Johnny Maziel***The Definitive Johnny MegaMerge*** Post all Manziel threads/posts here

Even if it is this is the reputation he's built for himself he's nothing but a huge distraction and things like this are going to follow him while he's in the league and when he's out of the league. He's going to bring nothing but a huge headache to the next team that gives him a chance if anyone does if this report is true.


It's just ridiculous IMO that him and his girl had an altercation and they broke out the helicopter trying to find him.

I'm guessing that helicopter was fueled with tax payer money too if it did happen.
Not sticking up for Manziel but they're 2 parties involved. His GF could be one of those looney drama queens. Most good looking women are just that.

It's just ridiculous IMO that him and his girl had an altercation and they broke out the helicopter trying to find him.

I'm guessing that helicopter was fueled with tax payer money too if it did happen.

It sounds crazy but that's the life Manziel has created for himself and whether this report is true or not it's going to give any team that was considering bringing him in second thoughts.
I hate that quote because how people like yourself and dang near everybody always uses it. You could know somebody for decades (or some long time period in general)and they do something wrong to you then its time to bring up this tired quote.

Johnny didn't do anything wrong to me. :)
Look, you can hate the quote all you want to, but it follows a truism of life. People act who they are. And you'd be a fool not to pay attention to what they're telling you based on their life.

As far as the rest the stuff I can agree people will judge you by who you hang with.

And do you think it's right for people to judge you based on who you hang with? Why or why not?

It's just ridiculous IMO that him and his girl had an altercation and they broke out the helicopter trying to find him.

I'm guessing that helicopter was fueled with tax payer money too if it did happen.

According to the Ft. Worth PD statement, that is "standard practice".
Not sticking up for Manziel but they're 2 parties involved. His GF could be one of those looney drama queens. Most good looking women are just that.

With Manziel having a drinking problem and this being the second time it's been reported he had an altercation with this girl it's going to be hard to pin any of it on her. No one is going to claim she's a drama queen because of her looks get real. Manziel has some serious issues which go way beyond the problems with his ex girlfriend.
No matter what Manziel calls himself now, it's just plain and simple, he's no Barkley.
They should just send him off for a filming episode of Naked and Afraid.
A fair enough sample size.

Uh, no, buddy. You can't possibly know how most good-looking women act because there are literally millions of good-looking women around the world and that would mean more than half of them are looney drama queens. And a lot of the women I know who are beautiful aren't looney drama queens. Just admit you misspoke.
Uh, no, buddy. You can't possibly know how most good-looking women act because there are literally millions of good-looking women around the world and that would mean more than half of them are looney drama queens. And a lot of the women I know who are beautiful aren't looney drama queens. Just admit you misspoke.

You forgot to include plenty just barely pretty...
Uh, no, buddy. You can't possibly know how most good-looking women act because there are literally millions of good-looking women around the world and that would mean more than half of them are looney drama queens. And a lot of the women I know who are beautiful aren't looney drama queens. Just admit you misspoke.

I'm just talking about American women. There's some good ones don't get me wrong, but they are far and few between.