Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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He said he would only appear on Espn, if legal team approves. Which means he wouldn't worry about a lawsuit anymore.

Either way, I think he's full of it.

There's nothing he has claimed so far that I couldn't claim myself on my own Twitter feed. It's ridiculous. Maybe I can turn this into an ESPN guest shot.
Way to answer a question with another question. If he doesnt end up on espn, He probably is a fraud.

He will simply lie and say Dez's team contacted him, and told him to shut it, and that they bought the video already.

Just to save face.
Video or not anything dez says now feeds into the myth or not of a video tape. If there is no video how does dez prove there is no video since it also has been said Dez's camp is trying to buy said tape. Right now their is nothing Dez can say that will make this matter less dramatic.

Right. But if there wasnt a video, Dez wouldve nipped this in the butt from the beginning by releasing a bunch of PR statements. By not doing so, it sends the message of existence.
There's nothing he has claimed so far that I couldn't claim myself on my own Twitter feed. It's ridiculous. Maybe I can turn this into an ESPN guest shot.

Agreed. She said he has screen shots. If true, go on ESPN and air them out. Lying ***.
I actually believe the majority of his story. The only question is what exactly is in the video and how bad is it. We'll probably never know. This was/is a serious shakedown.
IF it is something like this, i may be wrong here but wouldnt the Statute of Limitations already passed and the law cant even do anything?

Statute of limitations ( In Illinois ) are 10 years passed the legal age of consent. So in Illinois the age of consent is 17, so if someone 20 or older has sexual contact with 17 yr old either consensual or against their will, the 17 year old has 10 years to press charges. So a day before their 27th birthday they can press charges. Or the parents or legal guardians can press charges. The danger is the longer you wait the harder it is to prove in a court of law.
Way to answer a question with another question. If he doesnt end up on espn, He probably is a fraud.

Yeah pretty much like how you are believing what this fraud is saying. Have you been paying attention. He initially stated late last night that screenshots had been sent to media outlets and now is backtracking that he has screenshots but doesn't want to get sued by the Cowboys. If all media outlets have the screenshots at least 1 of them would show them or say they have them. Also this guy is a proven fraud if you just do a google search but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe about this guy.
Way to answer a question with another question. If he doesnt end up on espn, He probably is a fraud.

The dude in question has history of stretching crap for his own personal gain. Search him on the internet, he has lied about many things and got caught and has blocked twitter followers that have called him out.
yep.if Dez know if that the video exists(thats a big IF though) then its in his best interest to come clean now instead of giving into blackmail.

Or does what he is doing. "Hey, it was a dark time in my life, I had to cut people off, I did. I'm moved on."
I actually believe the majority of his story. The only question is what exactly is in the video and how bad is it. We'll probably never know. This was/is a serious shakedown.

It's tru what they say More money, more problems. Especially as a celeb.

A regular man, who wins the lotto, won't care about embarrassing claims. He will still get threats though. Only thing that could land him in serious trouble is a crime video, that is recent.

As a celeb though, anything on video can tarnish you forever.
The dude in question has history of stretching crap for his own personal gain. Search him on the internet, he has lied about many things and got caught and has blocked twitter followers that have called him out.

Thanks for this. People need to know who we are dealing with. A real life troll.
Yeah, ok.

We don't believe you anymore Jaywan. No other outlets claim to have these screens. Now it's a point of weather Dez's camp buys? That's your cover story?



The "Dez's camp" angle is perfefct CYA. When nothing happens, he can claim Dez bought the tape.

That being said, there still is some weird smoke around this whole thing.
Right. But if there wasnt a video, Dez wouldve nipped this in the butt from the beginning by releasing a bunch of PR statements. By not doing so, it sends the message of existence.

No he wouldn't have. Saying something would be the worst possible thing for Dez to do right now until this is over. Even if Dez knows this is bs he can't just go and release some PR statements. It's not that simple.
Right. But if there wasnt a video, Dez wouldve nipped this in the butt from the beginning by releasing a bunch of PR statements. By not doing so, it sends the message of existence.

But it already has been put out there that his team is trying to purchase the tape. So if there is no tape he has to live under the scrutiny and speculation that there is a tape and he is in sole possession of that tape. "So when did you stop beating your significant other." you familiar with that accusation, it is nearly impossible to prove something didn't happen.
Statute of limitations ( In Illinois ) are 10 years passed the legal age of consent. So in Illinois the age of consent is 17, so if someone 20 or older has sexual contact with 17 yr old either consensual or against their will, the 17 year old has 10 years to press charges. So a day before their 27th birthday they can press charges. Or the parents or legal guardians can press charges. The danger is the longer you wait the harder it is to prove in a court of law.

That doesn't apply to small children, or if the offender is 25 or older at the time, I think.
Yeah pretty much like how you are believing what this fraud is saying. Have you been paying attention. He initially stated late last night that screenshots had been sent to media outlets and now is backtracking that he has screenshots but doesn't want to get sued by the Cowboys. If all media outlets have the screenshots at least 1 of them would show them or say they have them. Also this guy is a proven fraud if you just do a google search but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe about this guy.

Based on Dez's tweet 5 days ago, its pretty obvious there is something out there. Thats all I believe.
There's nothing he has claimed so far that I couldn't claim myself on my own Twitter feed. It's ridiculous. Maybe I can turn this into an ESPN guest shot.

ESPN doesn't want clown, what does he offer them on this that Schefter didn't
Terms are met?

What is he trying to get money out of ESPN to come on their network?
Or does what he is doing. "Hey, it was a dark time in my life, I had to cut people off, I did. I'm moved on."

See people like to abuse their freedom in america. **** like this wouldn't fly in most countries, especially trying to attack someone of power and wealth.

Sometimes I wish these people could live under the law of certain threats, in certain countries. So they could be taught a lesson, and learn.
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