Loophole in Dak's contract could reduce his salary cap hit to $40.93M


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Lot of threads over how to get rid of Dak.

Meanwhile the powers that be love him, and think he is a great QB, and have no problem paying him as if he is Mahomes.

They also think they are doing a great job running the team.

I realize this a discussion forum, but it’s really getting to where….’bring in this player, bring in this coach’ is a serious waste of time.
They don't love him...they love that he racks up W's against all the tomato cans.


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So roughly $28 million ÷ by 3 years = $9 million + the reduced 2024 salary as low as $1.2 million = TOTAL 2024 PAID SALARY of just over $10 million for Dak this upcoming season?

If true, don't anybody by complaining that Dak is being overpaid since he will be getting paid only $10+ million for 2024. That's one hell of a deal for the Cowboys!
Not quite. Hes owed 31m in salary and 5m$ in roster bonus this year. Whatever happens with this restructuring, he will be paid 36m$ this season (unless he’s cut/traded or extended). The 10m$ thing is only for cap hit purposes, think of it like a credit card. He gets all his money now but Jerry can spread out the cap hits over a set number of years. This is why even though he’s only making 36m$, he’s a 60m$ cap hit if you don’t restructure him: because there’s a bunch of leftover baggage cap hits on Dak’s contract from when Jerry was credit carding previous salaries.

Chuck 54

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It doesn't solve the problem and right now the Cowboys are facing the very real prospect of a fans' mutiny because of the way Prescott has played.
Maybe they still sellout, but maybe they don't. With next year's season looking to be brutal, the Cowboys need a real option at quarterback that will give fans some hope if they expect to sell it to the fans.
I think Jerry finds himself in the position that many businesses in the corporate world deal with- they need to get rid of someone to get shareholder confidence up. Dak is that guy.
Unless Jerry makes a definite move that offers fans and even his own players hope, at the first sign of trouble his income for next year could take a hit- with repercussions coming in the following year from ad revenue.
I think Jerry might not be saying it, but he and Stephen know they are in a pickle at the moment that could cost them a lot more than $60 million.
A fans mutiny…..lol. Now that’s funny.


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40 million a year is still a waste, and we get to continue to watch a bus driver driving bus to ditch in big games for years. Thanks, No.


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Of course the info was out there in the minute details. I never denied that.
You acting like you were aware of every aspect of this contract is what's in question.

Zero doubt you were unaware, otherwise you would have surely mentioned it during all the talks on this board about his extension, as you desperately want to appear to be more informed than everyone else. It's part and parcel of your schtick. And everyone here knows it.
I could careless about revealing what I know when I know on a forum....Is your name Karen? I am tired of calling you big dog Cowboys Mom!!

The information has been available since March 10th 2021 in Complete Contract detail! The details only seem minute to low level fans...Dak Haters were too busy trying to sell Andy Dalton's resign :laugh: :dance: :lmao2:

big dog cowboy

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The problem with just pushing money forward without adding years is it doesn’t actual save you any money, just cap space this year. The bill still comes due
The bill still comes due but the salary cap goes up each year. So kicking the can down the road creates more salary cap now and take up a less amount of the cap each of the following years.


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I truly do not understand why people want Dak resigned. From the moment of his contract, his OL ramped down from elite to average, same with RB, etc.

It’s only going to continue to ramp down if you keep putting all your $$$ in a guy that blacks out every 3rd game and forgets how to play like the SpaceJam aliens took his talent

CT Dal Fan

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I truly do not understand why people want Dak resigned. From the moment of his contract, his OL ramped down from elite to average, same with RB, etc.

It’s only going to continue to ramp down if you keep putting all your $$$ in a guy that blacks out every 3rd game and forgets how to play like the SpaceJam aliens took his talent
Well the Cowboys had $25 million of cap space last offseason and spent nothing. Only lineman they got was Chuma Edoga.

I agree Dak needs to be better in crunch time but I don't know how Dallas can replace 4500 yards and 36 touchdowns. I agree that Dak is out of second chances but for right now, as in 2024, he's the best chance they have to win before tearing it all down and going through a massive rebuild.

And I don't think they want to do that while Jerry Jones is still alive.


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It doesn't solve the problem and right now the Cowboys are facing the very real prospect of a fans' mutiny because of the way Prescott has played.
Maybe they still sellout, but maybe they don't. With next year's season looking to be brutal, the Cowboys need a real option at quarterback that will give fans some hope if they expect to sell it to the fans.
I think Jerry finds himself in the position that many businesses in the corporate world deal with- they need to get rid of someone to get shareholder confidence up. Dak is that guy.
Unless Jerry makes a definite move that offers fans and even his own players hope, at the first sign of trouble his income for next year could take a hit- with repercussions coming in the following year from ad revenue.
I think Jerry might not be saying it, but he and Stephen know they are in a pickle at the moment that could cost them a lot more than $60 million.
What “shareholders” are you referring to?

If you actually meant “stakeholders” and were using the term to describe fans, it’s a pretty loose interpretation. As external “stakeholders”, most of the investment is emotional. The financial impacts to the organization from fan discontent, especially in a single year or two would be marginal.

They’d continue to sell all their suites and have the terrific attendance. Merch would continue to sell.

Honestly, our discontent is a pretty hollow threat to the team.

I’d also be interested to know what “real option at QB” you are referring to. It’s highly unlikely there will be any QB that could come in this off season and provide a realistic expectation that this team would do better next season.

Moving Dak more likely results in a change in fortune that would take at least a couple of years and that’s assuming they strike gold with a replacement. And please, let’s not anoint Lance, lol.


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It doesn't solve the problem and right now the Cowboys are facing the very real prospect of a fans' mutiny because of the way Prescott has played.
Maybe they still sellout, but maybe they don't. With next year's season looking to be brutal, the Cowboys need a real option at quarterback that will give fans some hope if they expect to sell it to the fans.
I think Jerry finds himself in the position that many businesses in the corporate world deal with- they need to get rid of someone to get shareholder confidence up. Dak is that guy.
Unless Jerry makes a definite move that offers fans and even his own players hope, at the first sign of trouble his income for next year could take a hit- with repercussions coming in the following year from ad revenue.
I think Jerry might not be saying it, but he and Stephen know they are in a pickle at the moment that could cost them a lot more than $60 million.
a few of you drunkards are having a mutiny over Dak. the rest of the sober crowd is having a Jerry Jones Mutiny. Dak is not the only thing that ails the cowboys, but I get it simple minds like yourself can only focus on one thing. its OK. one thing at a time. I know its quite complex and overwhelming for you.


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We know Dak won't be traded or cut and an extension is coming. Creating $18.53M in salary cap give the Cowboys much needed space to bring in some FA's. This is a move I would do in a heartbeat. There isn't anything to think about. Just do it. Zero-negotiation conversion means Dak doesn't have any say.

This does sound almost too good to be true. Any way we can skip the negotiations with Dak and France and get cap relief is a no brainer. Help me out tho. Would this mean more dead money if we were to part ways after 2024. Like if there’s a Dak implosion or Dak suck next year and gets replaced by Lance, or someone else, and he’s gone after 2024, what would be the cap hit as far as dead money goes?


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So roughly $28 million ÷ by 3 years = $9 million + the reduced 2024 salary as low as $1.2 million = TOTAL 2024 PAID SALARY of just over $10 million for Dak this upcoming season?

If true, don't anybody by complaining that Dak is being overpaid since he will be getting paid only $10+ million for 2024. That's one hell of a deal for the Cowboys!
I think for me personally I would be less frustrated with Dak if this were to happen. My 2 biggest frustrations this season is Dak and Micah. Both for the same reason. They’re about to get paid and they don’t deliver in big games. If Dak were to take a team friendly deal, or if this loophole happens, then his contract is not crippling the team. It’s easier to stomach a player having a bad game or playing bad in the playoffs when they don’t count 20-25% of your cap. For me I wouldn’t complain about his salary at all if this happens.

Micah is another one that is going to demand a massive contract that I feel is a mistake to give him since he is MIA against playoff teams and in the playoffs. Same frustration I have with Dak, I have with Micah. And Steele and Gallup. Dak is more of a lightning rod because he plays QB but we have a lot of big money players underperforming in the playoffs.


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a few of you drunkards are having a mutiny over Dak. the rest of the sober crowd is having a Jerry Jones Mutiny. Dak is not the only thing that ails the cowboys, but I get it simple minds like yourself can only focus on one thing. its OK. one thing at a time. I know its quite complex and overwhelming for you.

You "drunkards" can only "focus on one thing", so you're having a mutiny over Dak.

Meanwhile the presumably more refined "sober crowd", who isn't quite so overwhelmed by complexity, is singularly focused on one thing. (Jerry)

I love irony. :facepalm:


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We know Dak won't be traded or cut and an extension is coming. Creating $18.53M in salary cap give the Cowboys much needed space to bring in some FA's. This is a move I would do in a heartbeat. There isn't anything to think about. Just do it. Zero-negotiation conversion means Dak doesn't have any say.

That is very unlikely to be true.
Teams do not maintain unilateral control over restructures.
In fact, Dallas has wanted to do this before but had to work with Romo and he refused, forcing an extension.

All that said maybe they built in that contract language though this article does zero to specify that.
AFAIK, any restructure of any kind requires a player and his agent's signature before submitting to the league office.


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O k, so then he'll hold out and we can offer him up for trade


He has a no trade clause.
If he holds out, they can fine him extensively but only when it gets to official, required work missed.
He can just take the off-season off and report only as required doing zero extra.
He can Randy Gregory it if he wants.

Dak has ALL the leverage here. Sooner you realize that the more you'll understand reality.


Active Member
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Lot of threads over how to get rid of Dak.

Meanwhile the powers that be love him, and think he is a great QB, and have no problem paying him as if he is Mahomes.

They also think they are doing a great job running the team.

I realize this a discussion forum, but it’s really getting to where….’bring in this player, bring in this coach’ is a serious waste of time.
Dak is Mahomes if the switch places. Put Dak in KC with that coaching staff, running game and defense and he is Mahomes.