Jourdan Lewis Confirms What We All Knew Regarding The Ineligible Receiver Situation

But if you are told a certain player reported as eligible, are you to assume because he lined up at an ineligible spot that he's not the eligible receiver, the other lineman is? I think that's poor logic. The defense is told who reported as eligible. It's not their job to worry about illegal formations.
Exactly. There is nowhere in the rules that the defense has to just guess who's eligible. That would be absurd.
Heard a few commentators mention the "debacle" or "missed call" as they spoke about the Cowboys' win. :rolleyes:
I hope Dallas is getting as disgusted with the empty talking heads on TV talking like they were gifted a win by the refs. Boomer Esiason showing the playoff picture and saying "because of the mistake last night Dallas is the 2 seed" sthu.
It's propaganda. The talking points went out because the football world was made aware that the Cowboys get screwed more than any other team over the long term when it comes to officiating. We have the proof of that which none of the detractors can counter or even match with examples of another team getting screwed to the frequency and magnitude of the Cowboys.

So they have decided to blow this up and magnify it as if the Lions got screwed when A) they did not, and B) the Cowboys had actually been screwed on the tripping phantom call, and it would have never come to that.

Notice the talking heads have spent practically zero time even mentioning the phantom tripping call because it destroys the narrative.
Except the Lions did report.
Except they didn't. You have the audio proof of who was eligible. The Lions players are liars trying to cover up for the fact that their gimmick bit them in the butt because it was an unsportsmanlike and dishonest attempt to trick the refs and Cowboys.
As myself and other have said the only reason #68 was wide open is because the refs told everyone #70 was the eligible guy.

This can also be confirmed by Damone Clark literally pointing at #70 before the Lions snapped the ball.

Do not allow the media to write the narrative of this being guaranteed points for the Lions and they lost because of it. If the refs swallow the flag in that situation the media wouldn't be in uproar regarding Dallas being told the wrong guy was eligible. It would just be another "Oh, the Cowboys are just being the Cowboys" type of narrative.

Even *IF* the refs messed up reporting who was eligible, I don't see how that play could have stood.
You can't have a play where the refs misrepresent who is eligible to the defense.
The presnap call by the refs was 70 eligible. The time for Detroit to challenge that was presnap.
Don't disagree but - let us not forget the pathetic SOFT defense Quinn goes into so Detroit can motor down the field unhindered. Or, the 2 ridiculous pass plays Mike called to keep just enough time on the clock to enable the Lions to motor down the field unhindered. Lord, God Dallas can be really stupid at times.
As opposed to what the Chiefs did at the end of their game to protect a lead. 28-3 needs to be a lesson, but it want apparently.
Even *IF* the refs messed up reporting who was eligible, I don't see how that play could have stood.
You can't have a play where the refs misrepresent who is eligible to the defense.
The presnap call by the refs was 70 eligible. The time for Detroit to challenge that was presnap.
That’s not the Lions job to police the refs.

If anything, the other refs should have stepped in.

They all saw the same thing.

the Lions reported and lined up to run the play.

Play clock was running.
That’s not the Lions job to police the refs.

If anything, the other refs should have stepped in.

They all saw the same thing.

the Lions reported and lined up to run the play.

Play clock was running.
I saw 3 Lions standing by the ref. That's not evidence that any of them reported. Did they all report, because they were all standing there?

I would welcome video and audio that clearly records who reported to the ref.

Since you're certain who reported, you must have seen such a video.

Please provide a link. Thanks.
That’s not the Lions job to police the refs.

If anything, the other refs should have stepped in.

They all saw the same thing.

the Lions reported and lined up to run the play.

Play clock was running.
Not the Cowboys job to police the refs either.

Again, *IF* the refs made a mistake on who was eligible, then the right response would have been a redo. The play could not stand with the refs misrepresenting who was eligible.

AFAIK, "reporting" is done verbally. There is no secret handshake. No special helmet or flag. Reporting is not something that you *see*, it's something you *hear*.

In this case, you would have to *see* it *also* to determine *who* made the magic reporting sound, to determine which of the 3 had reported.

The rules committee will have to fix up the reporting process so teams can't get cute and send a crowd to the ref to confuse who was reporting. So that it is clear and unambiguous to everyone who reported.

The *only* thing clear and ambiguous about reporting on that play was that the ref announced 70 had reported as eligible.
It was obvious Detroit botched the trickery of the refs. The refs did not fall for it. And some of our fans don't like it.
That is what gets me, some of our fans don't like we won.
I object to your use of "Our Fans"... having a Cowboys avatar and actually being a Cowboys fan are not the same thing...
A lot of boo-hooing by the media, etc. If it happened against the Cowboys, it would just be the "right call" and sorry Dallas fans. Detroit is the "darling" of the NFL and media, obviously.
I thought some of these so called expert analyst were going to start crying......Rex Ryan, Boomer Esiason, too many others to name.
Either way it the lions was going to be called for a penalty,
It was obvious Detroit botched the trickery of the refs. The refs did not fall for it.
Intentional trickery or just confusion, the rules committee should fix the reporting process in the offseason.

Shouldn't be the players at all. Should be the HC reporting to a side judge.
He announced because of what he was told. If it was wrong then the Lions should have said something. The fact they didn't and tried to pull a fast one is the problem.
I am convinced teh Lions wanted to try to fool the Cowboys into thinking 68 was not eligible. That's why they sent 3 guys to the ref when only 1 was reporting. I hope he league addresses this with a rule change that only the player reporting can approach the ref.
It's typical that the Cowboys get brutalized by the officials on the road the last two games and you don't hear a peep, now you get 3inch headlines for a Lions team that wouldn't have even been in the position for a game winning drive if it weren't for that dyslexic tripping call, they also had an illegal formation on the right side for the 2pt try, and on top of that they get a complete do-over from the original line of scrimmage for the 2pt try after the Micah offsides. Cry me a river!
Do not forget all those 4th down and goals they went for instead of kicking FGs.
They checked in.

Why would they not?

It is a penalty if they don’t.
Then why was it announced on the PA system as only #70 eligible. And if its referee error, why the Dallas hate ? They were a victim as well. They were lied to by the refs, leaving a wide open lineman in the endzone. Thank God someone had the sense to call it out.
Sick of hearing Detroit groupies whining. Yea lets send multiple players to the officials in order to “confuse” the defense like the refs arent going to announce the eligible receivers. Idiots deserved it

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