Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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Maybe they had to get legal advice before releasing it. If it were me, I would. This could PO JJ to, who has the money to protect themselves from his legal team.

That is possible. If it is real as some of these guys are reporting and it is 5 times worse than Ray Rice then I don't really see how anyone would be in trouble for reporting it. Take Adam Schefter, for example Schefter said he hasn't actually seen the video. He said he trusts the info that is reported about the video is true and that is bad and he has been working on the story since September. That is a long time for a story that is supposedly huge to not have leaked more information than it has. We just have a vague description of "it is bad". If it is bad then I figure someone would have gone into more detail about what "it" is by now. Maybe we will all find out tomorrow. I wouldn't be shocked if such a thing did exist and not because it is Dez Bryant. I just am rarely surprised when things come out about celebrities, pro-athletes and anyone in the general public. People can do some weird things.
That is possible. If it is real as some of these guys are reporting and it is 5 times worse than Ray Rice then I don't really see how anyone would be in trouble for reporting it. Take Adam Schefter, for example Schefter said he hasn't actually seen the video. He said he trusts the info that is reported about the video is true and that is bad and he has been working on the story since September. That is a long time for a story that is supposedly huge to not have leaked more information than it has. We just have a vague description of "it is bad". If it is bad then I figure someone would have gone into more detail about what "it" is by now. Maybe we will all find out tomorrow. I wouldn't be shocked if such a thing did exist and not because it is Dez Bryant. I just am rarely surprised when things come out about celebrities, pro-athletes and anyone in the general public. People can do some weird things.

I'm shooting from the hip because it doesn't make sense that they would keep it hidden for so long. Maybe the person that has it isn't exactly an angel themselves. Who knows. see what tomorrow brings.
I'm shooting from the hip because it doesn't make sense that they would keep it hidden for so long. Maybe the person that has it isn't exactly an angel themselves. Who knows. see what tomorrow brings.

That could be it as well.

What if the video, incriminates the person who has it? Trying to flee the country first? Blackmail?

Part of me is saying, that if something so big existed, we would at least hear a very small detail on it at least.

Another part is telling me, watch it be a super old video of Dez with some buddies in college or something, with some minor(Under 18) females giving them drugs/alcohol or something.

Unless it's the incident of Dez and his Mom, which from my understanding, his brother was the only 1 present? Maybe he got cut off, and holds a video? Anyways, unless it's that, it has to be something from his very young days, which won't really hurt him.
That's not 5 X's worse.
There is no number you can categorize such blasphemy.

I spit upon you for even typing such heathen words!
Ptooey! Ptooey![/quote
You got it on tape? Or maybe a source who has it on tape?

Well I actually heard it from Renee who got it from her best friend who was told by her cousin on his mother's side .....
Other sports I'm apart of, are calling BS on the story. They are not buying it, even cowboys haters.

Not saying it should mean anything, how they feel, but if a lot of people are not even buying these rumors, makes you wonder.
The reports on Dez vs his Mom was that he grabbed her by the hair and hit her?

If that's true, it does sound worse than ray rice(The hair pulling part). Who would have the video though?
I am not sure about the Law on such matters, but if this guy is clickbaiting and doesnt produce.

He just needs to ....go away. no more website. no more fun for goofy.
This Terez guy is the one that said it was way worse than ray rice, others said they heard what was on it and just said it was bad but also said they never saw it. just because a person hears whats on it doesnt make it true or the video of the incident actually exist. the people who heard the Terez guy on Ben and Skin said it sounded like he was just click baiting and going off a source of his from reddit. im hoping and i dont think anything will happen tonight or tomorrow.The guy took what schefter and florio said and ran with it. i mean i dont think anyone even knew about a video until Shawn and RJ interviewed Florio and now everyones talking about it based on that.
Really the only thing that would seem to be 5 times worse than Rice is him abusing one of his kids.
Trying to decipher the "5 times worse" thing, all I can interpret is the video might show him wailing on a woman. As opposed to a single punch, perhaps he lands multiple.

...if such a video exists. Obviously lots of hypotheticals at play.

who cares if its 1 or 5 times worse than the Ray Rice video. If any dez video surfaces this is not going to good because it sounds like alot of back channels are being use to get this video released. Shefler working on it since Oct? That means who ever has video (if it exist) is holding onto it with vice grips.
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