Lost is back! (Season 5)

I'm just sad that Locke ended up being a failure. He's my favorite character and I was really pulling for him to be "special" like he had been told so many times. I mean, technically, he was "special", but only because he earned the trust of Ben in that particular situation and was a readily available corpse.

Just really wanted him to succeed.
Ozzu;2776219 said:
I'm just sad that Locke ended up being a failure. He's my favorite character and I was really pulling for him to be "special" like he had been told so many times. I mean, technically, he was "special", but only because he earned the trust of Ben in that particular situation and was a readily available corpse.

Just really wanted him to succeed.

I don't think we've seen the last of Good Locke. They are up to something with his body.

And the answer to the question, "what lies in the shadow of the statue?"

is: "He who will save us all."

Remember in Season 1 when Claire had that dream about Locke and one of his eyes was white and the other black? Maybe a hint back then that Locke is the key (no pun intended) to both sides of the war.

I hope. Really loved Locke too and was pissed when he was really dead.
Ominous Oracle;2776228 said:
I don't think we've seen the last of Good Locke. They are up to something with his body.

And the answer to the question, "what lies in the shadow of the statue?"

is: "He who will save us all."

Remember in Season 1 when Claire had that dream about Locke and one of his eyes was white and the other black? Maybe a hint back then that Locke is the key (no pun intended) to both sides of the war.

I hope. Really loved Locke too and was pissed when he was really dead.

Man, you just made me feel a lot better. Ha. :D

I totally forgot about a couple of those details. That really makes a lot of sense. Man, I really hope you're right. I also remember him explaining the white and black game pieces to Walt.

If you don't end up being right, I guess I'll never really understand why Jacob brought him back to life after he fell out of that window. Jacob obviously knows what's going to happen before it happens, but he saves the guy will end up getting him killed in the end?
Just watched the episode again..noticed a few things...

Jacob is wearing white shorts, while the black haired guy is wearing black shorts. Definitly a symbolism of dark/light..yin/yang. Also remember in season one when Locke explains to someone(can't remember who) about the symbolism of the white and black peices when they are playing backgammon.

I also noticed that he gave all of them something as well

kate - lunchbox
sawyer - pen
jack - apollo bar
hugo - guitar
sun and jin - his blessing (unsure, seems to fit)
john - life? an apology? (same here, a little unsure, but seems to fit)

I thought it was also interesting how we only saw the statue's right side, with the Ankh(looks like a cross) which is a sign of "eternal life" in its right hand. When we saw it from the back, it looked like he also has one in his left, but we don't know that for sure. I wonder if The black haired guy lives under the left foot, while Jacob under the right. The picture of Zobek shows an "ankh" in one hand and a staff of sorts in the other. One symbolizing peace, the other war? In any case, maybe some sort of battle broke out between the two men (or their followers) destroying the rest of the statue (and where Black haired guy lived), exiling him to the cabin.
SLATEmosphere;2776236 said:
Just watched the episode again..noticed a few things...

Jacob is wearing white shorts, while the black haired guy is wearing black shorts. Definitly a symbolism of dark/light..yin/yang. Also remember in season one when Locke explains to someone(can't remember who) about the symbolism of the white and black peices when they are playing backgammon.

I also noticed that he gave all of them something as well

kate - lunchbox
sawyer - pen
jack - apollo bar
hugo - guitar
sun and jin - his blessing (unsure, seems to fit)
john - life? an apology? (same here, a little unsure, but seems to fit)

I thought it was also interesting how we only saw the statue's right side, with the Ankh(looks like a cross) which is a sign of "eternal life" in its right hand. When we saw it from the back, it looked like he also has one in his left, but we don't know that for sure. I wonder if The black haired guy lives under the left foot, while Jacob under the right. The picture of Zobek shows an "ankh" in one hand and a staff of sorts in the other. One symbolizing peace, the other war? In any case, maybe some sort of battle broke out between the two men (or their followers) destroying the rest of the statue (and where Black haired guy lived), exiling him to the cabin.

I think the other guy lives in that underground temple, which is where Locke took Ben, summoned the smoke monster and basically convinced Ben to do whatever he said.

Also, note that the hut that Bernard and his wife build in the forest is what ends up being "Jacobs" hut that Ben takes Locke to and pretends to hear Jacob, but they never really say which of the being lived in the cabin, whether it was Jacob or the other guy, which they conveniently left unnamed.

In one of the Episodes, the one Ben was talking about, where they are in the Cabin and Ben is trying to fake seeing Jacob but Locke actually heard someone say "Help Me", we learn that something was definitely in there at some point.

It could be that one of the deities was trapped inside, was it Jacob? (the ash around the cabin had also been broken) The "Good Guys" certainly seemed fearful of what might be inside, they never say who is supposed to be in there, just that "He" hasn't been there a long time.

The first time we see Jacob though, he's in the exact same room they find him in at the end, so I think it's unlikely the cabin was his.
TheCount;2776441 said:
I think the other guy lives in that underground temple, which is where Locke took Ben, summoned the smoke monster and basically convinced Ben to do whatever he said.

Also, note that the hut that Bernard and his wife build in the forest is what ends up being "Jacobs" hut that Ben takes Locke to and pretends to hear Jacob, but they never really say which of the being lived in the cabin, whether it was Jacob or the other guy, which they conveniently left unnamed.

In one of the Episodes, the one Ben was talking about, where they are in the Cabin and Ben is trying to fake seeing Jacob but Locke actually heard someone say "Help Me", we learn that something was definitely in there at some point.

It could be that one of the deities was trapped inside, was it Jacob? (the ash around the cabin had also been broken) The "Good Guys" certainly seemed fearful of what might be inside, they never say who is supposed to be in there, just that "He" hasn't been there a long time.

The first time we see Jacob though, he's in the exact same room they find him in at the end, so I think it's unlikely the cabin was his.

I'm pretty sure that isn't the same cabin that Rose and Bernard built. Very similar but not the same. Horace Goodspeed from Dharma originally built "The Cabin". He went to John Locke in a dream in the episode "Cabin Fever" and said you need to find me (his body which had the map to the cabin) and then you'll find him (Jacob).

But I'm starting to think that Man#2 is the one who was condemned to Jacob's Cabin and imprisoned there by the ring of ash. I think Man#2 has been the one that has used all of the "dead" to manipulate. That includes Christian, Eko's brother Yemi, Hurley's friend Dave, Zombie Boone, Ana-Lucia, Libby, maybe Claire and now Locke.

Speaking of Hurley being special. If he's an ally to Jacob then Man#2 would want him dead. Remember when his friend Dave appeared and tried to get to jump off a cliff? I think that was Man#2 trying to get rid of Hurley because he is very special to the overall "game".
Anyone think that Aaron will be like a "second coming" of Jacob? I realize Aaron was there before Jacob, but he was also the first baby born on the island in quite awhile.
ConcordCowboy;2776528 said:
From the South Pacific?

Well, I believe that's where the people on the sub eventually end up. At least, in the 70s time period. They're put to sleep and end up in Ann Arbor. I'm sure there's a change of transportation mode somewhere though. :D

Then again, I'm not totally sure. It seemed like Juliet was put to sleep somewhere in Miami and transported via sub to the island. So who the hell knows I guess.
ChldsPlay;2776521 said:
Anyone think that Aaron will be like a "second coming" of Jacob? I realize Aaron was there before Jacob, but he was also the first baby born on the island in quite awhile.

I always thought Aaron was very important...unitl late this season. It's funny that SLATE thought Aaron was Jacob because that was one of my theories WAY back when we "met" him. I thought Jacob was Locke, Jacob was Aaron, Jacob was Desmond, Jacob was just Jacob, then back to Jacob being Locke and finally telling myself Jacob is Jack again.:):banghead:

I really hope Aaron becomes a vital part to the show, but I'm not holding my breath.

If I had my way, Adam and Eve would be Aaron and Ji Yeon. The last baby born on The Island and the last baby conceived on The Island.
Ozzu;2776534 said:
Well, I believe that's where the people on the sub eventually end up. At least, in the 70s time period. They're put to sleep and end up in Ann Arbor. I'm sure there's a change of transportation mode somewhere though. :D

Then again, I'm not totally sure. It seemed like Juliet was put to sleep somewhere in Miami and transported via sub to the island. So who the hell knows I guess.

I wonder where it docks?

Before a change of transportation mode. :p:
ConcordCowboy;2776550 said:
I wonder where it docks?

Before a change of transportation mode. :p:

Well, they had some HR people and stuff in the Miami area when they recruited Juliet I think. I guess maybe they have a dock there somewhere? It'd have to be some place they have complete control over or people would ask questions.

This is probably one of those questions the creators never really thought up an answer to and yet here we are discussing it. :D

Yeagermeister;2776548 said:
Aaron is Jacob's son

Or did they ever show the father?

Yeah, they showed the father. It was Claire's boyfriend from way back in Season 1.

He left them and she decided to give Aaron up for adoption. Then she visited that psychic and he said that the baby was special and if he was raised by another bad things would happen.
Ominous Oracle;2776552 said:
Yeah, they showed the father. It was Claire's boyfriend from way back in Season 1.

He left them and she decided to give Aaron up for adoption. Then she visited that psychic and he said that the baby was special and if he was raised by another bad things would happen.

Ahh well there goes that idea :laugh2:
Another thing that just occurred to me reference the whole Locke deal. Remember when Jack was asked about Locke in the finale and he said something to the effect "Don't count him out"?

That was so out of character for Jack, that both me and my wife looked at each other with confused faces.
Ozzu;2776569 said:
Another thing that just occurred to me reference the whole Locke deal. Remember when Jack was asked about Locke in the finale and he said something to the effect "Don't count him out"?

That was so out of character for Jack, that both me and my wife looked at each other with confused faces.

Yep. Definitely noticed that. At the time I thought it was in reference to what was going on at that time specifically. But looking back, something tells me that had A LOT of hidden meaning, and probably was a future reference.

But yeah, from Jack going to "Locke is crazy" to "don't count him out" is quite the transformation into a man of Island faith.
There's so much biblical references that I think that's where the show is going. Aaron being Jacobs son in the bible..Jacob being "god" and Aaron being "jesus" in the show. Man #2 with the black hair is the devil. I'm pretty convinced. He takes the form of Locke and wants to have a battle between good and evil.

Anyone notice that everytime he encountered the Losties when they were children or adults that he touched them? It was evident when he did it to Locke, but it seems like once he touches them they are marked or persuaded. You could also make a case that Jacob saved Sayid's life by pulling him to the side and distracting him while the car came and killed his wife.

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