CoCo;2149549 said:
1. Just because you're tired of something doesn't mean its wise to act to resolve it IMO. You resolve it in the timing that is dictated by the situation. There is no tangible downside to letting this play out further at this time.
Tht's your opinion. Mine is that the sooner they move on, the sooner there's no chance of a repeat of 2007's wasted season on Glenn.
CoCo said:
2. Matt Moore? Lets cross that bridge if and when we come to it. Right now we're talking about the 81st player on the roster, not the 54th. Jones hasn't given any indication he is willing to hold a regular season roster spot for TG in 2009. The players that will be cut on Sept 1 are the potential Matt Moores. That's a long way off.
Not as long as you think. The team lost Moore and they wasted an entire season waiting for a 'healthy Terry Glenn' which never happened - and frankly doesn't exist anymore.
CoCo said:
3. Its immaterial why TG is not practicing right now. This particular point is about whether his preparation to play is being seriously compromised by sitting out. It happens all the time for a variety of reasons. A consideration? Sure. A show-stopper? No.
I think it's very 'material'. The Cowboys have made their offer. If Glenn was heatlhy like he claims, and wanted to be out there, he would be. He's not.
CoCo said:
4. TG's plan is not to avoid TC or practice. His plan is to practice yesterday under a contract that will pay him even if he gets hurt in the line of duty. Do you think TO, Romo or Ware would be willing to sign a contract addendum today that would significantly cut their pay should they hurt a knee? Of course not. Does that mean they have no confidence in their current health? Of course not. But it does mean they know the realistic risks every player takes. TG, if his knee is sound as he claims/feels still bears that same risk but he would do so without the same protection. I understand how that could make him question (and especially during the offseason) just how much of that risk he is willing to bear.
TO, Romo, and Ware don't have degenrative knee injuries. They didn't miss and entire season and fail the exit physical and refuse to take another one this year. Apples and oranges.
CoCo said:
5. No, it doesn't seem to be the case now. If TG were truly only about the money then he'd have sat those last 2 games like the other 15. But he played, because he wants to play, and he wants to play in 2009. He just wants to be protected at a level closer to what Romo, Ware & TO (or insert your own veteran player name) are being protected.
He played because he had to. Otherwise, the team would have finnaly put him on IR and he would have done nothing to earn a Super Bowl ring - just like when New England won theirs. And the Cowboys would have certainly been completely done with waiting for him. His token appearnace bought him more time. His health is nowhere near Romo, Ware, or Owens' so the comparison is faulty.
CoCo said:
6. No player is only about playing and helping the team. Its about doing that in a manner that they feel appropriately compensated and protected. That truth is born out over and over and over in the NFL. Its called leverage and negotiations. And in the difficult ones, like this one, it can get protracted, painful, and cause some soul-searching.
every player wants to keep earning that NFL paycheck as long as they can. Until the game forces them out. Even when they know they don't have it anymore. They do what's in their own best interests, not any particular team's best interests.
CoCo said:
There is no need to be anymore critical of TG than our 2008 draftees who are also unsigned at this point. Aren't they all about team? Shouldn't they just sign now? Or are they protecting their interests? Of course they are. Sometimes these things get stuck in the mud for a while and sometimes its for almost foolishly emotional reasons. But a cool head eventually leads to a good outcome. For now, we need to continue to wait on the TG situation.
This is just nonsense!
I can't even comment on that last part!