It's pretty funny how RedStink fans come here telling us about how they need to trade this and trade that and do this and do that, and restructure this and restructure that just to try and get under the salary cap and to get a few draft picks so they can sign some more bums to their 5-11 team.
The Cowboys have what...about 20 mil under the cap? They have what, 10 draft picks? They signed Big Foot to help the oline, they don't have to restructure this or that...the Cowboys are basically in good shape money wise...they have a very young and talented team and just lost a close 1st round playoff game on another fluke the fluke play that the RedStinks beat the Boyz on last year..
Yet, here they are, again,
thumping their little chests about THEIR playoff win...TWO YEARS AGO!
It has to suck to be a fan of that team!
one that they could have easily lost if what's his name could have held on to the ball in the endzone!
and yea they have won 3 of the last 4 but we have won, what, 15 of the last 20????
let them gloat, heck, it's what they are accustomed to in the preseason!
They may even start the year off strong but we know where they will finish.....