Skinsmaniac;2254022 said:
This right here explains why America thinks most Cowboys fans are a joke, and why the real Cowboys fans must be so frustrated with fellow "fans." If you have to "make up your mind who to root for" then I'm guessing you aren't very passionate about your team. Being a fan isn't an intellectual exercise, it's complete irrational stupidity - being "fanatic."
So says the Commander fan hanging out on a Cowboys board. I guess it is to just show us how bad us Cowboys fans. You have taught me the error of my ways. Please, please, please can I be a Commanders fan? Oh wait, I didn't grow up in DC, I guess I can't. Why God did you curse me so!!!:bang2::bang2:
If you want to take only little phrase to use for your soapbox go ahead, but I guess you were born liking the Commanders as much as you do now. At some point in time you had to make a choice, either consciously or subconsciously, whether the Commanders were worth rooting for or not. Unless you are a robot and can only do what you are told to do by others. If you want to define being a fan as irrational stupidity, then go ahead. But be prepared to be called out on it (as you already have) since that is not a definition of a fanatic.
For me, I had an affinity for the Cowboys since a young age as my dad was a Cowboys fan. However, I can remember deciding if I should be a fan of Dallas or not (maybe because I was older when I really began to enjoy football--22/23). This was during the Quincy Carter era, so not exactly the 'Boys finest hour, but since I have become an ardent fan. Just because someone comes to be a fan in a way different than you did, doesn't make them less of a fan.