JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Disagree. People see what they want to see. The Zapruder film tells us all we need to know. There is only one direction that the shots came from, the film shows it you can clearly see his head above his ear get blown out, all the forensic evidence shows it, and there is no way that in 55 years that a conspiracy, as big as the conspiracy nuts claim, could have been kept secret.

Three shots, fired by Oswald end of story.
That’s the one thing I kept saying to myself. You mean to say...allll those humans are going to keep a lie as big as that...this whole time? Ha!! We couldn’t keep a secret as big as that if we tried. Someone would have spilled the beans by now. It’s just who we are... Chatty Cathie’s.
:lmao:,,,I've long been considered more than a match in the various forms of fearlessness friend:thumbup:

* man,I'd just 'google-foo'd ' Lee h. Oswald's jar head wiki,,,in '57' he qualified as a 'sharpshooter' which is middle of the road for their prerequisites, as every Marine is a Rifleman first and foremost(it sez' his primary military occupational skill *MOS*was in radar)& then it states in '59' his riflery capabilities degraded to where he qualified as a Rifle Marksman,,,odd? As I seem to recall rifle qualification was an annual aspect we all had to undertake,,, also, that Italian 6.5mm carbine he'd bought thru 'mail order'( boy howdy! Them were the days,as you could've bought a 20mm anti-tank rifle for a couple hundred bucks,,,problem was the cartridges ran about $3 a pop)is a ballistic piece of crap& of mediocre Accuracy,(they had tried to advance beyond that particular WWI rifle design ,but hey! There Italians, ya know?) and shooting in a downward rolling away trajectory he'd scored Two head shots?,,,nuh-huh!!! I doubt he could've hit a target the size of a hot-rods bucket seat let alone one the size a dinner plate twiceo_O
I did at one time own a Carcano Rifle is was a P.O.S My old Remington 700 odd 6 would knock fly's off a cow patty at 300 feet. I have no idea how those shots where made, especially moving. ether fantastic shooting skills and a bit off luck,
I do remember people saying it was revenge for the missile crisis in Cuba. L.Oswald was in Russia and was a communist.
there is allot with J Ruby also that seems a little off too.
I do believe Oswald was in on it.

I do not believe he was the lone shooter.

I'll leave it at that because I can already see that there are some here who want to believe that only their opinion on something can possibly be right. Those are the worst types of people to have to interact with.
It is a great and legit mystery.

On a side note; this thread also reminded me that we actually have real people in this forum that still think the USA never went to the moon.
Once I learned how strongly some believe that, very little surprises me as far people's beliefs on various conspiracies.
The CowboysZone probably has someone, somewhere that even think the aliens in the original movie "Alien" were real and that it was live footage that Hollywood and the US govt made into a movie to cover it up.:omg::lmao:
Once you are open to believe in one conspiracy,you are open to listen about others .Then not so fearful to follow vs the pack of naysayers who try to make anyone open feel foolish..Keep an open mind is what I say.
I don't know what to think about the Kennedy assassination...

Some days I think it was Oswalt himself because he had a personal vendetta and there was no one else involved.

In other days I think it was a full-fledge conspiracy with multiple shooters.

No matter which option you choose (or something in between) there's proof in support of it and there's proof out there debunking it.
Too many connections crossover to be just a coincidence. Oswald knows David Ferrie and Ferrie knows both Carlos Marcello & Jack Ruby. DeMohrenshildt just happens to blow his brains out once he is subpoenaed to testify in 1977. DeMohrenshildt a ring wing wealthy businessman just wants to hang out with Oswald a communist left wing guy who only makes one dollar an hour. That happens all the time.
OK how other power players are involved.

BIG Oil and the Military Industrial Complex. JFK had promised for Big Oil oil allowance breaks while running for election and in January 1963 went back on this promise and said BIG OIL will have to pay a tax. That is going to cost BIG OIL millions and maybe billions. Who is BIG OIL? Texas businessmen like HL Hunt who the afternoon the day before the shooting, has potential suspect and convict from California William Brading in for a job interview and same time Jack Ruby just happens to be dropping off a stripper who wanted a secretarial job at HL Hunt's also....Hunt also met that night before the assassination with LBJ,Richard Nixon,J.Edgar Hoover from LBJ's mistress testimony....JFK also blocked the Hunt's from cornering the silver market which they were trying... JFK is costing them millions...Now how is The Military Industrial Complex involved. JFK has had USSR just build the Berlin Wall without any retaliatory action. Cuba has missiles from the USSR now,The Bay of Pigs fiasco and the War Hawks want to send a message of force to USSR and China about the spread of Communism . They need another country to show that the USA will not stand for this. VIETNAM is that 3rd party country,but JFK wants to keep us out of war and now the WARHAWKS realize Vietnam would fall if JFK gets his way and just keep the communist keep coming and during the height of The Cold War. Military Industrial Complex also wanted to make money and Texas was big into military factories.It comes down to money. So money to be lost in OIL and NO WAR. Yet they have a friend in LBJ that can help them vs JFK. LBJ is 2nd fiddle to a snotnose rich trust fund kid who has pretty well made LBJ powerless as the VP and the Kennedy's are going to throw him off the ticket by both secretaries for JFK and LBJ admission and replace LBJ with a Democrat that thought like JFK Gov. Sanford of North Carolina. LBJ also is under Senate investigation for corruption. LBJ lost a bitter Democratic runoff to JFK ,but if JFK wanted any chance of getting Texas and the south to become President.Then LBJ had to become the VP. Think Trump and say Ted Cruz together.
JFK in 1964 without LBJ would be facing Barry Goldwater who even said he would have started WW3 with USSR later,but JFK was looking weak and JFK's haters wanted this to stop.

LBJ goes to jail for corruption then and also all the other corrupt criminals. The Chicago Mob who push through the 1960 election for JFK felt betrayed. Guys like Sam Giacana head of the Chicago mob. who JFK also had an affair with his girlfriend Judith Exner. Other Mobsters like Carlos Marcello hated JFK because Marcello was from Sicily yet said he was from Guatemala and JFK at one point had the FBI deport Marcello to Guatemala and dropped him in the jungles to fend for himself.RFK is all over The Mob and J.Edgar Hoover you think was againist the Mafia might not have been as squeaky clean. Hoover went after bank robbers like John Dilliger,Bonnie & Clyde,and Machine Gun Kelly,but when then did guys more connected to organized crime get by like Myra Lansky and Lucky Luciano? Before that one Mafiaso went in front of the Senate to talk about the 5 crime families,Hoover said "Mafia is a myth".. Maybe because Hoover had his own hidden secrets that LBJ and the Mob knew of him being gay and wearing dresses.LBJ was neigbors to Hoover.Exposed as being gay back then would have ruined Hoover. .... Hoover did not care for JFK also because he saw what he had done to Allen Dulles the head of the CIA....To be continued
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55 years and not one piece of credible evidence that changes the official results, yet every passing year better forensic tools come about and every test, recreation, and simulation says the same thing...3 shots, from behind, from the 6th floor of the TSBD, fired from Oswald's gun.

Fuzzy pictures, innuendo, and outright make believe versus actual indisputable evidence. Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people involved yet nobody has talked. It is laughable, and I grew up reading every book, watching every documentary, and if you have an actual open mind the most difficult take is that Oswald did it alone.

I look at it like this, we hate the way the sports media cover sports now where all they do is pick up on a tweet, blow it up, and before you know it a rumor is being reported as fact everywhere. The JFK case is just like that. A few guys early on presented faulty information, misrepresented witness testimony, documents, and facts like mysterious deaths to sell some books. Next thing you know people realized there was money to be made, so the incorrect info already out there gets repeated, making it seem completely legit, and new made up stuff gets added. Then the Zapruder film gets seen on Goodnight America and the money grab blows up. Back and to the left becomes the rally cry, even though it has no merit scientifically as to where a shot came from. The film itself clearly shows the right, top side of JFK's head getting blown out. Everything is going up and forward, a shot from the front is not leaving blood and brains in front of the president. Two fragments of the last shot were found in the limo, both in the front of the car, one denting the chrome above the windshield.

A shot from the front does not line up with the wounds, people think back and left means right and front for the shot, but JFK's head at the time of the shot is facing down and to his left, a shot from the right front would have exited the left side of his head and not one single person from witnesses at the shooting, to Parkland, to the autopsy, to every follow up investigation has said there was damage to anywhere but the right side of his head. The fatal shot hit him just to the right of the center of his skull about 3 inches from the top of his collar and came out above his right ear. It blew out a fist-sized hole and tore a flap in his scalp that hung down by his right ear. The defect in his head is clearly seen in the Zapruder film as Jackie climbs on the trunk, she also testified that she was trying to hold his hair on...she closed the flap.
They did because he was going to derail something they had been working on for deacdes.
I did at one time own a Carcano Rifle is was a P.O.S My old Remington 700 odd 6 would knock fly's off a cow patty at 300 feet. I have no idea how those shots where made, especially moving. ether fantastic shooting skills and a bit off luck,
I do remember people saying it was revenge for the missile crisis in Cuba. L.Oswald was in Russia and was a communist.
there is allot with J Ruby also that seems a little off too.
Cool!,,, the ballistic trajectory table has the projo printing 10" high @ that distance plus he's cracking off rapid fire in an downward angle ,further floating those projectile's higher,,,there was a reason field Commanders' in black powder days instructed troops to not aim 'above the knees' on enemies charging uphill

* he paid $29.95 for a surplus s&w #10 victory model& only $19.95 for the rifle( he'd ordered it with telescopic sights already installed)
55 years and not one piece of credible evidence that changes the official results, yet every passing year better forensic tools come about and every test, recreation, and simulation says the same thing...3 shots, from behind, from the 6th floor of the TSBD, fired from Oswald's gun.

Fuzzy pictures, innuendo, and outright make believe versus actual indisputable evidence. Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people involved yet nobody has talked. It is laughable, and I grew up reading every book, watching every documentary, and if you have an actual open mind the most difficult take is that Oswald did it alone.

I look at it like this, we hate the way the sports media cover sports now where all they do is pick up on a tweet, blow it up, and before you know it a rumor is being reported as fact everywhere. The JFK case is just like that. A few guys early on presented faulty information, misrepresented witness testimony, documents, and facts like mysterious deaths to sell some books. Next thing you know people realized there was money to be made, so the incorrect info already out there gets repeated, making it seem completely legit, and new made up stuff gets added. Then the Zapruder film gets seen on Goodnight America and the money grab blows up. Back and to the left becomes the rally cry, even though it has no merit scientifically as to where a shot came from. The film itself clearly shows the right, top side of JFK's head getting blown out. Everything is going up and forward, a shot from the front is not leaving blood and brains in front of the president. Two fragments of the last shot were found in the limo, both in the front of the car, one denting the chrome above the windshield.

A shot from the front does not line up with the wounds, people think back and left means right and front for the shot, but JFK's head at the time of the shot is facing down and to his left, a shot from the right front would have exited the left side of his head and not one single person from witnesses at the shooting, to Parkland, to the autopsy, to every follow up investigation has said there was damage to anywhere but the right side of his head. The fatal shot hit him just to the right of the center of his skull about 3 inches from the top of his collar and came out above his right ear. It blew out a fist-sized hole and tore a flap in his scalp that hung down by his right ear. The defect in his head is clearly seen in the Zapruder film as Jackie climbs on the trunk, she also testified that she was trying to hold his hair on...she closed the flap.

BlindZebra I have never said the Kill Shot came from the front I have always said that shot came from the back and left because that is the exit wound on the right front of the head. Now there is a possibility that almost a simultatanous shot came from the grassy knoll making JFK's head go back and that is actually what witness Lee Bowers said he heard from the tower behind the knoll fence. Bowers heard 1 shot and then 2 more real quick like right upon each other. I have told you previously who I thought made that KILLSHOT when you look at the Zapruder Film. Mary Moorman has the angle for the shot and open to take it. I believe Moorman is holding a CIA camera gun which they invented in the 1950's. Moorman talked to a local news station and then shut up for over 50 years and when she did talked she suspected who I thought is on the Grassy Knoll and that was Officier Tippit when you compare to the Badgeman photo. I believe the 1st shooter was William Brading in the Dal-Tex building.Caught in the Dal-Tex building and Brading's friend who drove him there took off fleeing when Brading was caught. The shooting is very similar to what snipers are taught in the military. Surround the target with several snipers and each take a shot and confuse the target where the firing is coming from. That is actually what the witnesses said at Dealy Plaza because they could not agree where the shots came from...... My key witness who I believe is Lee Bowers the witness in the train tower behind the Knoll and by 1967 over 100 witness had died including Bowers. JUST A COINCIDENCE the odds don't support that witnesses dying that fast after the assassination 3 1/ 2 years...Bowers brother had said Lee had gone missing for 2 or 3 days and when he came back he was missing a finger and Lee wouldn't say what happened later that month Lee Bowers has an aneurism and dies along a long lonely road. .....Oswald gets arrested by half of the Dallas Police Department at the Texas Theatre because of a call of a guy sneaking into a movie theatre without paying.Seriously we need more than 2 cops for a guy sneaking into movie to be investigated?......

Oswald and Ferrie's names appear in Claw Shaw's guest list in New Orleans at his home. Jim Garrison was onto the trail. Later after the Oliver Stone JFK movie, Richard Helms admitted that Claw Shaw did work for the CIA.

So many things just don't add up right. The Magical Bullet? Officier Tippitt is going to stop Oswald on witness reports of a guy 6 floors up in the TSBD who is 5'-6" to 5'-8" 140 to 165 lbs. Really you can tell how tall and how much a guy weighs standing from the ground and looking 6 floors up???? Oswald's picture with the rifle and the shadows don't add up correctly and WHO HAD THIS PHOTO AND GAVE TO THE AUTHORITIES??? The DeMohrenshildt's.The same guy who blows his brains out when notified he has to testify in 1977.
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Mary Moorman doesn't talk to the Warren Commission. One of the closest witnesses to the shooting of the President and she couldn.t help them because she sprained her ankle. Seriously??? The whole nation needs answers and she can't talk to the Warren Commission? Everyone would have thought it was their duty to help as a witness........

Seconds before the head shot and Jackie is leaning all over JFK and she comes out unscathed. Everyone thinks that killshot is far away and I say it's close and this close

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BlindZebra I have never said the Kill Shot came from the front I have always said that shot came from the back and left because that is the exit wound on the right front of the head. Now there is a possibility that almost a simultatanous shot came from the grassy knoll making JFK's head go back and that is actually what witness Lee Bowers said he heard from the tower behind the knoll fence. Bowers heard 1 shot and then 2 more real quick like right upon each other. I have told you previously who I thought made that KILLSHOT when you look at the Zapruder Film. Mary Moorman has the angle for the shot and open to take it. I believe Moorman is holding a CIA camera gun which they invented in the 1950's. Moorman talked to a local news station and then shut up for over 50 years and when she did talked she suspected who I thought is on the Grassy Knoll and that was Officier Tippit when you compare to the Badgeman photo. I believe the 1st shooter was William Brading in the Dal-Tex building.Caught in the Dal-Tex building and Brading's friend who drove him there took off fleeing when Brading was caught. The shooting is very similar to what snipers are taught in the military. Surround the target with several snipers and each take a shot and confuse the target where the firing is coming from. That is actually what the witnesses said at Dealy Plaza because they could not agree where the shots came from...... My key witness who I believe is Lee Bowers the witness in the train tower behind the Knoll and by 1967 over 100 witness had died including Bowers. JUST A COINCIDENCE the odds don't support that witnesses dying that fast after the assassination 3 1/ 2 years...Bowers brother had said Lee had gone missing for 2 or 3 days and when he came back he was missing a finger and Lee wouldn't say what happened later that month Lee Bowers has an aneurism and dies along a long lonely road. .....Oswald gets arrested by half of the Dallas Police Department at the Texas Theatre because of a call of a guy sneaking into a movie theatre without paying.Seriously we need more than 2 cops for a guy sneaking into movie to be investigated?......

Oswald and Ferrie's names appear in Claw Shaw's guest list in New Orleans at his home. Jim Garrison was onto the trail. Later after the Oliver Stone JFK movie, Richard Helms admitted that Claw Shaw did work for the CIA.

So many things just don't add up right. The Magical Bullet? Officier Tippitt is going to stop Oswald on witness reports of a guy 6 floors up in the TSBD who is 5'-6" to 5'-8" 140 to 165 lbs. Really you can tell how tall and how much a guy weighs standing from the ground and looking 6 floors up???? Oswald's picture with the rifle and the shadows don't add up correctly and WHO HAD THIS PHOTO AND GAVE TO THE AUTHORITIES??? The DeMohrenshildt's.The same guy who blows his brains out when notified he has to testify in 1977.
WHOA!,,,,THERES ENTIRELY way too much to chew on in that single post,Timber2.
Mary Moorman doesn't talk to the Warren Commission. One of the closest witnesses to the shooting of the President and she couldn.t help them because she sprained her ankle. Seriously??? The whole nation needs answers and she can't talk to the Warren Commission? Everyone would have thought it was their duty to help as a witness........

Seconds before the head shot and Jackie is leaning all over JFK and she comes out unscathed. Everyone thinks that killshot is far away and I say it's close and this close

Ridiculous, there was no damage on the left side of his head. Jackie is in the way, plus the wound path went back to front, not side to side.
Ridiculous, there was no damage on the left side of his head. Jackie is in the way, plus the wound path went back to front, not side to side.
It's my understanding the targeted head went 'back& to the left' upon impact with a significant amount of ejectment from the fatal head shot of the :target: landing on the trunks lid,,,that's a right dandy trick in the realm of applied physics & the law of inertia,,,considering Oswald was firing from an elavated rearward position at a moving away target,,,the "stuff" should've ejected all over the inside of the windshield & lumped up on the dashboardo_O
3 guys are left alive ........ after those 3 are dead in the next 10 years some of the truth will come out.
It's my understanding the targeted head went 'back& to the left' upon impact with a significant amount of ejectment from the fatal head shot of the :target: landing on the trunks lid,,,that's a right dandy trick in the realm of applied physics & the law of inertia,,,considering Oswald was firing from an elavated rearward position at a moving away target,,,the "stuff" should've ejected all over the inside of the windshield & lumped up on the dashboardo_O
The thing is that almost all of the matter went up and forward, what was on the trunk was because the car was moving so what went up, came down on the trunk. Elm street was on a downwards slope so the elevation was not a big factor. And there was blood, brain matter, and bullet fragments all over the car in front of JFK's position.
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