Many professions have to deal with constant surveillance while on the job. There is no right to an employer that does not surveille nor is there any right to law enforcement receiving such rights.
They do have plenty of rights though. In fact they have more rights than we do.
When a cop is accused of a crime, before questioning begins he must receive in writing who said accuser is and what the allegation is. You cannot question a cop accused of a crime for 3 days so he can "cool off." When he is questioned he can only be done so by one person with a defense attorney and union rep present. Said interviews have to be during regular hours and for a limited duration. You cannot threated disciplinary action. While the investigation is ongoing the public is to be kept in the dark. Civilian oversight is prohibited. If all of those conditions are not met then the case is procedurally dropped.
That is before you even consider the conflict of interest in local police and prosecutors investigating and prosecuting themselves.
Meanwhile when we are accused they send multiple police at us, interrogate us for as long as the want, and at any hour of their whim. They try to coerce us to waive the right to an attorney and threaten to throw the book at us if we do not cooperate. They will use the press and public opinion to our advantage with leaked information and smear campaigns.
Cops should be held to a higher standard not a lower.
The OJ case was all about the defense manipulating a lack of trust that the public had in the police in the wake of the Rodney King beatings and acquittals. That is just another in a long line of crap that cops get away with because they are cops.