Life after Jerry


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Stephen will take over as Owner.

He'll run it EXACTLY like he learned from his father: control everything...the draft...the players on the team.... even how the coaches coach and what systems they run and how they call plays.

he just won't be as smart as Jerry....not nearly as any area, compared to Jerry. Not that Jerry was a football's just that if it weren't for his father, and had Stephen been forced to make his own way in life, he would have been like a local grocery store manager, or UPS driver, or middle of the road car salesman with average sales.

all fine professions....but if you take a 5 minute walk through your local grocery store at peak hours, you'll walk past 50 different Stephen Jones' with every bit the ability and smarts as Stephen. You wouldn't run across a single Jerry.

So it will be like now....but dumber.


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I've noticed the same thing. Jerry (and even Stephen for that matter) have aged about 20 years since 2014. I have a program from a game that I went to in 2018, and even then Jerry and Stephen's head shots look remarkably different. I suspect hard living is catching up to both of them. I remember Jerry missed the Combine in 2022 because of some unknown medical procedure as well. I would love to know what his full bill of health looks like because he doesn't look or sound well these days.

As far as succession planning, I am sure Jerry has had a plan in place since he bought the team. I could envision the team running like the Buccaneers, where most of the family play key roles at the top of the ladder. I just don't see any scenario where Stephen isn't the final decision maker for anything operations related. Unlike Jerry, I think Stephen enjoys working behind the scenes. He's not nearly the social butterfly or salesman that his old man is.

he just won't be as smart as Jerry....not nearly as any area, compared to Jerry. Not that Jerry was a football's just that if it weren't for his father, and had Stephen been forced to make his own way in life, he would have been like a local grocery store manager, or UPS driver, or middle of the road car salesman with average sales.
I get the point you're trying to make, but it's extremely tacky to demean people that work hard. Some of the smartest people I have ever known I met in the 9 years that I spent working directly in grocery retail. A lot of those people who you don't think are very smart have had 401K's since they were teenagers. I know some journeyman meat cutters and produce clerks that retired from Publix as millionaires and I've known guys at other grocery retailers take home hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit sharing.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Watching the FOX Pre-Game Show bit with Jimmy and Jerry yesterday really opened my eyes to how much age has caught up with both of them, but especially Jerry. Maybe it’s the calm fishing in the Florida Keys, but Jimmy appears to be aging better than Jerry. Jerry really is getting up there, and we all know he has enjoyed the good life at times, and is a workaholic. Not to be morbid, but you have to figure the end is near.

Not to turn this into an ‘I hate Jerry and good riddance’ thread but what are your thoughts on what the organization will be like without Jerry?

Here are my assumptions:

- Jerry has great lawyers and accountants that will figure out how to keep the franchise with his family like most owners have, although I think our franchise might be different in that it’s worth so much more than previous franchises. Probably last one to transfer to the son was the Raiders after Al Davis?
- Is Stephen Jones going to be the owner? Talk about a real-life HBO Succession. Wonder if the Jones Clan is fighting about that behind the scenes? One child gets the yacht, one gets the team, one gets the estate, LOL. Will Gene just get it all and it gets pushed off until her death? Jerry really is the godfather of all of that and will be interesting how he sets it up.
- Will Stephen carbon copy his father and be the owner/GM or will he opt for a less high profile GM position? I remember Bill Parcells talking highly about Stephen’s skill set so I can only assume the position of GM is his? Almost feel like Stephen has been the voice of reason at times that sells the other opinions to Jerry.
- Current coaches, scouts, Will McClay… do you think Stephen is onboard with all of them?
What the hell kind of post is this? Is JJ on life support?


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I've noticed the same thing. Jerry (and even Stephen for that matter) have aged about 20 years since 2014. I have a program from a game that I went to in 2018, and even then Jerry and Stephen's head shots look remarkably different. I suspect hard living is catching up to both of them. I remember Jerry missed the Combine in 2022 because of some unknown medical procedure as well. I would love to know what his full bill of health looks like because he doesn't look or sound well these days.

As far as succession planning, I am sure Jerry has had a plan in place since he bought the team. I could envision the team running like the Buccaneers, where most of the family play key roles at the top of the ladder. I just don't see any scenario where Stephen isn't the final decision maker for anything operations related. Unlike Jerry, I think Stephen enjoys working behind the scenes. He's not nearly the social butterfly or salesman that his old man is.

I get the point you're trying to make, but it's extremely tacky to demean people that work hard. Some of the smartest people I have ever known I met in the 9 years that I spent working directly in grocery retail. A lot of those people who you don't think are very smart have had 401K's since they were teenagers. I know some journeyman meat cutters and produce clerks that retired from Publix as millionaires and I've known guys at other grocery retailers take home hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit sharing.
I wasn't demeaning people at ALL! Or at least didnt mean to. ANY man that works...that goes to work every day...and makes his own way....without trying to get out of work and mooching off others or "big brother" to live fine in my book.

I'm not saying a janitor is any less noble or respectable than a owner of billion dollar companies...but they ARE more common.

I would dare say that Jerry would be a better Janitor than your typical janitor would be in the oil business or running an NFL franchise.

So when I say Stephen has more in common to the janitor than to Jerry, it's not a personal insult, rather just a prediction of how the team will be run.


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So that brings up the next question… Jerry was stumbling around a bit with his words yesterday. Reminded me of a certain high profile figure we’re not allowed to talk about in the forums. LOL. At what point, does Jerry retire, and let everyone else run it. There have been active owners involved into their 90’s but very few as involved as Jerry has been with the organization.
Absolutely zero possibility of anything similar. One has built a huge business and has changed the game, the other is stupid to begin with and has never built anything. One act like a doddering old fool and the other can still hang with the best of them. Bad analogy imo…


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Jerry has intelligent money and legal people working for him so my assumption would be he worked out a deal with the IRS to pre pay the inheritance taxes that would enable the family to keep the team. That said I think Stevie while not the salesman Jerry is, will turn out to be mostly a chip off the old block. In other words not good.,
"Stevie while not the salesman Jerry is, will turn out to be mostly a chip off the old block..." That is the sum of all our fear. Stephen may be the *Jethro Bodine of the NFL... *(Beverly Hillbillies reference)


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The only thing that changes is Stephen gets to move into the big office.


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Future preview of 2068’s Training Camp ‘State of the Team’ opening statements from Jerry.

You sure that ain't Troy Aikman !


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I've noticed the same thing. Jerry (and even Stephen for that matter) have aged about 20 years since 2014. I have a program from a game that I went to in 2018, and even then Jerry and Stephen's head shots look remarkably different. I suspect hard living is catching up to both of them. I remember Jerry missed the Combine in 2022 because of some unknown medical procedure as well. I would love to know what his full bill of health looks like because he doesn't look or sound well these days.

As far as succession planning, I am sure Jerry has had a plan in place since he bought the team. I could envision the team running like the Buccaneers, where most of the family play key roles at the top of the ladder. I just don't see any scenario where Stephen isn't the final decision maker for anything operations related. Unlike Jerry, I think Stephen enjoys working behind the scenes. He's not nearly the social butterfly or salesman that his old man is.

I get the point you're trying to make, but it's extremely tacky to demean people that work hard. Some of the smartest people I have ever known I met in the 9 years that I spent working directly in grocery retail. A lot of those people who you don't think are very smart have had 401K's since they were teenagers. I know some journeyman meat cutters and produce clerks that retired from Publix as millionaires and I've known guys at other grocery retailers take home hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit sharing.
Good post. Good point on Stephen and have noticed the same. Also agree with your take on BamaFan.


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I find beauty in the Cowboys as we do it differently, we do not follow the hs script, Yeah I definitely find lots of beauty in that. I can see Stephan actually hiring a GM to run the team, different generation and he can still have a ball without all of the headaches. I will miss the Jerry owned Cowboys, as Barry Switzer once so elegantly said…WE DID IT OUR WAY BABY!


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Watching the FOX Pre-Game Show bit with Jimmy and Jerry yesterday really opened my eyes to how much age has caught up with both of them, but especially Jerry. Maybe it’s the calm fishing in the Florida Keys, but Jimmy appears to be aging better than Jerry. Jerry really is getting up there, and we all know he has enjoyed the good life at times, and is a workaholic. Not to be morbid, but you have to figure the end is near.

Not to turn this into an ‘I hate Jerry and good riddance’ thread but what are your thoughts on what the organization will be like without Jerry?

Here are my assumptions:

- Jerry has great lawyers and accountants that will figure out how to keep the franchise with his family like most owners have, although I think our franchise might be different in that it’s worth so much more than previous franchises. Probably last one to transfer to the son was the Raiders after Al Davis?
- Is Stephen Jones going to be the owner? Talk about a real-life HBO Succession. Wonder if the Jones Clan is fighting about that behind the scenes? One child gets the yacht, one gets the team, one gets the estate, LOL. Will Gene just get it all and it gets pushed off until her death? Jerry really is the godfather of all of that and will be interesting how he sets it up.
- Will Stephen carbon copy his father and be the owner/GM or will he opt for a less high profile GM position? I remember Bill Parcells talking highly about Stephen’s skill set so I can only assume the position of GM is his? Almost feel like Stephen has been the voice of reason at times that sells the other opinions to Jerry.
- Current coaches, scouts, Will McClay… do you think Stephen is onboard with all of them?
Stephen is much cheaper than Jerry and cares far less about winning. I think he, Charlotte, and Junior are thinking about the end of their ownership, and when the most ideal time to sell would be. The NFL seems to be on a precipice. The vultures are circling, and legalities are very much a threat. Stephen will want to "time the market" and get out at the right time.


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I'm not sure, but I'm sure that there is some plan of succession. I'm hoping it's Stephen at Owner (if it stays within the family) and McClay as the first GM under Stephen. I think Stephen might be more inclined to have a GM.


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Stephen is much cheaper than Jerry and cares far less about winning. I think he, Charlotte, and Junior are thinking about the end of their ownership, and when the most ideal time to sell would be. The NFL seems to be on a precipice. The vultures are circling, and legalities are very much a threat. Stephen will want to "time the market" and get out at the right time.
I could foresee another Kennedy Clan too. Once the old man disappears, the family slowly falls apart. Everything held together by Jerry’s dream to own and run an NFL team.


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If the team does get sold after Jerry dies, I could see Elon Musk buying the Cowboys. Not sure if I'd like that, but he does live in Texas now. I could see him buying the team.
Oh lord… you think the Hollywood spotlight is bad now, wait until our owner starts tweeting about games and players every night! :muttley: