Jim Zorn - New Commander HC *Merged*

abersonc;1951740 said:
First of all -- everyone on this board with a brain know I love the Cowboys.

Second, like most of the drooling mouth breathers posting in this thread, you take the "say Snyder has had some success" angle as equal to saying "Snyder is a genius"

Finally, you seem obsessed with Foreskins -- and use the term closet a bunch.

First off, I said "Foreskins" once and "closet" in direct reference to Mansta's post so your feeble homophobic statement is actually more offensive than humorous and follows suit with the delusional and convoluted statements that you have been continuously twisting to support an increasingly weakening argument. Unfortunately for you, I never said that I thought "Snyder [was] a genius", so to accuse me of doing so, also follows suit with your delusions.

In actuality, Snyder HAS HAD NO SUCCESS. The premise of your disturbing and sickening "argument" is that 2 wild-card round playoff victories in separate years is an adequate measure that Snyder has had some success. If you think that being divisional round FODDER like the Commanders were those two years that they won wild-card games means that Snyder was "successful" TO ANY DEGREE with the type of team payroll and trades that he has been making, than you're in a world of your own that even Snyder himself would be embarrassed to know existed. Snyder pays for, and attempts (weakly so) to build what in his mind are Super Bowl-winning rosters...NOT wildcard playoff round winners.

What's even more sad is that those playoff winning teams that you're so adamantly arguing in favor barely got in to their respective wild-card positions. They weren't dominating forces and that convincingly did anything during their wildcard victories or divisional round losses to make people think they had a "somewhat successful" team. In actuality, I think most fans were worried the team had no draft picks the next season, combined with a lack of cap space and a continuously aging old roster.

If you're going to be ignorant enough to make delusional and homophobic statements, at least accept the fact that your "argument" is wrong first.
abersonc;1951978 said:
Again, it is semantics and just plain stupid to continue this line -- Oh Jerry didn't give Garrett a title so it isn't the same. Right.

Again, point being -- and the point I came in on -- everyone assumes whatever he does turns to crap - he's gotten some value out of FA and he's had some serious busts -- just like us.

Oh, like you harping on the title/no title thing. Got it.

Defending no -- but showing fans that the guy had done some positive things in Washington so to simply assume he's a moron keeps you from actually giving any thought to the hire.

When people insist that having about the same # of wins in the regular season but having more post-season success isn't on par then yeah, I do feel the need to make the point over and over again because folks are simply ignoring hard facts.

UVAwahoos;1952223 said:
First off, I said "Foreskins" once and "closet" in direct reference to Mansta's post so your feeble homophobic statement is actually more offensive than humorous and follows suit with the delusional and convoluted statements that you have been continuously twisting to support an increasingly weakening argument. Unfortunately for you, I never said that I thought "Snyder [was] a genius", so to accuse me of doing so, also follows suit with your delusions.

In actuality, Snyder HAS HAD NO SUCCESS. The premise of your disturbing and sickening "argument" is that 2 wild-card round playoff victories in separate years is an adequate measure that Snyder has had some success. If you think that being divisional round FODDER like the Commanders were those two years that they won wild-card games means that Snyder was "successful" TO ANY DEGREE with the type of team payroll and trades that he has been making, than you're in a world of your own that even Snyder himself would be embarrassed to know existed. Snyder pays for, and attempts (weakly so) to build what in his mind are Super Bowl-winning rosters...NOT wildcard playoff round winners.

What's even more sad is that those playoff winning teams that you're so adamantly arguing in favor barely got in to their respective wild-card positions. They weren't dominating forces and that convincingly did anything during their wildcard victories or divisional round losses to make people think they had a "somewhat successful" team. In actuality, I think most fans were worried the team had no draft picks the next season, combined with a lack of cap space and a continuously aging old roster.

If you're going to be ignorant enough to make delusional and homophobic statements, at least accept the fact that your "argument" is wrong first.


Somebody just got the hammer dropped on 'em!

I'll let our readers decide who for themselves.
silver;1951370 said:
wasn't Jim Zorn a rookie free agent with the Cowboys back in '75 the year of the dirty dozen?

hey, somebody else asked Mickey. thanks Marvin Brisbin from Santa Fe, Texas

Marvin Brisbin, Santa Fe, Texas: If my memory serves me, didn't Jim Zorn in '75 or' 76 try out for the Cowboys? I don't remember the details. Can you help?
Mickey: Sure can, but then I needed the help of Gil Brandt, who remembers all. The Cowboys signed Zorn, the Washington Commanders' newly-named head coach, as a free-agent quarterback out of Cal Poly Pomona in 1975, when he was among some 90 rookies they took to training camp that year. The Cowboys really liked the left-handed quarterback, but already had Roger Staubach and Clint Longley, so they released him before the start of the season. The Cowboys encouraged Zorn to hang around so they could bring him back to training camp in 1976. But when the upstart Seahawks hired Cowboys scout Dick Mansperger in 1976, he recommended Zorn to his new team. The Seahawks signed the still rookie quarterback, and the rest is history, Zorn becoming the AFC's Offensive Rookie of the Year and eventually landing in the Seahawks' own Ring of Honor. Good memory.
UVAwahoos;1952223 said:
First off, I said "Foreskins" once and "closet" in direct reference to Mansta's post so your feeble homophobic statement is actually more offensive than humorous and follows suit with the delusional and convoluted statements that you have been continuously twisting to support an increasingly weakening argument. Unfortunately for you, I never said that I thought "Snyder [was] a genius", so to accuse me of doing so, also follows suit with your delusions.

In actuality, Snyder HAS HAD NO SUCCESS. The premise of your disturbing and sickening "argument" is that 2 wild-card round playoff victories in separate years is an adequate measure that Snyder has had some success. If you think that being divisional round FODDER like the Commanders were those two years that they won wild-card games means that Snyder was "successful" TO ANY DEGREE with the type of team payroll and trades that he has been making, than you're in a world of your own that even Snyder himself would be embarrassed to know existed. Snyder pays for, and attempts (weakly so) to build what in his mind are Super Bowl-winning rosters...NOT wildcard playoff round winners.

What's even more sad is that those playoff winning teams that you're so adamantly arguing in favor barely got in to their respective wild-card positions. They weren't dominating forces and that convincingly did anything during their wildcard victories or divisional round losses to make people think they had a "somewhat successful" team. In actuality, I think most fans were worried the team had no draft picks the next season, combined with a lack of cap space and a continuously aging old roster.

If you're going to be ignorant enough to make delusional and homophobic statements, at least accept the fact that your "argument" is wrong first.

Again -- they've actually WON in the playoffs over a period that we haven't. That's was the point. Read a little and you'd understand the argument. We haven't done crap over that period to so suggest that we somehow are SO freaking superior to the Commanders is idiotic. Barely this and barely that -- they got there and won games. We didn't. Oooooh they BARELY got there. Yeah, that matters. They got there and won. We blasted through the regular season and laid an egg. But hey, I guess winning in the playoffs has no value. Yeah, that's what I was reading all over this board after the Giants game.

You can project X, Y, and Z all you want -- but until that happens it falls in the "Commanders will have cut half their roster" posts of 2 years ago (which shows how lame and tired your cap space comment is) and the "Eli Manning is a joke" posts of last year. Oh freaking boy -- things looks like the future is better for us. Yeah, looked like we were getting to pick #1 overall this year too, until the Browns actually took the field.

As it stands -- since Snyder got there they've won two fewer regular season games and won two more playoff games. If Synder is such an idiot then we must be double freaking idiots because we can't do any better.

Homophobic? Actually, I was working a anti-semitic, self-hating Jew angle based on the foreskin reference as an explanation for why the poster hated Snyder so much - ya see, Snyder is one of the tribe. You can look at my post record in the political zone -- I'm no homophobe. And before you suggest it, anti-semetic would be something stupid to call me.
I have to side with abersonc on this one. I mean, come on here! Those two playoff wins means that Snyder got to make two "playoff tee-shirts" to sell to the fans! And this year, he even made a tee-shirt for the "number 6 seed" to sell to the fans! Now that is pure genius! Has Jerry ever sold a playoff tee-shirt or a "whatever number seed" tee-shirt? No, he has not!

Therefore, Snyder be smarter than Jethro...

I got your back abersonc...you can count on me!
5Stars;1952436 said:
I have to side with abersonc on this one. I mean, come on here! Those two playoff wins means that Snyder got to make two "playoff tee-shirts" to sell to the fans! And this year, he even made a tee-shirt for the "number 6 seed" to sell to the fans! Now that is pure genius! Has Jerry ever sold a playoff tee-shirt or a "whatever number seed" tee-shirt? No, he has not!

Therefore, Snyder be smarter than Jethro...

I got your back abersonc...you can count on me!

abersonc;1952318 said:
Again -- they've actually WON in the playoffs over a period that we haven't. That's was the point. Read a little and you'd understand the argument. We haven't done crap over that period to so suggest that we somehow are SO freaking superior to the Commanders is idiotic. Barely this and barely that -- they got there and won games. We didn't. Oooooh they BARELY got there. Yeah, that matters. They got there and won. We blasted through the regular season and laid an egg. But hey, I guess winning in the playoffs has no value. Yeah, that's what I was reading all over this board after the Giants game.

You can project X, Y, and Z all you want -- but until that happens it falls in the "Commanders will have cut half their roster" posts of 2 years ago (which shows how lame and tired your cap space comment is) and the "Eli Manning is a joke" posts of last year. Oh freaking boy -- things looks like the future is better for us. Yeah, looked like we were getting to pick #1 overall this year too, until the Browns actually took the field.

As it stands -- since Snyder got there they've won two fewer regular season games and won two more playoff games. If Synder is such an idiot then we must be double freaking idiots because we can't do any better.

Homophobic? Actually, I was working a anti-semitic, self-hating Jew angle based on the foreskin reference as an explanation for why the poster hated Snyder so much - ya see, Snyder is one of the tribe. You can look at my post record in the political zone -- I'm no homophobe. And before you suggest it, anti-semetic would be something stupid to call me.

Again, your delusions are accusing me of saying things that I never really did. Don't EVER, I repeat...EVER, use the same "put down" of not "understanding the argument" against me that you're trying to use against others in this forum. You're lucky that I am even taking the time to read your convoluted posts. You would be an idiot to claim I didn't understand your simple mind.

Regardless, unfortunately your comments were indeed homophobic. Talking about the "closet" as you repeatedly did does not play into your "anti-semetic" excuse one bit. To get into a situation where you have to use anti-semitism as an excuse for being homophobic is sickening in and of itself. If you are indeed a Cowboys fan as you so adamantly defend, I think it is sad, but more importantly gives our franchise and its supporters a dark and disturbing stereotype that is clearly a fallacy.

Either do us a favor and refrain from publicly supporting the Dallas Cowboys, or admit that your remarks were homophobic and that claiming "anti-semitism" in jest is not actually that funny at all.

Are there any mods in this forum anymore? Seriously, I didn't think that it was ok to joke about anti-semitism since this wasn't a KKK forum. Perhaps I am wrong and I need to follow the leniency the mods are setting and just start blatantly calling people idiots directly for some of their posts.

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