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The videos of citizens being shot by policeWhat videos?
Many been shown on various news networks
The videos of citizens being shot by policeWhat videos?
The videos of citizens being shot by police
Many been shown on various news networks
And this is indicative of what? There's a million police officers, 13 million blacks. 4% cause 50% of homicides, many are part of crime ridden neighborhoods/cities, police patrol is higher.
Showing some montage is not indicative of an epidemic. And of course "citizens" get shot by police, this is not really a strong argument. What did that "citizen" do to get shot? Many of the shootings happen due confrontations - and then the argument becomes "Well, they should have taken him down another way" - Most of these arguments come directly from people who have zero idea what police procedure is.
Sorry, but statistics do not show the amount of police shootings and those shot should warrant this amount of outrage. And unless you have reviewed every single "police brutality" claim, you're not exactly in position to say it's a problem that needs to be addressed with an overhaul police training.
have the facts changed in the last 25 years???....... he was high on dope and attacked the copsHoly moly, did I just read someone try to justify the Rodney King beating? lawwwddd...
Millions of blacks disagree. They have been making these claims for 60+ years. Now there are videos to back up some of their claims, but many say that proves nothing. No it doesn’t, but it documents an unarmed person being killed. This gives credence to some of the accusations that have been made. Police being caught repeatedly planting evidence(Baltimore) lends more credence to that claim.
It’s easy to say they are lying because you’ve never walked in their shoes. I don’t know the answer to this. It’s a serious question. What motivation do they have to continually lie about the mistreatment by police? What do they gain?
I’m white and have experienced non fatal harassment by police when I was in high school and riding around with my teammates and close friends. The harassment is real. In one summer we were pulled over and they were verbally abused for no reason. I was never engaged despite being the driver. This happened around 7-10 times in the summer of 1991. We never broke any laws at all. We played basketball like it was our job. Maybe things have changed. I have my doubts.
The credibility of those stats are questionable to me. They could be true, but what’s stopping the police from lying or the justice system from aquitting then despite pretty clear video evidence in some cases.
The police are people too. They are representative of our society and I’m pretty sure there are a minority of dishonest people that have engaged in criminal acts just like in other fields of employment.
On the black one black crime stats. They are bad and mostly related to systemic poverty. Sometimes it’s argued that more guns would stop violence. I don’t think that’s the case here.
have the facts changed in the last 25 years???....... he was high on dope and attacked the cops
It is not like I was defending the thugs that ripped Reginald Denny out of his truck and put him in the hospital for being white.... you know like Congresswoman Maxine Waters did
Save the Drama
Holy moly, did I just read someone try to justify the Rodney King beating? lawwwddd...
This thead blows my mind. There are several here that truly believe that beating was justified. Apparently, we have been fooled yet again by fake news and now we’re being educated with alternative facts.Holy moly, did I just read someone try to justify the Rodney King beating? lawwwddd...
Also, Mark Fuhrman is the guy you choose to hitch your wagon to?
Being a racist means your ignorant. The ignorant have no idea they are ignorant thus the racists here (Nightman, MattJames, JoeMamaKing, Kernvicous, etc.) who have outted themselves still exist. #RESIST!This thead blows my mind. There are several here that truly believe that beating was justified. Apparently, we have been fooled yet again by fake news and now we’re being educated with alternative facts.
It hard for me to believe people are so nieve. That’s the nicest description I can use.
> Millions of blacks disagree
> Claims
Hiveminds exist, and it's not just blacks, but also whites (Sadly, political motives)
People often tend to want to feel like a victim, even those in the wrong may feel in the right and those not understand police procedures may look at something as "police brutality" - you are simply offering nothing. Again, statistically, there is not enough police shooting or enough blacks shot to warrant this level of outrage. Even you have statistics or enough video of unjustified police brutality, you can go ahead and show it.
I don't care about anecdotes.
Your’re absolutely right that there’s nothing you can say to him to make him understand. He’s white like me but unlike me he either doesn’t know he was born at the 50 yard line or does know and doesn’t want that advantage to go away.You care a about yourself. That’s clear. You have no idea of what many go through, yet you’re more than happy to place judement.
Explain the police procedure that involve shooting an unarmed man running away. Does that include planting a gun on the victim? That’s what happened in the video.
You’re free to believe what you want. I have a feeling there is nothing I can say to open your eyes to the plights of people that you have no ability to relate to or empathize with. Though, I’m glad you’re here to decide what level of moral outrage should be exhibited in relation to the amount of brutality which you’ve seen. I’m sure that’s comforting to many more
If it helps google police shooting unarmed people. There are many more examples. There are years and years of these types of accusations and stories. To think all or most of these stories are unrelatable anecdotal stories is hard for me to believe. I simply don’t believe you want to hear them and or believe in any position other than the one you’ve taken.
The hard part to understand is why don’t they see themselves as racist? Or do they?Being a racist means your ignorant. The ignorant have no idea they are ignorant thus the racists here (Nightman, MattJames, JoeMamaKing, Kernvicous, etc.) who have outted themselves still exist. #RESIST!
You care a about yourself. That’s clear. You have no idea of what many go through, yet you’re more than happy to place judement.
Explain the police procedure that involve shooting an unarmed man running away. Does that include planting a gun on the victim? That’s what happened in the video.
You’re free to believe what you want. I have a feeling there is nothing I can say to open your eyes to the plights of people that you have no ability to relate to or empathize with. Though, I’m glad you’re here to decide what level of moral outrage should be exhibited in relation to the amount of brutality which you’ve seen. I’m sure that’s comforting to many more
If it helps google police shooting unarmed people. There are many more examples. There are years and years of these types of accusations and stories. To think all or most of these stories are unrelatable anecdotal stories is hard for me to believe. I simply don’t believe you want to hear them and or believe in any position other than the one you’ve taken.
Yes was stupid so I rebuked it
I think a big part of it has to do with Trump. His embracing *****, the alt-right(Briebart), generalizing Mexican immigrants are murdering rapists, Puerto Rican’s as lazy and being anti-Muslim has emboldened the closet racists to come out of the closet.The hard part to understand is why don’t they see themselves as racist? Or do they?
Judging from the marches they’re getting brave again and aren’t afraid to admit it. In some odd horrible way that’s refreshing. That is, at least, as you said, we know they are ignorant and it makes what they spout more understandable.
Th e media covered the civil rights movement and protest in the same way. Many of the same type of people said the same things about the liberal media then. They’ve been proven to be on the right side of history and will be again."Unarmed man running away"
Now show me that this happens IN EVERY POLICE SHOOTING. The argument is often why a police uses a gun if those in confrontation does not have one, or why police don't shoot at a leg or arm - both are always ridiculous, someone without a weapon can still be a danger. Cops target the body because that can easily be hit, going for an arm or a leg will raises the chances of a miss.
No one has stated EVERY police shooting is justified, we are discussing the outrage being so high cities are burned down and media covers it like it's an epidemic.
Of course something can "open my eyes" - I just don't like anecdotes because anyone can make up a story, rework what really happened, and put it into their favor. I have no dog in the fight here, if cops were routinely in the wrong, I'd want something done about it.
"years and years"
Yeah, no crap there will be - police have been around a long time, citizens have been around. Of course accusations will exist for a long time.
The issue is, despite your stance, you have yet to provide anything other than an anecdote and "Well maybe the police lied!" as evidence in your counter.
I think a big part of it has to do with Trump. His embracing *****, the alt-right(Briebart), generalizing Mexican immigrants are murdering rapists, Puerto Rican’s as lazy and being anti-Muslim has emboldened the closet racists to come out of the closet.
The videos of citizens being shot by police
Many been shown on various news networks