Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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Kinda makes me worried that Phillip Tanner says he is praying for him...that suggests he knows its bad. If it was just a bunch of BS there would be no need to worry. Idk, all speculation...I hate that this is happening.

If you follow him, even a little bit, you realize Tanner's a spiritual guy.. He'll send up a prayer for a dog if it warranted. Not to say his tweet isn't serious, just putting some perspective on it.
If it's not an assault (or in any other way a violation of the law), no one is going to care the slightest about a sex tape. I mean, people will get a laugh about it, but it won't damage his career one bit.
who cares if its 1 or 5 times worse than the Ray Rice video. If any dez video surfaces this is not going to good because it sounds like alot of back channels are being use to get this video released. Shefler working on it since Oct? That means who ever has video (if it exist) is holding onto it with vice grips.

No such thing...vice grips these days.
If it's not an assault (or in any other way a violation of the law), no one is going to care the slightest about a sex tape. I mean, people will get a laugh about it, but it won't damage his career one bit.

Well it said not assaulting a female. Did not make mention of a man or child.
We're all assuming that it's a sex act with another person. I worked at Walmart in college and saw some pretty disgusting things. Ther could be some public exposure, I really don't want to consider another possibility.
This is a puzzler and doesn't make a lot of sense.

It's possible that Dez was caught on a surveillance video in a sexual act. The only thing that would make it "5 times worse than Ray Rice" is if that girl was under aged (possibly REALLY under aged). I'm not making any accusations by any stretch of the imagination. Just trying to connect some dots, here.
It's possible that Dez was caught on a surveillance video in a sexual act. The only thing that would make it "5 times worse than Ray Rice" is if that girl was under aged (possibly REALLY under aged). I'm not making any accusations by any stretch of the imagination. Just trying to connect some dots, here.

Then the law would have already been involved. Pretty sure that is something that couldn't be kept from turning over to the cops or they would be in trouble themselves
100 to 1 odds its a random video of a black guy that could or couldn't be Dez. (most likely isn't, how does a random dude get ahold of a video that the cops/Wal-Mart didn't pursue?)

Regardless, when it turns out to be completely false, if I'm Dez and signing a new contract, I get ahold of Anonymous or another crack group on the dark web and drop 2-3 mill getting dirt on all these "journalists" after they scour their financials/personal emails/web viewing history/hard drives because this speculation is pretty much the lowest of the low.

But I'm a cold hearted *******.
Wait, who is saying it's a sexual act? That coasttocoast sports twitter or that terrylee person who hates everything to do with Dallas (my god Houston fans are seriously pathetic).
100 to 1 odds its a random video of a black guy that could or couldn't be Dez. (most likely isn't, how does a random dude get ahold of a video that the cops/Wal-Mart didn't pursue?)

Regardless, when it turns out to be completely false, if I'm Dez and signing a new contract, I get ahold of Anonymous or another crack group on the dark web and drop 2-3 mill getting dirt on all these "journalists" after they scour their financials/personal emails/web viewing history/hard drives because this speculation is pretty much the lowest of the low.

But I'm a cold hearted *******.

I'm wondering how someone got ahold of a year's old Walmart surveillance video. Surely they don't keep those things around for years?
I am reminded of the Michael Irvin incident where he supposedly raped a woman. He was immediately assumed guilty by nearly everyone. That story had a relieving ending, but it put Mike through unwarranted torment.
Kinda makes me worried that Phillip Tanner says he is praying for him...that suggests he knows its bad. If it was just a bunch of BS there would be no need to worry. Idk, all speculation...I hate that this is happening.

Who is Phillip Tanner?
If this is false, can he sue?

Anyone can sue...would he be successful? It depends...he is a public figure so his standard of proof for defamation or libel is different than you or I. Part of the issue is that nothing is really being said other than there is something out there that is bad. Depending on the jurisdiction the elements for defamation are a statement of fact, that is false, unprivileged, having the natural tendency to cause injury and the person who published it was at least negligent in doing so.

At this point there is no real statement of fact, false or otherwise. It may be argued that equating it to Ray Rice is an issue, but it's hard to say. What exactly is 5x times worse than Ray Rice??? In addition, the last element is hard to prove as well. Negligence has its own set of elements that need to be shown, specifically, duty, breach, causation and damages. If this guys source is credible then is it unreasonable that he would post it? Breaching a duty of general care is a question left for the finders of fact.

He may also potentially have a case for interference with business relationships depending on the circumstances and the nature of how this is all going down.

At the end of the day this is a crappy situation for Dez and I would imagine if it blows over he would just let it go.
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