JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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55 years and not one piece of credible evidence that changes the official results, yet every passing year better forensic tools come about and every test, recreation, and simulation says the same thing...3 shots, from behind, from the 6th floor of the TSBD, fired from Oswald's gun.

Fuzzy pictures, innuendo, and outright make believe versus actual indisputable evidence. Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people involved yet nobody has talked. It is laughable, and I grew up reading every book, watching every documentary, and if you have an actual open mind the most difficult take is that Oswald did it alone.

I look at it like this, we hate the way the sports media cover sports now where all they do is pick up on a tweet, blow it up, and before you know it a rumor is being reported as fact everywhere. The JFK case is just like that. A few guys early on presented faulty information, misrepresented witness testimony, documents, and facts like mysterious deaths to sell some books. Next thing you know people realized there was money to be made, so the incorrect info already out there gets repeated, making it seem completely legit, and new made up stuff gets added. Then the Zapruder film gets seen on Goodnight America and the money grab blows up. Back and to the left becomes the rally cry, even though it has no merit scientifically as to where a shot came from. The film itself clearly shows the right, top side of JFK's head getting blown out. Everything is going up and forward, a shot from the front is not leaving blood and brains in front of the president. Two fragments of the last shot were found in the limo, both in the front of the car, one denting the chrome above the windshield.

A shot from the front does not line up with the wounds, people think back and left means right and front for the shot, but JFK's head at the time of the shot is facing down and to his left, a shot from the right front would have exited the left side of his head and not one single person from witnesses at the shooting, to Parkland, to the autopsy, to every follow up investigation has said there was damage to anywhere but the right side of his head. The fatal shot hit him just to the right of the center of his skull about 3 inches from the top of his collar and came out above his right ear. It blew out a fist-sized hole and tore a flap in his scalp that hung down by his right ear. The defect in his head is clearly seen in the Zapruder film as Jackie climbs on the trunk, she also testified that she was trying to hold his hair on...she closed the flap.

I think a big part of it is people find it hard to accept that a peon like Oswald could bring down a powerful and important man like Kennedy. It would be easier to accept if a powerful person or organization were behind it, such as LBJ, the CIA, or the Soviets. The truth that's hard to accept is that sometimes a pathetic little man like Oswald can have a profound impact on history. Gavrilo Princip started World War I by shooting Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Princip was not an important person. He was just a sad little terrorist, but he changed the world.
The thing is that almost all of the matter went up and forward, what was on the trunk was because the car was moving so what went up, came down on the trunk. Elm street was on a downwards slope so the elevation was not a big factor. And there was blood, brain matter, and bullet fragments all over the car in front of JFK's position.
I can Copy That, yet it'll never explain that whole " back& to the left" thats pretty much been replayed to beyond morbidity with the fatal wound imparted by a relatively high velocity projo of energy imparting design,to "pop a presidential pomegranate" like that! something Oswald's rifle wasn't really designed for,with full patch round nose cartridges that I'd could only safely assume ,were the only readily available ammo(military surplus ammunition) loaded from single stack en-block "clip",,, ( there within lies the rub in the misinformation of devolved terminology between: clip & magazine),,, it's a horrid hairy deal, FRIEND! all the way around ,with that assassination:(
I can Copy That, yet it'll never explain that whole " back& to the left" thats pretty much been replayed to beyond morbidity with the fatal wound imparted by a relatively high velocity projo of energy imparting design,to "pop a presidential pomegranate" like that! something Oswald's rifle wasn't really designed for,with full patch round nose cartridges that I'd could only safely assume ,were the only readily available ammo(military surplus ammunition) loaded from single stack en-block "clip",,, ( there within lies the rub in the misinformation of devolved terminology between: clip & magazine),,, it's a horrid hairy deal, FRIEND! all the way around ,with that assassination:(
It is called a jet effect. The head is a vacuum and when he was hit his head moves forward very fast, and as the matter sprays out it pushes him back. No gun shot expert has ever said that movement is an indication of direction. It is a movie influence, where we see people shot and go flying, it doesn't happen like that in real life.
It is called a jet effect. The head is a vacuum and when he was hit his head moves forward very fast, and as the matter sprays out it pushes him back. No gun shot expert has ever said that movement is an indication of direction. It is a movie influence, where we see people shot and go flying, it doesn't happen like that in real life.
Well, I've rifle& pistol HEAD shot enough deer& 'varmints' to KNOW not to swallow that "jet effect" ejactulate ,along with that ,,,er,,,"head is a vacuum" :lmao:(maybe yer's operates in the suck mode engaged),,,seriously?,,, yer' actually trying to float this crap yer' spewing with a straight face?,,,:lmao2::lmao::lmao2:

* I pray to God you respond to this post,,,:thumbup:
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I bartended for a number of years and on Nov 22nd would make this drink called the Kennedy Head Shot.

The selling point was....the first one will burn your throat, but the second will blow your mind.


There is a documentary out suggesting George H. Bush orchestrated the assassination. I lived about 40 minutes north of Dallas on the day he was murdered. My father and I were hugely interested in this. We perhaps read every book on the subject up until maybe 8 years ago. We went to Dealey Plaza and walked it. I stood behind the picket fence. I spent four years in the military and can tell you on an advancing target, I could have made that shot.

Point is there is compelling evidence this was CIA driven. Who set them in motion is certainly obscure, but I lean toward the govt/CIA aided by the Mafia.

But I firmly believe the shooter known as The Badge Man was Roscoe White.
The question you should be asking is this.

Why would Oswald shoot at a retreating target on Elm street, through a tree instead of at an advancing target, closer shot on Houston Street?

Also, YouTube Oswald's Phone Call. Dr. Proctor ( I know, a funny name) researched this little know aspect and has a 2 hour discussion on it. You can cut to about the 58 minute mark and heard the details. But listen after when he starts talking about the CIA assassins school.
I did at one time own a Carcano Rifle is was a P.O.S My old Remington 700 odd 6 would knock fly's off a cow patty at 300 feet. I have no idea how those shots where made, especially moving. ether fantastic shooting skills and a bit off luck,
I do remember people saying it was revenge for the missile crisis in Cuba. L.Oswald was in Russia and was a communist.
there is allot with J Ruby also that seems a little off too.

You know why that rim diameter of the 30-03/30-06 & the .45 acp cartridge casings(and a sack full of follow on subsequent variant cartridges )utilize the same shell holder in reloading& why we'd stayed for so long within those,albeit, effective Dimension parameters?
,,,it is because the U.S. government was unwilling to invest in upgrading the manufacturing of the factory tooling at that time to go with anything more efficient in design/ performance.
Well, I've rifle& pistol HEAD shot enough deer& 'varmints' to KNOW not to swallow that "jet effect" ejactulate ,along with that ,,,er,,,"head is a vacuum" :lmao:(maybe yer's operates in the suck mode engaged),,,seriously?,,, yer' actually trying to float this crap yer' spewing with a straight face?,,,:lmao2::lmao::lmao2:

* I pray to God you respond to this post,,,:thumbup:
It is physics. Check out the old films on **** atrocities and you will see plenty of examples of people moving toward the shooter after being shot. Simple facts are when people get shot there is no hard and fast rule, especially with a head shot. In Kennedy's case he had a back brace on, plus the first shot that hit him damaged the nerves near his spine which caused his arms to lock in that chicken dance posture, the head shot released this locking of his muscles.

https://books.google.com/books?id=7... caused his hands to go to his throat&f=false


Whoa Whoa Whoa....

All the local Dallas Dr’s that examined JFK All stated the killshot came from his right temporal area, Not the back of the head..

Later the Feds got involved, stoled his corpse, his brain, his skull etc, performed some bogus surgery on it to make it appear like he was shot from the back..

The Warren Report???


You mean the doctored cover up???

Ignorance is truly bliss...

I wish I could have lived a sheltered Leave it Beaver life like some of you sheeple.....
It is physics. Check out the old films on **** atrocities and you will see plenty of examples of people moving toward the shooter after being shot. Simple facts are when people get shot there is no hard and fast rule, especially with a head shot. In Kennedy's case he had a back brace on, plus the first shot that hit him damaged the nerves near his spine which caused his arms to lock in that chicken dance posture, the head shot released this locking of his muscles.

https://books.google.com/books?id=7jrKTKDhvfkC&pg=PA474&lpg=PA474&dq=jfk+reaction+to+shot+in+his+back+what+caused+his+hands+to+go+to+his+throat&source=bl&ots=WnnO9EJ_ko&sig=UNzXaIxdgWPkS9iM5UIMDvfQVsI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig7efrhZ3bAhXL5oMKHdDgCXw4ChDoAQheMAk#v=onepage&q=jfk reaction to shot in his back what caused his hands to go to his throat&f=false


  • 'Copy' yet the physics as you claim are 180° in the reverse of which yer' touting.
  • ( I'm not gonna spend 5 seconds watching **** atrocity footage, no way!)
  • Now, a high velocity projo impact of a chickens egg ( and the like)in ultra slow motion, I'll spend hours watching.
  • Which further illustrates the 'point' of the initial first round striking low& locking him in,pretty much like a chicken egg super glued rigidly to the end of a pencil observation
  • If you've watched **** atrocity footage, then I know you've grooved to the slo-mo hi-speed projo impacts,,,,nothing reacts in Any way as like yer' trying to put forth
  • And I really hate it when I finger bump this black dot structured casing-liner formatted reply,,, cuz' I don't know how to get out of it o_O
Whoa Whoa Whoa....

All the local Dallas Dr’s that examined JFK All stated the killshot came from his right temporal area, Not the back of the head..

Later the Feds got involved, stoled his corpse, his brain, his skull etc, performed some bogus surgery on it to make it appear like he was shot from the back..

The Warren Report???


You mean the doctored cover up???

Ignorance is truly bliss...

I wish I could have lived a sheltered Leave it Beaver life like some of you sheeple.....
"Back&to the Left" and it certainly explains why a good quantity of his grey matter encasement flew out the back of his head & lit on the trunk lid,,,:thumbup:
I bartended for a number of years and on Nov 22nd would make this drink called the Kennedy Head Shot.

The selling point was....the first one will burn your throat, but the second will blow your mind.


There is a documentary out suggesting George H. Bush orchestrated the assassination. I lived about 40 minutes north of Dallas on the day he was murdered. My father and I were hugely interested in this. We perhaps read every book on the subject up until maybe 8 years ago. We went to Dealey Plaza and walked it. I stood behind the picket fence. I spent four years in the military and can tell you on an advancing target, I could have made that shot.

Point is there is compelling evidence this was CIA driven. Who set them in motion is certainly obscure, but I lean toward the govt/CIA aided by the Mafia.

But I firmly believe the shooter known as The Badge Man was Roscoe White.
Sure you could have but it would have blown out the left side of JFK's head and hit Jackie, since that did not happen a shot did not come from there.
The question you should be asking is this.

Why would Oswald shoot at a retreating target on Elm street, through a tree instead of at an advancing target, closer shot on Houston Street?
If you're going to shoot someone and then try to get away do you want a whole parade (literally) of cops coming to you or moving away from you?
I think a big part of it is people find it hard to accept that a peon like Oswald could bring down a powerful and important man like Kennedy. It would be easier to accept if a powerful person or organization were behind it, such as LBJ, the CIA, or the Soviets. The truth that's hard to accept is that sometimes a pathetic little man like Oswald can have a profound impact on history. Gavrilo Princip started World War I by shooting Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Princip was not an important person. He was just a sad little terrorist, but he changed the world.
I concur to a few points, yet Oswald alone couldn't have fired as many bullets, from as many directions, as stated in the Warren report, which I believe was
corrupt in itself . The fact that they have waited 50 or more years to release any extra data (if any) reeks of corruption in my mind. Sad thing is, that it must have felt like America was taken over at the time.
I concur to a few points, yet Oswald alone couldn't have fired as many bullets, from as many directions, as stated in the Warren report, which I believe was
corrupt in itself . The fact that they have waited 50 or more years to release any extra data (if any) reeks of corruption in my mind. Sad thing is, that it must have felt like America was taken over at the time.
There were three shots in the Warren Report, their only mistake was in the sequence of the shots, which has caused a ton of issues, because they thought the 2nd shot missed reducing the time for the shots. It was not 6 seconds it was in fact about 11 seconds from 1st to last shot. The first shot hit the back of the street light and went down Elm and caused the Tague hit. The second went through JFK and hit Connelly. The third was the head shot.
I concur to a few points, yet Oswald alone couldn't have fired as many bullets, from as many directions, as stated in the Warren report, which I believe was
corrupt in itself . The fact that they have waited 50 or more years to release any extra data (if any) reeks of corruption in my mind. Sad thing is, that it must have felt like America was taken over at the time.
Ya,thats what's been mentioned I'm certain circles:starspin:
There were three shots in the Warren Report, their only mistake was in the sequence of the shots, which has caused a ton of issues, because they thought the 2nd shot missed reducing the time for the shots. It was not 6 seconds it was in fact about 11 seconds from 1st to last shot. The first shot hit the back of the street light and went down Elm and caused the Tague hit. The second went through JFK and hit Connelly. The third was the head shot.

lol. that doesn't explain the magic bullet, the amateur autopsy, witnesses that were not interviewed, and the fact that Oswald was probably killed to shut him up in the first place, amongst other things, but you believe what ya' want!
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