Lost is back! (Season 5)

kmp77;2775121 said:
Goddess Taweret - Egyptian goddess of fertility and birth.

I guess this has something to do with the birthing problems on the island.


Seems like a match to me. But now people are claiming it resembles Sobek because he appears with the head of a crocodile. Tawaret usually appears with the head of a hippo.

I thought that was a rather craptastic episode...but it won't stop me from watching and wondering. :(
tomson75;2775267 said:
I thought that was a rather craptastic episode...but it won't stop me from watching and wondering. :(

To each his own I guess. I thought it was one of the best episodes of the entire series.

Although I do admittedly observe the show through blinding fanboy goggles. So obviously my opinion is skewed.
I just watched it finally off my DVR and I thought for a 2 hour long finale, they accomplished very little but it was a good episode.

That the episode ended the moment it did was a little corny and unfair.
My internet has been down and I really wanted to jump on here to talk with you guys about the episode.

This Jack/Sawyer/Juliette/Kate thing is really getting on my nerves.

I feel bad for Locke now. Before I realized what was going on (that Locke's body is that guy from the start of the episode) I was cursing him for being a bad egg. When the pilot looked into the box I knew it was Locke's corpse in there. It made too much sense.

I wish I knew who to root for!!
Dawgs0916;2775328 said:
My internet has been down and I really wanted to jump on here to talk with you guys about the episode.

This Jack/Sawyer/Juliette/Kate thing is really getting on my nerves.

I feel bad for Locke now. Before I realized what was going on (that Locke's body is that guy from the start of the episode) I was cursing him for being a bad egg. When the pilot looked into the box I knew it was Locke's corpse in there. It made too much sense.

I wish I knew who to root for!!

Oh absolutely, my fiance and I have decided that Kate is the scourge of the island. They'd all be better off without her. We were hoping Juliet would take her out. :laugh2:

I think it's entirely possibly Jacob is in fact evil, he let's Sayid's love, the only thing that kept him from being a murderer and torturer and actually make him happy, die right before his eyes and is unfazed by it.

His comment about the tapestry taking so long to make, and saying "I suppose that's the point" makes it sound like a punishment, as if he's trapped and cursed to make them.

He keeps saying people have free choice but the choice they make always seem to serve him up until he gets stabbed at least.
Ugh. I have no idea what direction the show's going now.

I have a feeling that the opening scene of next season will involve the Black Rock.
TheCount;2775334 said:
Oh absolutely, my fiance and I have decided that Kate is the scourge of the island. They'd all be better off without her. We were hoping Juliet would take her out. :laugh2:

I think it's entirely possibly Jacob is in fact evil, he let's Sayid's love, the only thing that kept him from being a murderer and torturer and actually make him happy, die right before his eyes and is unfazed by it.

His comment about the tapestry taking so long to make, and saying "I suppose that's the point" makes it sound like a punishment, as if he's trapped and cursed to make them.

He keeps saying people have free choice but the choice they make always seem to serve him up until he gets stabbed at least.

Remember Ben used the same tactics when he was the leader of the Others. He would say it's your choice, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do.

And I don't know about Jacob being evil. He seemed to put life (literally) into John after he fell out of the building, he gave Sawyer the pen, etc. He seems legit.

Legitely dead now but yeah. Whoever that other guy was at the beginning (now Locke), has some serious issues.

Kate is that classic girl who uses her looks and seduction abilities to get people to do what she wants.
tomson75;2775267 said:
I thought that was a rather craptastic episode...but it won't stop me from watching and wondering. :(

I'm glad someone else said it.

This show jumped the shark awhile ago and it's just been one absurd thing after another.

I really tried to give it the benefit of the doubt this year, but it's just too contrived.
Ok so here's my questions about the statue. Someone stated that it was there in season 2. Why did they not search it before??! That's what is so confusing to me. You basically crash on this exotic odd island with strange events going on and you find a huge statue on a freaking island!! You don't investigate it? Before a few episodes ago I didn't even know it existed(granted i did not watch season 2) but still!

I don't know about you guys but If I'm deserted on an island and I find a gigantic statue just sitting on the beach..I'm searching that thing from top to bottom.
SLATEmosphere;2775357 said:
Ok so here's my questions about the statue. Someone stated that it was there in season 2. Why did they not search it before??! That's what is so confusing to me. You basically crash on this exotic odd island with strange events going on and you find a huge statue on a freaking island!! You don't investigate it? Before a few episodes ago I didn't even know it existed(granted i did not watch season 2) but still!

I don't know about you guys but If I'm deserted on an island and I find a gigantic statue just sitting on the beach..I'm searching that thing from top to bottom.
We first saw it in Season 3. Sayid, Sun, and Jin were the only ones to see it.

Most of the statue was missing. The foot was the only thing left.
They had a lot of other things going on at that exact time than to be worrying about a statue.
Did everyone just skip my statue post?

Anways, Dawgs is definitely right. They were in the middle of so much when they first saw the statue. Then it just kind of was forgot about because they were you know....getting chased by smoke monsters,The Others, Hurley Birds, Polar Bears, Freighter Mercs, Ghost Walt's, Zombie Claire's, dead relatives, etc. and so on.
Still..it's a broken statue of a foot on an island..ya those are everywhere:rolleyes:

You'd think that a major goal for them is to check it out?? maybe? I just think the idea of that statue was tremendously underrated.
SLATEmosphere;2775437 said:
Still..it's a broken statue of a foot on an island..ya those are everywhere:rolleyes:

You'd think that a major goal for them is to check it out?? maybe? I just think the idea of that statue was tremendously underrated.

Well they've hinted at it since the second season. The producers still didn't know when there would be an end-date to the show, so they kept it on the back-burner.

And there is much to still learn about the statue that will be adressed.

Who built it?
Why did they build it?
What does The Statue look like from the front?
What destroyed it?
Where are the other pieces?
Why does Jacob live beneath it?

I personally think these are important to the show and will be answered. We as viewers are just discovering this and trying to figure it out right along with The Losties.
Achozen;2775471 said:
You took those question from Lostpedia...


Not really. Just questions that are obvious to every Lost viewer. Sorry they look the same.

There are the questions I've always had since I saw Live Together, Die Alone.

But whatever...
Ominous Oracle;2775405 said:
Did everyone just skip my statue post?

Anways, Dawgs is definitely right. They were in the middle of so much when they first saw the statue. Then it just kind of was forgot about because they were you know....getting chased by smoke monsters,The Others, Hurley Birds, Polar Bears, Freighter Mercs, Ghost Walt's, Zombie Claire's, dead relatives, etc. and so on.

There have been a lot of things that happened on the island that people conveniently failed to explore fully or ask questions about.

The Smoke Monster for one, no every really puts pressure on Ben to explain exactly what it is, when it's clear he knows more than he's letting on. I don't think anyone ever really questioned the Polar Bear that showed up out of nowhere. I mean time after time I've been watching the show and something crazy happened and everyone just seemed more than willing to move on, where as if I had seen a giant smoke monster I'd be screaming "WHAT THE **** WAS THAT?!?" nonstop till I got a freaking answer.
TheCount;2775591 said:
There have been a lot of things that happened on the island that people conveniently failed to explore fully or ask questions about.

The Smoke Monster for one, no every really puts pressure on Ben to explain exactly what it is, when it's clear he knows more than he's letting on. I don't think anyone ever really questioned the Polar Bear that showed up out of nowhere. I mean time after time I've been watching the show and something crazy happened and everyone just seemed more than willing to move on, where as if I had seen a giant smoke monster I'd be screaming "WHAT THE **** WAS THAT?!?" nonstop till I got a freaking answer.

I agree 100%..the smoke monster..the polar bear..the statue..they all just go on the back burner. You'd think they would ask more questions about it, other than trying to get OFF the island. If I see a smoke monster, a polar bear and a gigantic statue on an island then I'm figuring out where the hell I am and wondering if I'm really just dead from the plane crash.
I definitely see where you guys are coming from. Sometimes I get frustrated with the way the characters react to certain things, especially the mysteries.

When Henry Gale was first introduced I wanted Sayid to just say, "listen man, I'm not going around chasing balloons, playing silly little games, and falling for your manipulation. Tell me who you are or I'm chopping your hands off."

Like I said before, some of the reasons for the "filler" between the big reveals is because they didn't know when ABC wanted the show to end. So we ended up with mysteries about Jack's tattoos and Sawyer chasing tree frogs.

Season 6 should fill in the gaps. And those of us who have been loyal will hopefully be rewarded.

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