iceberg;1071959 said:
while i understand your motivation behind it, i'd have to disagree.
drinking a beer or two is far different from slamming a bottle of jack in one evening. drinking a beer or two on a regular basis is far from doing the bottle a night for say, 3+ years.
the bottle a night for 3+ years is abuse clearly. i know that cause i lived it. lived through it somehow.
so i'm hoping we can agree that there is a difference between drinking a few beers vs. full blown alcoholism. if not then the rest of my point is useless, but i'll go on.
now what if someone just takes a hit or two at the end of the day to unwind. is that "abuse"? if so is it only the legality of pot that makes using it in any shape, form or fashion "abuse"?
just wanting to be clear before i go on. : )
Alcohol can be abused differently than an illegal drug or a prescription drug. Let me try and break it down like this.
If you take a prescription drug in excess or without it being prescribed to you, you are abusing the use of that drug.
If you use any drug, including alcohol to excess, you are abusing the use of that drug.
If you use an illegal drug, that is abuse.
That's what I am saying. Let me also say this to clarify. I see no difference between taking someone else's prescription medication or using an illegal substance. The only difference lies within how someone justifies their own actions. If you see a bottle of my pain pills because I have hurt my back, and you take one of them and it's not prescribed to you, that's abusing the drug. You are taking it outside it's intended use.
Now, is taking one or two of my pain pills going to hurt you? No, unless you have an allergy to them. Don't look at abuse as over use, because they are not the same in every instance. An easy example is alcohol. If you are at home and you drink a beer that's not abuse. If you are at home and you drink until you are not coherent or rational, that's abuse.
The use of illegal drugs is always abuse. I won't deny that pot isn't a huge evil, but it is still illegal, and as such it is governed by our laws. It's forbidden. Boo hoo hoo. Just like with the speed limit you can abuse that law. But just like with the speed limit if you get caught, there are consequences. If you want to take the risks, I suppose that's your business. I personally don't think the attraction of the drugs is greater than the consequences.
There's a reason they call it dope. That is just my feeling. I don't expect everyone to agree. Even if it was legal I wouldn't do it. I've never tried it and I never will. I don't judge those who do either, beyond saying I just don't get it.