JPP has Right Index Finger Amputated

I don't know but what am I missing about medical records? Why is it so important to keep them private?

I'm not saying they shouldn't, there's just a helluva lot of other things I'd be worried about being secure than my medical records. How can criminals exploit this info?

People have a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding their medical history. Some people certainly wouldn't want medical info about themselves being public information.

It could lead to discrimination in the workplace as well.
I am not one to revel in others misfortunes, but If you believe that Mara had a say in the timing of the Cowboy's vs. Giants games this year and believe he manipulated the games to avoid having to play against Hardy (and RoMac if he had an idea at the time he would be suspended) then this would be a perfect example of what you call Karma.

You clearly don't know much about the concept of karma.
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  • if the offense is committed with intent to sell, transfer, or use individually identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain, or malicious harm, a fine up to $250,000, or up to 10 years in prison, or both. (Class 4 Felony)
Perhaps they are covered under the reporting umbrella. IDK.

See, I'm glad you're a lawyer and can let us know the legal ramifications.

Now, if we could just get a doctor to comment on his injury...
How long does it take to come back from an amputated finger? Not sure why he won't be ready week 1.

Not long. I cut off a big chunk of my left index finger. They sewed it back on it and it was 100% after 2 months.
I don't know but what am I missing about medical records? Why is it so important to keep them private?

I'm not saying they shouldn't, there's just a helluva lot of other things I'd be worried about being secure than my medical records. How can criminals exploit this info?

Popular TV Weatherman has records of treatment for STDs released. Political candidate's SO's treatment for mental health problems released during campaign run. Person turned down for job because of easy availability of information on medical treatments. ETC.

With the prevalence of computer records now, this will happen. Those things are always abused. Always.

Is there a worse union in the world than the NFLPA?

The guy doesn't even know its not "HIPPA", but HIPAA.The credibility and accuracy of this source is questionable. And even if for some reason the CBA waives the players HIPAA protection, the leaked picture of JPP's medical record has information about another patient. So whoever leaked this will be screwed nonetheless.
Not really. I would imagine a full amputation would actually be an easier recovery, because you aren't waiting for new tissue to grow.


Seriously though... I'm sure you're right.
Not sure if serious...:huh:

yeah, I'm serious, I don't care if someone was able to see my medical records (unless that would enable them to commit some sort of fraud that could make be financially liable or screw up my credit). I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it so I was merely asking what people felt the downside was and several folks were kind enough to supply some reasons.

Having said that, I'm not suggesting they should be a matter of public record either. I was merely asking how people could abuse this info if it was easily accessible.

Personally, I wish they would do more to make my social security number more secure, perhaps add a changeable password that is linked to it when used. Too many things require me to disclose it and having my identity stolen is more of a concern than someone seeing the results of my last physical.
See, I'm glad you're a lawyer and can let us know the legal ramifications.

Now, if we could just get a doctor to comment on his injury...

Ok, Mr Wiseacre! :) I only put the law up there but ESPN is not covered although he has a right to reasonable privacy. Again perhaps they are covered there by being a reporting organization.

And finally, my medical advice is to avoid blowing things up in your hand.

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