Let me get this straight


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I wasn’t a fan when MM was hired but hearing him talk about preparing and learning during his down time I thought we might see better coaching. But I don’t see better coaching, I still see your team looking lost and fundamentally unsound! There’s not a coach on staff I would want to keep


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The thing is.. We’ll probably have to watch it fail several times before they make a move..

Dallas never gets out ahead of things or identifies mistakes quickly.

They make excuses and wait for obvious failure.
Jerry can not admit or believe he makes a mistake. MM is embarrassing to say the least but he will be here at least 3 more seasons because Jerry doesn’t see any problems with coaches or players, sound familiar


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Miss me Yet?



The Labeled One
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We brought in a coach with experience and a SB win in order to maximize the potential of a roster that was "talented," but needed better coaching to get over the top.

That coach is allowed to bring in a DC that runs a scheme that nearly none of the players like or can handle....

Now we are going into rebuild mode....with those SAME coaches..... mostly because the owners dont find it to be good business to eat coaches contracts.

Ok, I get it. Should all work out, and I guess we can start over in three more years after they realize...

McCarthy never should have been given a five year deal...

And that they should have recognized the disaster right away, and not sat in denial yet again.

It amazes me how eating several million for dudes like Clinton Dix and McCoy are fine, but you want to stick with coaches that obviously arent the answer because of money.....and THATS the reason....dont let Jerry lie to you...

Go find a young coach that can make this team his.

Not some fat has been as HC, and some never WAS as DC.

Start over Jerry. Admit it. You failed. Again.

:hammer:....couldn't have said it better myself. Unwilling to admit mistakes .....and then compounds it by letting it fester....until the situation calls for a complete overhaul. How Jerry ever made money in oil is beyond me...I'll bet he had someone else making the decisions there too...and has taken credit for it...the whole time. Ask yourself this....does Jerry really strike you as guy that ever got his hands dirty?


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I heard this on sports radio driving home. They had RJ Ochoa on there. He is sports guy in Dallas I guess and he said that Jay Glazer is the one that recommend MM to Jerry. He said that at Oxnard they have a tower and no one can be on it except for the Joneses, celebrities, and Glazer. Take it for what it’s worth.


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Find one good safety and one good defensive tackle and work with the rest of what you have on defense you can easily slide into the top 10

offense sign Prescott and let the line comeback healthy....

you should have an instant 10 win season

We had the number 1 offense if the defense wasn’t so bad we would be sitting at maybe 6-1 right now if healthy

With a top 10 pick they could probably find a good DT and a S in this draft. If they work ahead of time maybe they could secure one on a trade before the deadline.


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We brought in a coach with experience and a SB win in order to maximize the potential of a roster that was "talented," but needed better coaching to get over the top.

That coach is allowed to bring in a DC that runs a scheme that nearly none of the players like or can handle....

Now we are going into rebuild mode....with those SAME coaches..... mostly because the owners dont find it to be good business to eat coaches contracts.

Ok, I get it. Should all work out, and I guess we can start over in three more years after they realize...

McCarthy never should have been given a five year deal...

And that they should have recognized the disaster right away, and not sat in denial yet again.

It amazes me how eating several million for dudes like Clinton Dix and McCoy are fine, but you want to stick with coaches that obviously arent the answer because of money.....and THATS the reason....dont let Jerry lie to you...

Go find a young coach that can make this team his.

Not some fat has been as HC, and some never WAS as DC.

Start over Jerry. Admit it. You failed. Again.
Not a decent human being are you.


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Nolan might get fired if the defense doesn’t improve. In fact, he probably will.

For the first time this year I thought MM might get fired after one season after this week’s blowout loss to WSH. Even so, I still think this is highly, highly unlikely.

And with that said, I’m no where near to the point I want to trash MM just yet with this season’s COVID shortened training camp and the injuries we’ve sustained. That seems incredibly over-reactionary. Very fan-like, and fans tend to have a short sighted mob mentality.

Dude, MM has already done enough to deserve to be fired and it has nothing to do with Covid or injuries: he hired Nolan. In one of his first and most important decisions as HC he hires a guy who hasn’t been a DC for years and had one of the worst defenses when he was a DC. And no other team would offer him a DC position. So MM hires him because he’s an old buddy who hired MM a long time ago ? Huge mistake and we’re paying dearly for it. Add the decision to keep Moore as OC and MM should be fired mid season for screwing up the 2 most important decisions he had to make. But this is Jerry World and MM will be here for 3 years. Then we start all over again.


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Not surprised. You obviously think all the things in your post are just fine.
Something wrong with posting my opinion on an opinion based forum?

Show me once when I gave you a hard time before you did so to me.

Seems to me that more people around here agree with what I have to say as opposed to you.

I'll stop there. In case you're too upset.


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Dude, MM has already done enough to deserve to be fired and it has nothing to do with Covid or injuries: he hired Nolan. In one of his first and most important decisions as HC he hires a guy who hasn’t been a DC for years and had one of the worst defenses when he was a DC. And no other team would offer him a DC position. So MM hires him because he’s an old buddy who hired MM a long time ago ? Huge mistake and we’re paying dearly for it. Add the decision to keep Moore as OC and MM should be fired mid season for screwing up the 2 most important decisions he had to make. But this is Jerry World and MM will be here for 3 years. Then we start all over again.

What’s the case for firing KM based on this season? We did have one of the best offenses in the league before Dak was hurt and that was with significant upheaval along the OL. Now Dak is hurt and we’ve had more upheaval along the OL and the offense has gone into the tank. What exactly do you want Moore to do? For example, are you honestly going to seriously grade Moore on whether or not a Dinucci led offense consistently moves the ball against the Eagles? This seems extremely irrational.

And if Nolan was the wrong hire then you fire Nolan. Why would you take the whole staff (apparently decided by you no less than seven games into their tenure here) down for that? Again, this seems extremely irrational.
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