Lee's response to Dez

I browed this from another thread and set the time to where they talk about Dez. Does this sound like someone you can talk to one and one, or does it sound like someone you would avoid bring something up face to face?
Did Dez ever throw a teammate under the bus while playing here? Ever utter a single bad word about any of his teammates?
Not that I'm aware of, but he sure did once he got released. Funny how that works.
Bob Hayes
Frank Clarke

Lance Rentzel
Terrell Owens
Miles Austin
Lance Alworth
Tommy McDonald
I may've missed part of this ....
but are you seriously think all of those guys, as Dallas Cowboys, were better than Dez Bryant?
No I see it. You were trying to compare Lee's fragility with Dez, who really has no durability issues, because it hurt your feelings, but your analogy sucked.

Des has actually been durable while Kee has not. Dez even plays injured and has been the last couple of years. He was even playing with a high ankle sprain with scrubs at QB until it was no longer feasible.

And you have no idea about where or not Sean Lee has class, because you don't have access to the LR. Yeah, he's a beast when he's on the field, but so is Dak when he doesn't have a scrub throwing the ball to him and he's playing DB half the time.
Where was Dez last year when Dak needed his #1 WR, to, you know, produce like a #1 WR?
Its amazing how age, injuries, and money can change the perception of a player.

Until last season I was Lee's biggest critic. Now, with so much drama from others' self-inflicted wounds (drugs, big mouths, DV, DUIs, car wrecks) I realize that Lee was a good player who was lame through no fault of his own. And, too, as to the locker room, he is the opposite of Dezpicable Bryant.
So if someone doesn't agree w/ your opinion, you pout? Weak sauce, dude. I wrote my list down, and from a storied franchise. You don't like it, so you throw insults? Are you a child?
He's no child, he's a venerable Cowboys fan.
You want to see a child? His name is Desmond Bryant.
Do you even read properly:

1. Since when did 'not blaming anybody for months' equal 'Dez did not NAME anybody for months'? Show me where Dez called out any specific player until just now? Dez spoke when he read about the comments from Stephen Jones, meaning it was a RESPONSE. Why is the first works out if the mouth of Stephen in regards to Dak, him having Dez's mouth in his ear if they MOVED on, particularly in this situation where Dez is waiting it out for a roster spot?

2. What did Sean Lee say that didn't confirm what Dez was already saying? Sean Lee said there were other players that held the same view, which Dez would call Garrett guys, without realizing he flat out confirmed what Dez was saying.

He did name people very quickly though. He talked about Jerry’s guys and even when not using names made it very clear who he was talking about. This was not the first time He pointed a finger at Lee.

Yes, this was a response, but not new comments. You are acting as if Dez has handled this silently and with grace up to this point. That’s not true. He started pointing fingers very soon after being released.

As for Lee confirming what Dez said, that BS because Lee did not confirm that he or anyone else had anything to do with Dez being cut - and that was what Dez claimed. Lee denied it and in fact scoffed at the notion. All Lee said was he butted heads with Dez because he wanted Dez to be more accountable, not that he conspired or lobbied to get Dez released.
Umm..I just told you that I didn’t say that there wasn’t personal accountability. I said it is useless to argue with someone about his personal accountability when that same accountability isn’t applied to those above him. That’s the reason he is complaining in the first place. Because he believes that is why he was not successful or less so than he could have been. The coaches in this organization at the topmost positions have gotten more leeway than in any other organization other than arguably the Bengals. Management has 25 years of excuses. Talented players have a right to complain about being blamed for not winning for as long as this organization has.

It’s only useless if the player refuses to accept personal accountability. A player doesn’t have to agree with who the head coach is to accept personal accountabilty, and to blame unwillingness to do so on someone else is a weak excuse. Dez wanted to be seen as a leader, and Lee wanted him to stand up and do the things leaders do. If a player refuses to accept the responsibility that goes with the role, that’s on him, not someone else. Lee, Martin, Frederick and Dak aren’t making that excuse, and that excuse doesn’t fly for Dez.
You don't really believe that? Dez disappears for weeks at a time. Has two maybe three good games a year. Romo made Dez, and hid his flaws. The Cowboys don't win when Lee is out.

How come i dont i got my own set of eyes i watched every game Did you watch the games?.. who had to catch the ball

Say what you said again WHEN Lee is out not IF. When so again i say Dez has done more on the field than Sean Lee period and thats facts

im not debating that fact.

I bet he dont play 16 games... I bet he dont
Lee isn't that good, that's why they drafted his replacement this year..
So if someone doesn't agree w/ your opinion, you pout? Weak sauce, dude. I wrote my list down, and from a storied franchise. You don't like it, so you throw insults? Are you a child?
The statement was childish and ignorant.
A lot of people in here taking definitive sides and using this as an opportunity to take shots at a guy who is no longer a Cowboy who is one of the Cowboy all-time greats. Meanwhile these same people have almost no actual information to base their strong feelings on. It's embarrassing and childish.......

They have plenty of information to base their feelings on....like all the temper tantrums Dez was famous for, including walking off the field before the game was over. Not to mention his declining performance.
And Dez is the one who started shooting his mouth off about his team mates as a phoney excuse for being released. His teammates didn't start it, Dez did. And the reason Dez is "no longer a Cowboy" is nobody's fault but his own.

Your lame misdirected charge of "embarrassing and childish" should've been applied to Dez for his childish temper tantrums instead of on Cowboys fans. The fans did well to tolerate Dez's nonsense as long as they did.
The Cowboys decision to let Dez go was made for the benefit of the team, and it was the right decision.
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