but once you pull back and look at all the evidence and circumstances to him,he’s just a nut looking for a place to fit in. Not going to change anyone’s minds obviously,people are in love with the whole idea of a wider conspiracy,and that’s fine. What’s done is done though. And I’ve been there too...that street and grassy knoll square. It’s not a hard shot at all. People make it seem soooo much farther away than it is. I was like...”THAT’S it? That’s not a far distance at all.”
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Oswald did it because, as a Cuba supporter and Marxist, he was angry about Kennedy's Bay of Pigs. He also shot Dallas policeman, JD Tippet. He also had previously attempted to shoot General Walker (unsuccessfully). He had also said he wanted to shoot Dwight D. Eisenhower when he was president, but never had the opportunity, fortunately.
I thought it was already confirmed that there was a second spitter. It was Roger McDowell, he was hiding behind a bush near the gravelly road.

This is great to debate and discuss because we will never know the truth. If it is as you say, the ones that could talk have long since been silenced and the others too culpable to talk or already dead.

I have always thought Johnson had a hand in it because of his relationship with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at that time and his investment and friendship with Bell Helicopter. The Vietnam War made the Bell's, close friends of the Johnson's, and the Johnson's fortunes because of the war and at that time the company and their stock was not doing well. The war not only reversed that but the business exploded.

But, I do not think that was the sole motivator, I believe it was a strong conviction, shared by the Joint Chiefs, that Kennedy was weak on Communism and a danger to the US with China and Russia strengthening, they were fearful of lost ground that might never be recovered and the Berlin Wall and USSR aggression was still fresh on their minds. The Bell side of it only helped it along.

I have never understood how anyone could accept there was one shooter with the evidence to the contrary with that rifle and the magic bullet. No sharpshooter could do what a mediocre marksman supposedly did with that rifle..

What I find interesting is when I have these debates with people who refuse to believe that, it is always based on America is above that. No way they pull a Julius Caesar on JFK. I just laugh and ask them with what they know now about what we send to D.C., do they not think it's possible that people like that existed and could have been thinking they were the patriots, they were saving America. Killing one to save many?

I think the biggest mistake JFK ever made was making his brother the AG. Bobby ruffled feathers in the old guard unlike anyone that had gone before him. It was never just about JFK, it was about "those damned Kennedy's". We will never know what would have happened with the worst thing to happen to this country in my lifetime if they hadn't assassinated him because I think he would have had to eventually get us into it. There were too many for him to fight and at that time this country was full of itself, undefeated unless you count Korea, and the hawk segment was growing as was the USSR's holdings and strength. If he'd stayed out of Vietnam, he never would have won the election in 64 anyway.

I was just a kid of 15 at that time but I can recall out and out hatred for Kennedy only matched by what I have seen for Obama and Trump. I heard people, adults that I knew, saying that was a good thing. It was a very confusing time for a teenager that could care less about politics or about who was President. My parents, lifelong Republicans, cried when the news came down and as they watched his funeral procession. They had never liked him and certainly hadn't voted for him but I was taken back as I watched them react to this.
My Father's Mother would actually physically spit upon the ground every time Harry S Truman's name was mentioned,, if she was in the kitchen ( I remember a scorpion Stung her on the hand when she was putting dishes in the kitchen sink early one morning just after sunrise) she would roll out that back porch refrigerator & ringer washing machine screen door and spit,,,and usually say 'beans' when her grandkids were present;)
Man,ya can't go back,but that was a fond time being a kid( I guess?,,, my dad said they used to ride horses on that ranch over to the spot where a WWII army bomber crashed & they could walk around and find 25 cent sized pieces of crew members skulls with their buzz cut hair still attached to the outside & the bleached white inside laying towards the sun ,he said they got diced up like that ( full bomber crew)when the perforated /corrugated fuselages inner structure crash down on them o_O),,,er,,,)
I don't know what to think about the Kennedy assassination...

Some days I think it was Oswalt himself because he had a personal vendetta and there was no one else involved.

In other days I think it was a full-fledge conspiracy with multiple shooters.

No matter which option you choose (or something in between) there's proof in support of it and there's proof out there debunking it.
Disagree. People see what they want to see. The Zapruder film tells us all we need to know. There is only one direction that the shots came from, the film shows it you can clearly see his head above his ear get blown out, all the forensic evidence shows it, and there is no way that in 55 years that a conspiracy, as big as the conspiracy nuts claim, could have been kept secret.

Three shots, fired by Oswald end of story.
Disagree. People see what they want to see. The Zapruder film tells us all we need to know. There is only one direction that the shots came from, the film shows it you can clearly see his head above his ear get blown out, all the forensic evidence shows it, and there is no way that in 55 years that a conspiracy, as big as the conspiracy nuts claim, could have been kept secret.

Three shots, fired by Oswald end of story.

That plus his behavior was that of a guilty man. He was the only one who worked at the book depository who fled the scene. He killed police officer Tippet when Tippet wanted to question him. He had previously attempted to assassinate General Walker. If Oswald was innocent, why did he not stay at his place of work? Why run?
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