Twitter: Last player off the field

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I'm emotionally invested in the Dallas Cowboys as a team.

I don't get emotionally invested in players, because I don't care who the players are as long as the team is successful, and players come and go all the time.

I have my favorites, but I don't get emotionally invested in them because they might not even be part of the team after this year.

Alright.....good for you I Guess. Some of us FANS. do get emotionally invested.......


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I see, so based on your intellectual logic Dak too is multi-million dollar athlete with a foot injury and should be seen as a disabled kid being hit by a bus? Interesting.

As for triggered, you told another member to "suck it" while pointing out a player's injury......and yet I am triggered? Okay creampuff.

Context is important. I wouldn't expect you to be an actual fan though, since you don't watch the games. What a poser. Buh bye.


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You have been one of the biggest detractors of the "eye test".

You twist and turn so much you must have fallen asleep listening to Chubby Checker every night in your crib.
And how does that contradict what I said? Obviously the eye test alone is moronic to use alone. But to sit here and say I don't have to watch a guy play all I have to do is look at "stats"? That explains why some of the idiots on this site say what they say....probably look at Jaylon tackles and said he's the best linebacker in the league......


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So what the hell are you doing on this site? You are discussing Dak but don't even watch him play?

Just another triggered snow flake who obviously comes here to argue and not much else. The hell you waste your time on a fan site if you don't even watch games? Lol you can't make this up. Fake as hell.


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Has nothing to do with that. Has everything to do with you not watching the games so your opinion about anything Cowboys is absolute talking head garbage at best. I mean you don't watch the games so what exactly would you know? Not a damn thing.

So according to you the fact I do not devote 3+ hours a week watching the Cowboys play for now 17 weeks means I know nothing about football and have not earned the right to comment on here about Dak or the Cowboys? I see, so because you 'amass' what amounts to 51 hours (just over 2 days) of watching football on television over roughly 4 months, which comes out to represent 1.8% of the total hours the season consists of that you are some sort of expert on the subject matter and are in in a position of such knowledge so as to declare who can and cannot speak on the matter?

I don't think so.

Seeing as how Dak is only playing roughly 30 half of the game you can divide the above statistics by half.....and then divide it again by roughly 40% to represent the hand off plays.


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I most certainly NEVER said that.

You make up the most stuff I've ever seen on a message board. If I said it then you need to provide proof of it and link me too it. You won't though, because it does not exists.

Also, since you're going to make these claims and not back them up (Because I never said what you claim), then a formal apology will suffice.
You lie so much you don't even remember the lies you most definitely said it.

I won't apologize for the and that member khiladi lie more than anyone but part of me feels like its because you don't remember the lies you say. Now you watch all the games fully through...but I thought you said you weren't emotionally invested in the players ?


Safety third
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And how does that contradict what I said? Obviously the eye test alone is moronic to use alone. But to sit here and say I don't have to watch a guy play all I have to do is look at "stats"? That explains why some of the idiots on this site say what they say....probably look at Jaylon tackles and said he's the best linebacker in the league......

"Come on baby, let's do the twist. Come on baybeee, let's do the twist."

These guys,,,,,,


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Says the supposed adult telling a grown man he isn;t qualified to speak on an issue and another grown man that he is a liar. Given your emotional response I would say my suggestions for your thread topics are perfect.
That wasn't emotional. I didn't call you out of your name or anything. I straight up told you what it was. Its common sense. If you don't follow politics but comment on aren't qualified to comment. If you comment on the NBA but don't watch the NBA.....your opinion isn't valid. What you're attempting to do here is defy logic.


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And how does that contradict what I said? Obviously the eye test alone is moronic to use alone. But to sit here and say I don't have to watch a guy play all I have to do is look at "stats"? That explains why some of the idiots on this site say what they say....probably look at Jaylon tackles and said he's the best linebacker in the league......

So to you someone that watches highlights or recaps instead of watching 3+ hours of a game can't provide stats and opinions?


Well-Known Member
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You lie so much you don't even remember the lies you most definitely said it.

I won't apologize for the and that member khiladi lie more than anyone but part of me feels like its because you don't remember the lies you say. Now you watch all the games fully through...but I thought you said you weren't emotionally invested in the players ?
If I said this a week ago as you claim it would be very easy for you to provide the proof of me saying this.

You think you're slick, but you're not. You and I both know I never said it, but you'll keep hammering it trying to convince people I did without providing the proof to back it up.

You're just empty words and nothing you ever say has any substance to it. It's all weak and emotional.


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So to you someone that watches highlights or recaps instead of watching 3+ hours of a game can't provide stats and opinions?
I highly doubt anyone who said "I don't support the NFL because of their social just warriors" isn't spending time watching highlights or film. I highly doubt it. Because they would be supporting the NFL by doing that so I'm pretty sure they aren't....


Well-Known Member
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If I said this a week ago as you claim it would be very easy for you to provide the proof of me saying this.

You think you're slick, but you're not. You and I both know I never said it, but you'll keep hammering it trying to convince people I did without providing the proof to back it up.

You're just empty words and nothing you ever say has any substance to it. It's all weak and emotional.
I don't think I'm slick you DID say it. Go check your history on your computer and show me the threads you've been posting in and I'll grab you the quote you said it in......
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