Madden 19 Cowboy ratings

Players go hot or cold plus there are lingering minor injuries throughout the season and ratings go up or down. It's all about team W's and L's. EA's ratings mean almost nothing but worth a glance anyway.
I did not like your message board tone. I saw You play Madden???.
I get it... you projected a defensive attitude to my words.
Not uncommon on the internet.

Maybe I wanted to play with/against you...
Players go hot or cold plus there are lingering minor injuries throughout the season and ratings go up or down. It's all about team W's and L's. EA's ratings mean almost nothing but worth a glance anyway.
I just hate it when the game basically projects players into elite status based on athleticism and then people latch onto it.

Michael Vick was a classic example.
Um, no. Console, but only when I can pry it away from the children
Dang... Would have been cool to play a game and hit a mic with you.
You ever jam on the PC to something... if I don't have it, I'll get it.
Even then, it could not be a bad rating for Dak. Only 3 QB's are over 90. Think that's a decrease from last year.
Besides, overall ratings are not the end all.
You can have corners, for example rated in the 70's low 80's, but can be beasts at man to man coverage for example.
(IE speed of 92, awareness of 70 something, Man coverage of 90, zone of 77 etc, play rec of 78) and still get a low 80's rating. Yet he can shut down guys when used correctly.
And a few clicks of awareness or mid arm accuracy and that 80 overall can jump a few points.

You use a FB at all?
Strong I and I formation are my bread and butter
for me the FB was key in stopping that one unblocked LB to break a decent run.

I run with Zeke all over the place online. With fullback, 3 tight ends, shotgun you name it.
Every week now

See? The point is that there's no reason to panic over the fact that Dak is currently listed as an 80 QB. It'll fluctuate depending on how he does week to week. If he's good one week, then his rating will improve. If he's rubbish, then he'll lose points.
I just hate it when the game basically projects players into elite status based on athleticism and then people latch onto it.

Michael Vick was a classic example.

The worst people to play Madden against were the people who chose the Falcons and did nothing but scramble with Vick every play. They were usually easy to beat but it just took the fun out of the game completely.
I average about 175 yds per game with zeke in madden18. follow the blocks bruh.

Not usually holes to run in or they close before you get there. I get a lot more yards when I dont use zeke lol.
I know Lord Bailey had a relatively off year last season, but where does he rank out of curiosity?
The worst people to play Madden against were the people who chose the Falcons and did nothing but scramble with Vick every play. They were usually easy to beat but it just took the fun out of the game completely.
Nobody is concerned about playing a realistic game with strategy. They are just looking for the cheese.

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