Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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That looks nothing more than a typical clickbait campaign to garnish clicks. Yes I clicked onto it to see what their doing. Its fake. But someone is trying to monetize the entire situation by even registering a stupid domain name ( and throw a crappy wordpress site up.

Anyways I did a whois lookup. Its being masked by If someone wants to take this a step further they can. Godaddy will shutdown any site that does stunts like this. In fact, they can be liable by the feds.
Story may very well be fake, but the site is real.
That looks nothing more than a typical clickbait campaign to garnish clicks. Yes I clicked onto it to see what their doing. Its fake. But someone is trying to monetize the entire situation by even registering a stupid domain name ( and throw a crappy wordpress site up.

Anyways I did a whois lookup. Its being masked by If someone wants to take this a step further they can. Godaddy will shutdown any site that does stunts like this. In fact, they can be liable by the feds.


It's a trash site, but it's been around a pretty long it's not just for this.
I'm willing to bet this video was shot before he turned pro and someone is trying to cash in now

This wouldve been leaked already if this happened while he was in the pros
That looks nothing more than a typical clickbait campaign to garnish clicks. Yes I clicked onto it to see what their doing. Its fake. But someone is trying to monetize the entire situation by even registering a stupid domain name ( and throw a crappy wordpress site up.

Anyways I did a whois lookup. Its being masked by to protect his privacy. I guess this guy doesn't have the balls to show his true identity.

If someone wants to take this a step further they can. I think this is nothing more than a hate campaign against Bryant. I don't believe it for one second. However, Godaddy will shutdown any site down immediately if they know about this. In fact, can be liable by the feds on the basis of slander.

Anyways, here's the info I got from his whois lookup. That phone number is a abuse line.


Nah- this isn't a hate campaign.
It's a money-making scheme.
I'm sure the site owner couldn't care less if Dez lives forever, or dies this second except to make money off it.
The timing is curious. If whoever is releasing this video really wanted to do the most damage to the Cowboys they would have released it right before the playoffs or after they sign Dez to a huge contract. It seems like they want to do more damage to Dez than the team by subverting his ability to negotiate a contract.
The timing is curious. If whoever is releasing this video really wanted to do the most damage to the Cowboys they would have released it right before the playoffs or after they sign Dez to a huge contract. It seems like they want to do more damage to Dez than the team by subverting his ability to negotiate a contract.

Unless they know they can hurt or keep him from getting a huge contract. What if they aren't out for money, and want to keep Dez from getting a mega contract.

Listen folks, yall know I'm a huge Dez fan. If there is video even half as bad it will be very bad for us, the Cowboys, and everyone involved. Let's just hope not!! I don't want to explain this to my 8 year old son, who is a Dez fanatic!!!
the fishy part of this is, why is this about to come out right before Dez is hitting his payday?
No idea if it's real. And even if it was, I don't see it being worse that Rice's video.

In any case, if it is real, I want it out now--before any contract is in place.

I still say Dez is a Cowboy this year.
The timing is incredibly suspect. If it was a criminal act with violence and fear, then it should have been out and to authorities. Seems like a shakedown if true, which opens up a lot of other questions.

Roc Nation made Rihanna from another run of the mill pop starlet who was one bad album away from never heard from again and bankrupt to a mega star.

The reality as has been noted from day one is that Roc Nation won't have anything to do with his contract. It doesn't mean Tom Condon won't try to get Dez QB money, but it won't be Roc Nation pulling the strings.

If a Video did exist. As powerful as RocNation is, trust me, that video wont see the light of day, or that person could end up missing.
If a Video did exist. As powerful as RocNation is, trust me, that video wont see the light of day, or that person could end up missing.

Lol.. I think that's about as hyperbolic as the 5x worse than the Ray Rice incident. I think if it's really bad, then Roc Nation would drop Dez.
Again Dez' quote from Twitter a few days ago:

My fears as it relates to this video: is the Since the world is destined to know" part which makes me think Dez is saying he may need to do an exclusive interview about something we don't know about yet

Sounds like someone who use to be in his camp, is pissed he got booted, and now holds a video? Threatening to release it? That's what it sounds like from that quote.
It would have to be murder to be 5X worse than the Ray Rice incident or 5 women beat unconscious.
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