JPP has Right Index Finger Amputated

I cannot find a copy of the medical report on in the article or video about this amputation. It certainly might be there and I just can't find it, but I think it is interesting that they don't have it on their website.
Maybe Goodell will suspend ESPN from nfl coverage as a penalty?
Is it a violation of laws for a patient's medical document to be broadcast like this?

Absolutely it is.

Of course, ESPN can hide behind their journalism cloak but the person who snapped the picture would almost certainly be terminated if he were discovered. The facility it was taken at could still very well be fined for failing to protect this information.
Kind of a "forest for the trees" type of thing with the HIPPA records. Not really the story right now.

JPP lost his index he isn't the only NFL player......CJ Wilson of the Bucs lost 2 fingers
Is that another patient's procedure listed about JPP's on that top part?

If so... unless that person is also an NFL player... I think ESPN/Schefter could find themselves in some trouble for posting that picture. Surely they can't just go posting people's medical documents online, or at least I would think, but I really don't know much about this kind of stuff so I could be completely wrong.
That's an amazing sig, just in case nobody has said it yet

Credit where it's due, it was linked by a Pats fan on /r/NFL. I'm sure he wasn't the first, but I gleefully screenshotted and stole it as a sig.
It was certainly unfortunate for him. I'm sure it'll make it painfully difficult for him to grapple with the OTs.
I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it so I was merely asking what people felt the downside was and several folks were kind enough to supply some reasons.

I was merely asking how people could abuse this info if it was easily accessible.

Imagine if you or a loved one had a condition or illness that might not be received well by the public...or maybe it's a condition most people aren't educated about. A child could be taunted at school, an adult could be harassed at the workplace.

Or let's go another route; what if you or a loved one were involved in an accident. Let's say one similar to JPP's, but maybe it's not a finger or hand that becomes permanently disfigured...maybe it's a more "private" area...would you want that to be public knowledge?

I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it either...but those were the first examples I thought of off the top of my head. It might not jeopardize your credit score but I think there are some other risks...
I cannot find a copy of the medical report on in the article or video about this amputation. It certainly might be there and I just can't find it, but I think it is interesting that they don't have it on their website.

So Adam Schefter posting it on twitter isn't good enough?

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