RELEASED Lucky Whitehead Cut **merged**

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OT: looks like Irving got the message:

So he's getting a hair cut? Well that's a good start Mr. Irving.

Luckys' Dog held for ransom money by :
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Why do you keep failing to mention Instagram? That's not some piddly, small social media platform. Cowboys use their Instagram account a lot and has 2.4 million followers. You don't turn over one of your biggest social media accounts that has millions of followers, to a guy who apparently the Cowboys believe has serious maturity and tru****lness issues.

The reality is that the Cowboys only started talking about potential Whitehead issues because they knew they had egg on their face when the news came out that Whitehead wasn't even in Virginia at the time of the crime.
"Tru****lness?" Can't figure out this one, Syd :)
My parents weren't too soft. These millennial generalizations are lazy and tick me off. If that doesn't matter to you, X, then so be it.

My mom fought cancer for 5 years before passing when I was 17. I've never seen a stronger women. My dad has maintained a family business that my grandpa started in the 50s. Some of our clients have been Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, and Tennesee Williams. My grandpa used to golf with them regularly at the Toluca Lake Country Club, as well. My dad carried the transition, seamlessly, when his father (my grandpa) passed in 1983. I was three months old.

My parents are tough. I'm a millennial. And I take great umbrage at broad-brush, disparaging remarks made at my generation.

Obviously not everyone fits into a category; nevertheless, companies have classes for their employees on how to manage Millenials.

All generations have certain tendencies as a group but groups genetally have a bell curve distribution where a big percentage of the group fit the definition while some are completely outside the center of the bell.

A category just means a high percentage of people in that category share a trait.

Some people think all Cowboys fans wear fur coats and only go to games when they're winning. Obviously I don't want that applied to me, but I can understand the perception because there are a lot of people that claim to be Cowboys fans that fit that description.

It's hard for me to understand why people get upset about these types of generalizations. It just about tendencies, not absolutes.

Young men are high risks for Auto Insurance companies. Some might be super careful drivers but as a group they are stastically a high risk.

I've even met people from Philly that are not evil...
Obviously not everyone fits into a category; nevertheless, companies have classes for their employees on how to manage Millenials.

All generations have certain tendencies as a group but groups genetally have a bell curve distribution where a big percentage of the group fit the definition while some are completely outside the center of the bell.

A category just means a high percentage of people in that category share a trait.

Some people think all Cowboys fans wear fur coats and only go to games when they're winning. Obviously I don't want that applied to me, but I can understand the perception because there are a lot of people that claim to be Cowboys fans that fit that description.

It's hard for me to understand why people get upset about these types of generalizations. It just about tendencies, not absolutes.

Young men are high risks for Auto Insurance companies. Some might be super careful drivers but as a group they are stastically a high risk.

I've even met people from Philly that are not evil...
That's why I qualified my post with "generalization." Tho, your post addresses that, I still don't think it's fair, X.

And, surely, the "fur coat wearing" moniker isn't applied to any specific generation, or is it? I thought it was more about upper-class men and women that, otherwise, wouldn't be going to games, lest it not be a status symbol.
Obviously not everyone fits into a category; nevertheless, companies have classes for their employees on how to manage Millenials.

All generations have certain tendencies as a group but groups genetally have a bell curve distribution where a big percentage of the group fit the definition while some are completely outside the center of the bell.

A category just means a high percentage of people in that category share a trait.

Some people think all Cowboys fans wear fur coats and only go to games when they're winning. Obviously I don't want that applied to me, but I can understand the perception because there are a lot of people that claim to be Cowboys fans that fit that description.

It's hard for me to understand why people get upset about these types of generalizations. It just about tendencies, not absolutes.

Young men are high risks for Auto Insurance companies. Some might be super careful drivers but as a group they are stastically a high risk.

I've even met people from Philly that are not evil...

I'm actually a sixer fan, but most of them are evil really. Liked Iverson, so it happened.

Great post though....and yeah got coats, alot of them, dont even know why. They get me women, dont know why that happens either.
Lucky Whitehead suffers from the "your reputation proceeds you and makes a path from you or closes doors in your face" dynamic.
I preach this to my oldest son, who is going to college on a football scholarship, and wants to play NFL football (long shot but a young man can dream).
I tell him that your reputation is important so make sure you have a such a stellar reputation that when something bad is said about you, people who know you will pause and question whether it's true. But don't have a reputation that when people hear something bad about you they immediately think, "yep, that's him."

Now, I believe the Cowboys should have publicly acknowledged that Lucky was not involved in the latest incident. But Lucky had created a reputation where he wasn't exactly the most dependable and the most innocent.

And this situation was probably one where the Cowboys were saying, "There's always something with this guy. Even when he's not involved, he's always connected to something. Let's just cut our losses."

Some people are like that. Even when they aren't involved, they have so much negative attached to them that you're not surprised they get dragged into something negative even when they're not involved."

Unfortunately, Lucky was unlucky in this regard.
Lucky Whitehead suffers from the "your reputation proceeds you and makes a path from you or closes doors in your face" dynamic.
I preach this to my oldest son, who is going to college on a football scholarship, and wants to play NFL football (long shot but a young man can dream).
I tell him that your reputation is important so make sure you have a such a stellar reputation that when something bad is said about you, people who know you will pause and question whether it's true. But don't have a reputation that when people hear something bad about you they immediately think, "yep, that's him."

Now, I believe the Cowboys should have publicly acknowledged that Lucky was not involved in the latest incident. But Lucky had created a reputation where he wasn't exactly the most dependable and the most innocent.

And this situation was probably one where the Cowboys were saying, "There's always something with this guy. Even when he's not involved, he's always connected to something. Let's just cut our losses."

Some people are like that. Even when they aren't involved, they have so much negative attached to them that you're not surprised they get dragged into something negative even when they're not involved."

Unfortunately, Lucky was unlucky in this regard.

First of all, much respect to what your telling you son, cause your right.

Guess I have to drop the mic for you.


I use the responsibility/reward system with my kids after I've had to discipline them for not-so-good decisions. Perhaps the Cowboys were trying to show faith in Lucky? It has nothing to do with trust.

This isn't giving a piece of candy to your kid for not kicking the family dog. LOL.
That's why I qualified my post with "generalization." Tho, your post addresses that, I still don't think it's fair, X.

And, surely, the "fur coat wearing" moniker isn't applied to any specific generation, or is it? I thought it was more about upper-class men and women that, otherwise, wouldn't be going to games, lest it not be a status symbol.

No, my point is about groups. Dallas Cowboys fans are a group just like Millenials.

I actually thought the Millenial issue was just older generations having good-ole-days syndrom; however, it turns out that it's a significant issue for businesses in that a majority of Millenials really have problems integrating into the workforce the way previous generations were able to do when they got to that age.

As you might have guessed, I've had recent conversations with some CEOs and other high level executives. They only care about the bottom line, not prejudice or unnecessary sterotypes. The Millenial issue is a big topic of conversation for them.

It turns out that the method of raising kids and instilling discipline that was used for hundreds of years really did work. Yuppie parents actually were not smarter than all the previous generations when they decided that absolute minimum discipline was the new way to raise kids.

There is a reason that institutions that have a history with young men (Military, Sports teams, etc..) actually used methods that work.
I guess I haven't been paying attention. What do millenials have to do with the Cowboys cutting a player for a crime that it turns out he didn't commit?
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