Lions WR Charles Rogers admitted testing positive for marijuana

abersonc;1072065 said:
he's so fun to rile up though....

yea, which is why i wish he'd haul tail to the political forums - funny part is i agree with a lot of what he says and he takes my "get this outta here" as a disagreement.

superpunk got me - i was just whining. : )
burmafrd;1072029 said:
Then I feel sorry for you too. All this BS about consenting adults. What about the crime that is part and parcel of the drugs scene? All the drunks on the road? That is part of it to- no matter how much you want to deny it.

Using that kind of logic, one could say that football should be outlawed because there is a jail at the Eagles stadium. After all none of that crime would occur if not for the football game.
abersonc;1072056 said:
So you are saying that an adult can't choose what to do? As long as I'm not endangering others then I feel you have no right to tell me what I can and what I can't do.

You don't like it then don't do it. And don't give me that "crime associated with it" rap -- that arguement can be made regarding any commodity. You don't think there is crime associated with industries like electronics, garbage collection, construction, firearms, cigarettes, et al?

You can choose to do whatever you want... including things that are against the law. There are plenty of things / actions that are illegal that don't endanger people, but that doesn't change the fact that they are illegal. You're told what you should and shouldn't do all the time by laws. If you break the laws, and are caught, then you'll be punished.

That "crime associated with it" rap is the issue here.
peplaw06;1072116 said:
That "crime associated with it" rap is the issue here.

Anyone who does drugs accepts those risks. I don't understand how that is any different than any other choice we make in life.

The crime associated with it rap I referred to was related to the indirect impacts -- e.g., if you do drugs you give money to criminals who in turn do bad stuff. Any choice we take has negative indirect impacts -- for example if you choose to fill up at an Exxon station then you are by association supporting an organization that has been associated with major environmental disasters. Clearly major oil spills violate many laws. But its your choice whether you let that impact your decisions. Want cheap strawberries? Well someone recruited migrant workers to pick them. I'm sure you can come up with tons of your own examples.

You for one should know about risk. You live in Malibu, right?
abersonc;1072174 said:
Anyone who does drugs accepts those risks. I don't understand how that is any different than any other choice we make in life.

exactly. if you speed - then hush. same thing in many aspects. you go fast but you know it's not legal. (going by strictist of terms here) if you get caught you go through the hassle of various ways out from paying the ticket to a lawyer. but you know all this is a risk and you do it anyway.

funny how some people pick and choose which laws are ok to break and which are not in a situation like this. if THEY break that law it's not a *real* law - the other situation is different for xyz reason.
abersonc;1072174 said:
Anyone who does drugs accepts those risks. I don't understand how that is any different than any other choice we make in life.

The crime associated with it rap I referred to was related to the indirect impacts -- e.g., if you do drugs you give money to criminals who in turn do bad stuff. Any choice we take has negative indirect impacts -- for example if you choose to fill up at an Exxon station then you are by association supporting an organization that has been associated with major environmental disasters. Clearly major oil spills violate many laws. But its your choice whether you let that impact your decisions. Want cheap strawberries? Well someone recruited migrant workers to pick them. I'm sure you can come up with tons of your own examples.

You for one should know about risk. You live in Malibu, right?

I think what burma is trying to say is that drugs endanger the lives of other innocent people as well as the user. He's including alcohol obviously, but also any drug that impairs your ability to drive.

So your right as a consenting adult also impacts the livelihood of innocents who don't have the choice whether to accept the risk of your breaking the law.

Buying strawberries picked by illegal immigrants doesn't endanger lives of innocents... at least not on the scale that driving impaired will do.
peplaw06;1072203 said:
Buying strawberries picked by illegal immigrants doesn't endanger lives of innocents... at least not on the scale that driving impaired will do.

Actually buying strawberries as one example, does endager lives because it encourages people to enter the country illegally, often crossing in remote locations in insanely hot temperatures for an opportunity to make more money than they could possibly make in their own country. 460 people died crossing the border in 2004 -- that certainly pales in comparison to drunk driving but a hell of a lot more people drink alcohol than eat strawberries.

The argument isn't about scale -- is something ok because fewer people are hurt by it?
abersonc;1072219 said:
Actually buying strawberries as one example, does endager lives because it encourages people to enter the country illegally, often crossing in remote locations in insanely hot temperatures for an opportunity to make more money than they could possibly make in their own country. 460 people died crossing the border in 2004 -- that certainly pales in comparison to drunk driving but a hell of a lot more people drink alcohol than eat strawberries.

Who are the "innocents" in this scenario?
peplaw06;1072227 said:
Who are the "innocents" in this scenario?

The people who are trying to provide for their families as best they can.
abersonc;1071365 said:
I just don't understand why the league cares so much about marijuana but so little about alcohol or pain killers.
Because weed is illegal
peplaw06;1072233 said:
Still illegal.

You are far more concered about that as opposed to the organizations that provide the opportunities that they come for?
abersonc;1072236 said:
You are far more concered about that as opposed to the organizations that provide the opportunities that they come for?

I'd like to know where you got that idea.
iceberg;1071959 said:
while i understand your motivation behind it, i'd have to disagree.

drinking a beer or two is far different from slamming a bottle of jack in one evening. drinking a beer or two on a regular basis is far from doing the bottle a night for say, 3+ years.

the bottle a night for 3+ years is abuse clearly. i know that cause i lived it. lived through it somehow.

so i'm hoping we can agree that there is a difference between drinking a few beers vs. full blown alcoholism. if not then the rest of my point is useless, but i'll go on.

now what if someone just takes a hit or two at the end of the day to unwind. is that "abuse"? if so is it only the legality of pot that makes using it in any shape, form or fashion "abuse"?

just wanting to be clear before i go on. : )
Alcohol can be abused differently than an illegal drug or a prescription drug. Let me try and break it down like this.

If you take a prescription drug in excess or without it being prescribed to you, you are abusing the use of that drug.

If you use any drug, including alcohol to excess, you are abusing the use of that drug.

If you use an illegal drug, that is abuse.

That's what I am saying. Let me also say this to clarify. I see no difference between taking someone else's prescription medication or using an illegal substance. The only difference lies within how someone justifies their own actions. If you see a bottle of my pain pills because I have hurt my back, and you take one of them and it's not prescribed to you, that's abusing the drug. You are taking it outside it's intended use.

Now, is taking one or two of my pain pills going to hurt you? No, unless you have an allergy to them. Don't look at abuse as over use, because they are not the same in every instance. An easy example is alcohol. If you are at home and you drink a beer that's not abuse. If you are at home and you drink until you are not coherent or rational, that's abuse.

The use of illegal drugs is always abuse. I won't deny that pot isn't a huge evil, but it is still illegal, and as such it is governed by our laws. It's forbidden. Boo hoo hoo. Just like with the speed limit you can abuse that law. But just like with the speed limit if you get caught, there are consequences. If you want to take the risks, I suppose that's your business. I personally don't think the attraction of the drugs is greater than the consequences.

There's a reason they call it dope. That is just my feeling. I don't expect everyone to agree. Even if it was legal I wouldn't do it. I've never tried it and I never will. I don't judge those who do either, beyond saying I just don't get it.
abersonc;1072258 said:
so you don't buy strawberries?

I can honestly say I've never bought a strawberry. That said I don't see how buying said strawberries would mean I'm more concerned for one side or the other. They're both breaking the law.
What gets me is if weed is no big deal then why are so many players willing to sacrifice their career, all the money and fame over something that is no big deal. I would think any person who chooses a drug or alcohol over their own lively hood has a big problem. I say this as a person who has smoked weed in the past but when there is a choice to be made and you choose the drug over everything else then you got a problem that needs to be dealt with.
peplaw06;1072269 said:
I can honestly say I've never bought a strawberry. That said I don't see how buying said strawberries would mean I'm more concerned for one side or the other. They're both breaking the law.

Who profits more from the purchase?

Ya buy lettuce?
Doomsday101;1072278 said:
What gets me is if weed is no big deal then why are so many players willing to sacrifice their career, all the money and fame over something that is no big deal. I would think any person who chooses a drug or alcohol over their own lively hood has a big problem. I say this as a person who has smoked weed in the past but when there is a choice to be made and you choose the drug over everything else then you got a problem that needs to be dealt with.
I tend to agree. Ya prude.


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