Life after Jerry

Risen Star

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Watching the FOX Pre-Game Show bit with Jimmy and Jerry yesterday really opened my eyes to how much age has caught up with both of them, but especially Jerry. Maybe it’s the calm fishing in the Florida Keys, but Jimmy appears to be aging better than Jerry. Jerry really is getting up there, and we all know he has enjoyed the good life at times, and is a workaholic. Not to be morbid, but you have to figure the end is near.

I love your positivity.


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With the possibility of Cryonics + Cryopreservation, and the pickljng of his brain with Johnny Walker Blue Label.
That long time may come again in a rebirth of some form of JJ the GM.
Although which parts will be bionic, and which will be biologicol will remain to be seen.

He ain't never going to release the reigns.:lmao2:


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Jethro isn’t going anywhere even if he thinks it’s 1923.. lol

He’s going to be leading Cowboys Football well into his 90’s.

There is no “ succession “ planned. Stephen will not assume the same role his daddy has had who didn’t have to answer to anyone .

When he’s gone there will be 3 equal part owners ( Stephen, Jerry Jr & Char). Stephen most likely will assume the Pres title and his two siblings will maintain their VP roles.

What will be different is they will hire a GM or VP. Someone they can hold more accountable like a HC.

The siblings won’t allow Stephen to be the sole face of the Cowboys like Daddy has been not accountable to anyone .

The only exception to any of these this is if the siblings sell out which would probably be too expensive for others to buy out or if the franchise goes to Jethro’s wife which she could basically leave everything in place without a GM or naming Stephen GM. But she stated years ago she didn’t want her kids in same role as Jethro.


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Jethro isn’t going anywhere even if he thinks it’s 1923.. lol

He’s going to be leading Cowboys Football well into his 90’s.

There is no “ succession “ planned. Stephen will not assume the same role his daddy has had who didn’t have to answer to anyone .

When he’s gone there will be 3 equal part owners ( Stephen, Jerry Jr & Char). Stephen most likely will assume the Pres title and his two siblings will maintain their VP roles.

What will be different is they will hire a GM or VP. Someone they can hold more accountable like a HC.

The siblings won’t allow Stephen to be the sole face of the Cowboys like Daddy has been not accountable to anyone .

The only exception to any of these this is if the siblings sell out which would probably be too expensive for others to buy out or if the franchise goes to Jethro’s wife which she could basically leave everything in place without a GM or naming Stephen GM. But she stated years ago she didn’t want her kids in same role as Jethro.
When I was young, I worked for a family business. Owner was in his 80’s and had lived hard, worked hard, and was living on borrowed time and three heart surgeries. His son and wife really ran the business although everyone in the family let the old man think he ran it and he still signed the checks. He was still charismatic as hell and could tell some great stories but it was obvious the faculties were not 100% anymore. I’m sure others have experienced something similar. Well.. welcome to your 21st century Cowboys. That’s what I envision as Jerra gets older.


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When I was young, I worked for a family business. Owner was in his 80’s and had lived hard, worked hard, and was living on borrowed time and three heart surgeries. His son and wife really ran the business although everyone in the family let the old man think he ran it and he still signed the checks. He was still charismatic as hell and could tell some great stories but it was obvious the faculties were not 100% anymore. I’m sure others have experienced something similar. Well.. welcome to your 21st century Cowboys. That’s what I envision as Jerra gets older.
Yep. I grew up in a family business as well. Usually the father would retire and name a successor before his death or health forced the decision. But I don’t believe Jethro will.

He’s not giving up his role to anyone. And it’s why it’s doubtful any of the kids will assume same role. This has been Daddy’s dream to be a celebrity football guy. He’s not stepping down or aside for anyone.


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Last I read, Jerry & his wife jointly own 51% of the team; their three children jointly own the remaining 49%. Obviously, there is some well thought-out estate planning in place to deal with eventualities.

As a practical matter, I see Stephen ultimately becoming the ownership "face" of the team - though not remotely as visible as his extroverted father. I mean, how many owners in the League regularly hold press conferences and appear on weekly radio shows?


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Jerry's wife is going to inherit the team. My guess is she gives all power to run the team to Stephen. Stephen, while he does do interviews does not appear to be nearly as much into the cameras as Jerry. I think Stephen is already making most of the decisions day to day already, so I do not see much changing,.

There is no way this team doesnt stay in the family. This team is still the safest invesment of all that money. NFL franchises go up in value like nothing else. Any money they need comes from the piggy bank known as The Dallas Cowboys.
I am no lawyer, and Jerry's money and investments are very complicated. I dont know exactly how the will/trust can be written that ensures his wife gets everything and Stephen remains in control. How many kids does he have?

And I also felt the same watching that press conference. Time catches us all, and Jerry is 81 years old. I did not realize Jimmy Johnson was 80.... damn he looks good and speaks outstanding still.


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Last I read, Jerry & his wife jointly own 51% of the team; their three children jointly own the remaining 49%. Obviously, there is some well thought-out estate planning in place to deal with eventualities.

As a practical matter, I see Stephen ultimately becoming the ownership "face" of the team - though not remotely as visible as his extroverted father. I mean, how many owners in the League regularly hold press conferences and appear on weekly radio shows?
We might get a true GM someday.


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So that brings up the next question… Jerry was stumbling around a bit with his words yesterday. Reminded me of a certain high profile figure we’re not allowed to talk about in the forums. LOL. At what point, does Jerry retire, and let everyone else run it. There have been active owners involved into their 90’s but very few as involved as Jerry has been with the organization.
Jerry has several more Al Davis years to go. That’s what it will continue to look like. Btw, I think you mean two high profile figures.


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Texas is a community property state so the owner of the Cowboys will be Gene Jones (his wife). Gene will go about decorating the stadium with art as she will not want to be involved in the football operations. I anticipate that she will see that Stephen Jones takes over the day to day football operations and he will probably assign himself as GM so he will be sort of the CEO/GM role. I anticipate that Stephen will keep Will McClay as the Director of Scouting/Asst GM. The daughter, Charlotte Jones, will remain in charge of marketing for the Cowboys. Jerry Jones Jr will work alongside Charlotte in marketing and sales. Charlotte is probably the real marketing person but junior had to be thrown a bone. The 3 children mentioned will probably do their best to bring the grandchildren into the fold so they don't have to go out and search for a real job.

Basically nothing changes except Stephen is now overseeing the football operations instead of Jerry.


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Texas is a community property state so the owner of the Cowboys will be Gene Jones (his wife). Gene will go about decorating the stadium with art as she will not want to be involved in the football operations. I anticipate that she will see that Stephen Jones takes over the day to day football operations and he will probably assign himself as GM so he will be sort of the CEO/GM role. I anticipate that Stephen will keep Will McClay as the Director of Scouting/Asst GM. The daughter, Charlotte Jones, will remain in charge of marketing for the Cowboys. Jerry Jones Jr will work alongside Charlotte in marketing and sales. Charlotte is probably the real marketing person but junior had to be thrown a bone. The 3 children mentioned will probably do their best to bring the grandchildren into the fold so they don't have to go out and search for a real job.

Basically nothing changes except Stephen is now overseeing the football operations instead of Jerry.
Cowboys have been stable at GM and Ownership.

Only 2 GMs and 3 Owners.


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Last I read, Jerry & his wife jointly own 51% of the team; their three children jointly own the remaining 49%. Obviously, there is some well thought-out estate planning in place to deal with eventualities.

As a practical matter, I see Stephen ultimately becoming the ownership "face" of the team - though not remotely as visible as his extroverted father. I mean, how many owners in the League regularly hold press conferences and appear on weekly radio shows?
You do realize that the lucky sperm has two weekly radio shows of his own, right? Fat Stephen is every bit the media groupie that his old man is.


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So that brings up the next question… Jerry was stumbling around a bit with his words yesterday. Reminded me of a certain high profile figure we’re not allowed to talk about in the forums. LOL. At what point, does Jerry retire, and let everyone else run it. There have been active owners involved into their 90’s but very few as involved as Jerry has been with the organization.
The guy you reference has already done that haha. :)


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You do realize that the lucky sperm has two weekly radio shows of his own, right? Fat Stephen is every bit the media groupie that his old man is.
But not nearly as interesting or quotable!


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Stephen doesn’t have his daddy’s chip on the shoulder. I suspect if he’s in charge , we will see a real GM who will hire the coach.
I have no idea why anyone thinks that this will be the outcome. There's no evidence of it at all.


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only difference is we get to meet and know the next generation of Jones... I assume Stephen will begin grooming them in the "cowboy way"... I see WM getting a VP of Team Personnel or some elevated roll (he needs a career path too), Another Jones steps into the GM role... (or Steven will keep it, but he like watching the money too much :laugh: )