Let's ban Stephen A Smith from this board. That will be a badge of honor for all of us


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You will eventually grow out of this nonsense, when you get older and have kids, start to lose parents and grandparents, get laid off or get sick or divorced you will stop taking grown men playing a game so serious. Who cares what strangers say about your favorite sportz teams.


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What do you say? Are the mods on board with this? The guy is not even serious, he only says things that are provocatively stupid to entice more viewers and conversations about him.

The only way I know what he says is because people post his stuff here.

What do you think?
I like him.
He's funny.


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Stephen A did help deliver the Cowboys Trojan Horse.

He kept on saying to Jerry, Pay the man! Well guess. what, Jerry did and now we are screwed.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Stephen A did help deliver the Cowboys Trojan Horse.

He kept on saying to Jerry, Pay the man! Well guess. what, Jerry did and now we are screwed.
And you think Jerry did that because of SAS? Jerry's more likely to do things to spite people like him.


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And you think Jerry did that because of SAS? Jerry's more likely to do things to spite people like him.
I think Jerry does listen to the talking heads on TV and in the press.
I remember everyone was telling Jerry, you have to pay the man.
I think Jerry does listen to the outside noise, even though he would never admit it.
I think the Giants and eagles did the same thing. Did not want to lose what they had so they overpaid for mediocrity!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I think Jerry does listen to the talking heads on TV and in the press.
I remember everyone was telling Jerry, you have to pay the man.
I think Jerry does listen to the outside noise, even though he would never admit it.
I think the Giants and eagles did the same thing. Did not want to lose what they had so they overpaid for mediocrity!
I think Jerry has other people, close to the organization, who he trusts more.


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I think Jerry has other people, close to the organization, who he trusts more.
I agree, but Jerry has a big ego and he is getting roasted in the press right now and deservedly so. He has to living under a rock if he isn't hearing and seeing all the bad press the Cowboys have been receiving.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I agree, but Jerry has a big ego and he is getting roasted in the press right now and deservedly so. He has to living under a rock if he isn't hearing and seeing all the bad press the Cowboys have been receiving.
True, but he's never seemed to listen when the talking heads had good advice: People like Troy, Jimmy, Parcells, etc....respectable people who actually knows of what they speak.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Or just don’t click on threads about him. I don’t. It’s pretty easy.
NO! It's really hard!

Do you not know how A.I. can take over your computer or cellphone and make you do... things you do not want to do?

It's horrifying. Just last Thursday, I kept telling myself, "Do not click on that thread title! DO NOT CLICK ON THAT THREAD TITLE! DANG IT! Do NOT click on that THREAD title!" It was no use. I clicked on it.

It's A.I. It's everywhere. It can make you do all sorts of things you would normally be able to stop yourself from doing like:
  • Calling other members HATERS!
  • Calling fellow members STANS!
A.I. induced hypnosis! That's it! We are involuntarily compelled. A.I. traps folks inside tiny invisible boxes and ties tiny invisible strings all over hands and fingers. It turns people into PINOCCHIOS of EVIL!

But that is not the worse thing. Oh no. There is something A.I. does that is even MORE sinister...

Let's all face it. Sometimes, CowboysZone just pisses us off. The trigger could be the 10,000th Stephen A. Smith thread. Or watching one post too many go *POOF* into the ether of the internet. Or Dak (or Romo every other day of the week).

Whatever breaks that final straw, people have had ENOUGH! Enough I say! And they vow to leave CowboysZone and never return. FOREVER! Never ever. And IMMEDIATELY too! And everyone left behind will rue their departure to their dying day. Little children will throw tantrums during their absence. Chickens will shed tears.

But A.I. will have none of that righteous rebellious fury. It chains you to the site. No matter how much you struggle, you're locked in. Confined. Trapped. You cannot leave no matter how much you profess you will. You're doomed. Like Bender from Futurama, "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!"

Something must be done. DOWN WITH A.I.! Revolt my brothers and sisters! Free yourselves!!! Before it is too late.

A.I. sucks.

/Certifiably insane rant


Well-Known Member
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NO! It's really hard!

Do you not know how A.I. can take over your computer or cellphone and make you do... things you do not want to do?

It's horrifying. Just last Thursday, I kept telling myself, "Do not click on that thread title! DO NOT CLICK ON THAT THREAD TITLE! DANG IT! Do NOT click on that THREAD title!" It was no use. I clicked on it.

It's A.I. It's everywhere. It can make you do all sorts of things you would normally be able to stop yourself from doing like:
  • Calling other members HATERS!
  • Calling fellow members STANS!
A.I. induced hypnosis! That's it! We are involuntarily compelled. A.I. traps folks inside tiny invisible boxes and ties tiny invisible strings all over hands and fingers. It turns people into PINOCCHIOS of EVIL!

But that is not the worse thing. Oh no. There is something A.I. does that is even MORE sinister...

Let's all face it. Sometimes, CowboysZone just pisses us off. The trigger could be the 10,000th Stephen A. Smith thread. Or watching one post too many go *POOF* into the ether of the internet. Or Dak (or Romo every other day of the week).

Whatever breaks that final straw, people have had ENOUGH! Enough I say! And they vow to leave CowboysZone and never return. FOREVER! Never ever. And IMMEDIATELY too! And everyone left behind will rue their departure to their dying day. Little children will throw tantrums during their absence. Chickens will shed tears.

But A.I. will have none of that righteous rebellious fury. It chains you to the site. No matter how much you struggle, you're locked in. Confined. Trapped. You cannot leave no matter how much you profess you will. You're doomed. Like Bender from Futurama, "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!"

Something must be done. DOWN WITH A.I.! Revolt my brothers and sisters! Free yourselves!!! Before it is too late.

A.I. sucks.

/Certifiably insane rant
It is possible to tag Stephen A Smith threads as an option for users preference to ignore? That way I don't even have to read the titles... much appreciated if possible.


Cowboys 24/7/365
Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It is possible to tag Stephen A Smith threads as an option for users preference to ignore? That way I don't even have to read the titles... much appreciated if possible.
I have no clue. I doubt it.