Lost is back! (Season 5)

ConcordCowboy;2669915 said:

Does the statue fall down later...or get destroyed?

Cause we saw it standing last night.

Ahh...just another unanswered question...at this point. :p:

Great episode.

Hurley ate it with some ranch dressing :D
ConcordCowboy;2672775 said:
Nice pic!

What the hell is that a statue of?

Not sure, but it appears to be holding the same Ankh cross that Paul (the dead guy) was wearing.

It could be Egyptian in nature. In Hieroglyphics, that symbol meant "eternal life".
tomson75;2673011 said:
Not sure, but it appears to be holding the same Ankh cross that Paul (the dead guy) was wearing.

It could be Egyptian in nature. In Hieroglyphics, that symbol meant "eternal life".

That's what I'm thinking.

There's got to be a reason they only showed it from behind. Those tricky LOST producers want us to think it's Anubis, or some other Egyptian God/Goddess.

I could see one of the last scenes they reveal the front of it and it's a major shocker. Maybe one of our Losties gets transported WAY back in time and helps the natives in some crazy way and they build the statue.
This episode was really great. It had been kind of lagging to me, but seeing the characters come together again really made it for me. I missed the early seasons when it was the original crew, this is the closest its been, and with great twists involved. Im excited for the rest of the season..
Ominous Oracle;2673243 said:
There's got to be a reason they only showed it from behind. Those tricky LOST producers want us to think it's Anubis, or some other Egyptian God/Goddess.

I could see one of the last scenes they reveal the front of it and it's a major shocker. Maybe one of our Losties gets transported WAY back in time and helps the natives in some crazy way and they build the statue.

It's Locke :eek:
Yeagermeister;2685449 said:
Is this a replay of last week?

Yes. They put a week break in the season for some reason. There will be another new episode starting next week until the season ends.
Damn it that's right...they said in two weeks, last week.

I forgot.
ConcordCowboy;2692882 said:
Ah...just another question from Lost.


You know how, occasionally when you're lying in bed, you're struck by a thought that rouses you from your slumber?

The Rose and Bernard revelation was one of them.

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