Lost is back! (Season 5)

ScipioCowboy;2692900 said:
You know how, occasionally when you're lying in bed, you're struck by a thought that rouses you from your slumber?

The Rose and Bernard revelation was one of them.

I'm sure they'll pop back in at some point...but probably with another question.

ScipioCowboy;2692580 said:
So, what's happened to Rose and Bernard?

I'm more than a little curious as to when Claire will show up again, myself!
I have a feeling the Rose and Bernard storyline will be VERY interesting. I can't stand spoilers and avoid anything resembling them like the plague, so this is just a personal hunch.

As for Claire, also going to be very big reveals when they get around to her again.

Zombie Claire FTW!
People think Rose and Bernard will end up being "Adam and Eve."

Seems really possible...
In all honestly guys, I have truthfully been waiting for tonight's episode for four years. Every since the Dharma Initiative was introduced I truthfully wanted an centric-episode about them called "Namaste".

My dream comes true in a few hours and the suspense and wait is killing me.

Well my fellow Lost Brotha's...how was last nights episode?

I didn't have a chance to watch it last night.

But I will tonight.
Ominous Oracle;2704491 said:
It was freakin' great.

The last 5 minutes...:eek::eek::confused::eek::confused:

This season has certainly been worth the wait so far! Good episode.
i thought the end was kind of anti-climatic. Highlight for last episode's spoilers...since some people havent seen it yet:

We already know Ben doesn't die since we know he lives to be 40+ years old. What's cool is that Old Ben knows Sayid is a stone cold killer because he witnessed it first hand when Sayid shot him in 1977. So Ben knows this the entire time during seasons 2,3,4.
I thought last night's episode was pretty dull compared to what we've been getting. It didn't really reveal anything that important. The ending wasn't surprising at all and doesn't really raise too many questions.
It almost seems like the pace hit a wall once it entered Dharmaville. Not a whole lot has happened since they got there.
It seems this latest episode has split the LOST community, here and abroad.

What did you think Concord?

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