While you're schooling me with your clearly superior knowledge, I brought visuals for you to break down for me with your Madden-line telestrator skills!
I look forward to your explanation of how that is not single coverage on Bryant. Annnnnnnd go!
Wow you are really trying to argue over with me over something we
While you're schooling me with your clearly superior knowledge, I brought visuals for you to break down for me with your Madden-line telestrator skills!
I look forward to your explanation of how that is not single coverage on Bryant. Annnnnnnd go!
You are trying to argue with me over something you and I do not disagree on. Please find my post where I said AFTER the audible that Dez wasnt singled......
I will save you the time....You wont.
It seems that you dont even understand the point I have made pages ago about the play.
I am starting to get bored so I will summarize.
1. Romo didnt audible out of a play where Dez was in single coverage.
2. The defense shifted when Romo changed the play which is what created the single coverage.
3. Once the original plays was changed away from Dez, Romo didnt have the time to audible out of his audible and then do to Dez.
4. We dont know that even if Romo saw Dez in single coverage that he could change a screen play to a pass to dez. Watch your video and look at the line release quickly.
You see I cant blame Romo for not throwing to Dez in this situation because the coverage you see on your video is after the audible was called and the play was changed to a screen. At this point yes Dez is facing single coverage however at this point it is too late to change the play again.