Lee's response to Dez

He did once upon a time. And I was all in. All came apart after injury and life after Romo.
But, blaming Lee and Fredbeard? Please.

This is just comical to me.

Dez never once spoke about the performance of Lee and Frederick. What he spoke about was what he perceived as talking about him behind his back, while pretending everything is perfect..
Not at all. I’m just pointing out the notion that telling a player to be accountable will fall on deaf ears if that same player is complaining about the coaching and management not being held accountable which he is actually right about.

Jerry breeds this disfunction, because players know they can go straight to him and complain.
This totally undermines the coaching staff (inept as they are)

There is no hierarchy or structure, Jerry created this mess.

That he's a young QB?

Are you seriously saying Dez is one of our all time greats? Not even close. We've had minimum(W/o counting) 10 WR's better than him in our history, easily.
I mean you can not like Dez. Saying he's the 11th best wr in franchise history though shows your opinion on this matter and frankly anything football related can be disregarded.
Looks to me like the person who could make the locker room fragile and the one stirring this up isn't even in that locker room anymore.

The truth is coming out. Dez can shove it coming after Lee. That man shows up and performs every game he is well enough to play.
No I see it. You were trying to compare Lee's fragility with Dez, who really has no durability issues, because it hurt your feelings, but your analogy sucked.

Des has actually been durable while Kee has not. Dez even plays injured and has been the last couple of years. He was even playing with a high ankle sprain with scrubs at QB until it was no longer feasible.

And you have no idea about where or not Sean Lee has class, because you don't have access to the LR. Yeah, he's a beast when he's on the field, but so is Dak when he doesn't have a scrub throwing the ball to him and he's playing DB half the time.
That was painful to read. I would try proof reading.
Sorry, agree to disagree. Bryant has had many injuries specifically his legs. And, guess what? I don't really care because he's not a Cowboy.
So when he whines, I don't care because he's STILL a distraction. It's sad really.
So, no such thing as personal accountability and accountability to the team and teammates? If a player doesn’t think the coaches are being handled right by management then he has an acceptable excuse to not accept any accountability for himself?

I’m sorry, but coaches can’t be blamed for everything, and players have to mature and take things on themselves even if everything else isn’t just right. Sean Lee seems able to do that. I don’t by that Dez shouldn’t have as well.
Umm..I just told you that I didn’t say that there wasn’t personal accountability. I said it is useless to argue with someone about his personal accountability when that same accountability isn’t applied to those above him. That’s the reason he is complaining in the first place. Because he believes that is why he was not successful or less so than he could have been. The coaches in this organization at the topmost positions have gotten more leeway than in any other organization other than arguably the Bengals. Management has 25 years of excuses. Talented players have a right to complain about being blamed for not winning for as long as this organization has.
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Funny thing, the ONLY knock on Lee is he gets banged up. That hurt us when he was out.

Bryant? We may have been better when he was out. Or, maybe we didn't skip a beat.

Sorry Romo isn't here to throw that "Veteran leader" perfect jump ball. I mean, that surely would have cut down on his QB-to WR's helmet/hands drops. And the sideline meltdowns. Walking off the field before the game is over? Probably Daks fault.

Not even on the team anymore, lmao, and he's not only STILL a distraction, but he's been said to be in negotiations with Cleveland, unemployed mind you and he's going off the rails on Twitter?

Take your ball and go home.

So I guess when Romo threw that 50-50 ball against the Texans and Dez caught the ball behind the cb's back on a crucial 3rd down that helped the team win he could've made that happen to any receiver on the roster huh? No way. Only Dez was capable of making that catch.
They've been playing together for close to 8 years. That is plenty of time for Sean Lee to come talk to him. When has Dez ever said the defense is garbage and they need to be more accountable?
If you scroll back, so to say, and reread what Sean Lee had said, I believe it would say that he and Dez have butted heads in the past, when Lee brought something up. So obviously, he did try talking to Dez one on one, or else how would you butt heads? Sounds more like bringing things up to Dez was a fruitless endeavor and then we never heard anything from Lee publicly.
And it comes down to Lee's words against Dez. And Lee's words actually indicate that what Dez has said at least is partially true.

Not only were there players that took the side of the "Garrett guys" there were those that took the side of Dez, including multiple offensive players including not just Butler, but guys still around like Cole Beasley, but Dez baskets pretend that never happened.

Plus the way Dooley left also raises questions.

Reality is Dez didn't name anybody for months and then this Stephen Jones 'politically correct' statement that took a subtle jab at Dez, no matter how you spin it, was thrown in his face.

And it's not surprising considering this all came when Jerry was taking heat again for his anthem stand.

Usually your friends will take your side, even if you're wrong. And then some people will take your side if you talk them into it with a false narrative. I mean I remember TO being upset because he felt the ball wasn't thrown to him enough, and then he got him and other players to go to garret feeling that romo was throwing it to Witten to much instead of spreading it out. And back in the day the TV Commentator for one game showed that it was all wrong that actually TO had more balls thrown to him but he was dropping them. But well workplace politics can make others side with you, even if what you are saying isn't fully the truth.
Damn, son.
My estimation of you has gone from a fave to hero status.
I am glad someone finally stepped away from the canard that Dez is "passionate" and a "competitor" and has told Despicable Dez that he is accountable for Dez.
Well done, fragile boy, well done!
Its amazing how age, injuries, and money can change the perception of a player.
The HC is not accountable
The GM is not accountable

But the players should be?

It is a culture of nepotism

This is almost starting to sound like an excuse for saying two wrongs make a right. You got a Job. You get payed Millions of dollars. But you shouldn't be held accountable because your feelings are hurt because you feel someone else isn't being held accountable? Whatever happened to just do your job that you were payed for?
It 's just strange how both receivers, TO & Dez, went after Garrett's guys. And this is like 7 or 8 years a part. Something's wrong under Jerry Jones and Jason Garrett.

No doubt about that.
This is just comical to me.

Dez never once spoke about the performance of Lee and Frederick. What he spoke about was what he perceived as talking about him behind his back, while pretending everything is perfect..

We still don't have proof that there was talking behind his back? All we have is Sean Lee saying that he and Dez have butted heads. He didn't say anymore than that. For all we know, Dez could be paranoid.
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It 's just strange how both receivers, TO & Dez, went after Garrett's guys. And this is like 7 or 8 years a part. Something's wrong under Jerry Jones and Jason Garrett.
What's so strange about that? If you seen someone else use an argument against someone, and then you have a beef with them, what would be so strange for someone to then use the previous argument to make it look like the other person is the problem?
I mean you can not like Dez. Saying he's the 11th best wr in franchise history though shows your opinion on this matter and frankly anything football related can be disregarded.
So if someone doesn't agree w/ your opinion, you pout? Weak sauce, dude. I wrote my list down, and from a storied franchise. You don't like it, so you throw insults? Are you a child?

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