Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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There's a picture thread in the Members Zone that's at 125 pages.


There are a couple ongoing threads in the OT Zone that are 100+

Great thread.
I added my pic to it.
It's very cool to put faces to names.
While I wont dismiss the possibility of something existing, can I get someone who is adamant that this video exists and its content so nefarious based on the current evidence and "witnesses" Many logical points are just escaping me where people are publicly speculating the most morbid and horrible things.

1. If there is a video, how has not one screenshot, clip, etc been seen by anyone who comes forward? Money alone is not a sufficient answer. Money would have been paid long ago. "Weaker" things have been hacked and leaked in days. This has gone on for 7 months or more with little more today than apparently 7 months ago.

2. People running with "5x worse than Rice" yet no police, survelience, public record, victim has come forward? Why? I cant think of one victimless crime 5x Worse than Rice incident

3. If anyone credible has seen this, wouldnt that have gotten back to Dallas? Wouldnt they be willing to pay the most to hedge the contract offer (or Tag)? If they have offered a contract (as reported) and will Tag Dez, doesn't that lend more to the "not a huge issue" versus "raping a girl at gunpoint in front of Walmart" being thrown out?

4. Why do people think Dez needs to defend himself publicly against charges no one can pin down? Any lawyer would tell you to shut up until you know the charge. You only go into damge control when you know precisely what is coming out. I cant find any evidence anyone knows what that is. I can't deny that theres not a video someone took of me at WalMart. I know I never hit anyone in the parking lot, but I dont think I would give an accusation credence if someone said they heard someone had a video with that on it. It gives the rumor-monger legitimacy. Damage control is proactive and effective when a known issue is out there.

It is really troubling that people are being so cavalier with some of this stuff. In the off chance they are right, the tension has already died. If they are wrong, there are no ramifications. Dez will have to live with this forever as a question with no recourse. If he is exonerated, then people will say "he's rich and part of the territory", If he's guilty then a few get to say HAHAHA....told you. And some of them got paid to do it.

There is definitely an undertone where people WANT to believe it and that is the scarier part to me - regardless of the final outcome

I need a translation.."Bryant changed agents in November to Roc Nation and it was insinuated that the old agency was paying blackmail $$ to keep the video..away from the public eye. Look at Jerry Jones’ reaction to Dez switching agents, not happy at all. Sounds like that $$ is no longer..being paid and the Cowboys know it’s coming out, leading to a deal with Dez totally in limbo. Again, I have not seen the video."

Ok so Dez switches agents in November. His former agent (agency) was paying "blackmail $$" (to WHOM?) to keep the "video" away from the public eye. Sounds like..."$$" (again..from WHOM) is no longer being paid.
Ok, my gut on this now is.....

Yes, there is a video. No, it's not flattering, and maybe a bit unlawful, but it's not nearly as damaging as the extortionists portrayed. Dez doesn't want it out there, but he's not willing to succumb to blackmail to stop it. The Cowboys know about it and don't want it out either, but it's more embarrassing and revealing about Dez four years ago than it is truly concerning moving forward. It does give the Cowboys some pause as they contemplate a "Cowboy for life" contract with Dez moving forward. The franchise tag is still the preferred option unless Dez will either take less guaranteed money, or agree to behavior clauses. And his back issues also cause additional pause from the Cowboys.

Meanwhile, the extortionists are frustrated by how little they're being offered for the video, and they're the ones holding out...not TMZ or whoever. These dolts thought they had a million-dollar chip, and it's only worth about $25,000 or so. So it's a bidding war for a video that's now losing its steam because its not as damning as everyone was worked up into thinking.

Meanwhile, Shefter and Florio are in full panic. They have WAY oversold this, and now they realize that they've spent too much time and energy on a gotcha for the team they love to get.

And we wait.....
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