Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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"5 times as bad as Ray Rice"

"by the way I haven't seen the tape"

This Terez Owens guy is whack...he is creating buzz for his site.
They are trying SO hard to make this guy out to be a low-life. The fact that there are SOME Cowboys' fans that buy it, to me, is sad.
This I'm sure of.

If there is a video that really is this bad, the Cowboys know about it. Don't believe for a second they don't.

It's said that Dez' deal was virtually done in October, but it didn't get signed. Dez fired his agent after that and signed with Roc Nation.

Something smells about the whole thing. I'm glad Dallas hasn't signed him yet, just in case this thing is really bad.

The "deal" has more to do with cap issues than anything else.

I love all of this unrelated connect the dots crap that come out due to a tabloid-like story.
Just because he sounds like an idiot does not mean that whoever his Source is that he has confidence in and is paying money too is an idiot too.
The guy knows nothing. He has a source in Dallas supposedly. Supermarket rag stuff.
taken from cowboys reddit from a user named fir3drill

show recap ---

Calling himself Joey on the show.

Terez claiming he doesn't know the content of the video, but he has a source that hasn't led him wrong before.

Terez is apparently the same guy who broke the Jerry Jones bathroom photos.

Claims he has been sued about Dez photos before.

Source is apparently not a media person.

Terez says that he'll come back on air to apologize if a video doesn't come out.
Can anyone post a summary of what was said?

I am at work and cant listen. Can you explain?

he didn't sound legit at all. he said he has a source in Dallas (not part of the team or media) who he's relying on for this story. he's never seen the tape and has no idea what's on the tape. he got the 5x worse thing from the source. a source that has "never let him down in the past". ben and skin are clowning him now. his name is "joey", he sounded like one of those vegas wise guys with the betting hotline. ben and skin just said "they're going to take a shower" after that interview. :lmao:
Just because he sounds like an idiot does not mean that whoever his Source is that he has confidence in and is paying money too is an idiot too.

If he really has a source. He said himself he didn't break the story. All he did is what we do, repeat what he's heard.
Could it be who ever has the tape is/has had to seek out legal advice before they release it? This is all just to weird.

Very weird and I don't like it.
I am (one of my jobs) a ghost writer and confidentiality is the name of the game for so many things in journalism and it is a very scary thing to see irresponsibility so rampant in this line of business.

Of course, journalism is now a public farce with such modern day luminaries like Brian Williams showing their baboon's backside.
I would say Kronkite rolls in his grave, but now I'm cynical of even that. Sad days are upon us. The halcyon days of innocence have long since gone more than 9 decades ago.
Probably far longer than that, but this is what permeates our pop culture 24/7 now.

Shoot- I went and got somber on us. Apologies.
taken from cowboys reddit from a user named fir3drill

show recap ---

Calling himself Joey on the show.

Terez claiming he doesn't know the content of the video, but he has a source that hasn't led him wrong before.

Terez is apparently the same guy who broke the Jerry Jones bathroom photos.

Claims he has been sued about Dez photos before.

Source is apparently not a media person.

Terez says that he'll come back on air to apologize if a video doesn't come out.

Apologise? He'll be in court for libel
he didn't sound legit at all. he said he has a source in Dallas (not part of the team or media) who he's relying on for this story. he's never seen the tape and has no idea what's on the tape. he got the 5x worse thing from the source. a source that has "never let him down in the past". ben and skin are clowning him now. his name is "joey", he sounded like one of those vegas wise guys with the betting hotline. ben and skin just said "they're going to take a shower" after that interview. :lmao:

Very weird and I don't like it.
I am (one of my jobs) a ghost writer and confidentiality is the name of the game for so many things in journalism and it is a very scary thing to see irresponsibility so rampant in this line of business.

Of course, journalism is now a public farce with such modern day luminaries like Brian Williams showing their baboon's backside.
I would say Kronkite rolls in his grave, but now I'm cynical of even that. Sad days are upon us. The halcyon days of innocence have long since gone more than 9 decades ago.
Probably far longer than that, but this is what permeates our pop culture 24/7 now.

Shoot- I went and got somber on us. Apologies.

Don't apologize, your right.
If that is true, how could an event of that magnitude be hidden for so long? Shouldn't the police be aware of that kind of stuff? This story has so many holes.

The murder in Boston that Hernandez is linked to was dead in the water until the Odin murder and the car that matched the discription was uncovered in that Murder.
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