VERY few of us in here are trying to determine 100% guilt or 100% innocence.
MOST of us are focused on "Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt"....when you have 8 million doubts and holes in a story, that doesnt qualify as "beyond".
You want me to believe all the holes just HAPPENED to fall into place, and thus I shouldnt question those and believe he is 100% guilty with no doubts. Impossible.
You can believe whatever you like.
Neither of us is getting him into or out of jail.
We are gonna believe what we believe.
I believe he is guilty of this murder and many other criminal acts. He just happens to have been prosecuted by a trash can.
The prosecution in many cases is weak or poor. Small country/county offices have little no budget compared to the powerful DA of a major city.
I think the evidence goes beyond a reasonable doubt and what we were shown was filmed largely from the point of view of justice for an innocent man before the verdict came back naming him guilty leaving them with a lot of film whose rights were controlled by Avery's parents.
He was obviously framed once and this county absolutely lied/planted evidence but I do not think they had a patsy this time.
I think they merely made the easy/convenient case instead of doing good work and proving his guilt.
I think we'd all be shocked with how often this happens.
I'd be interested if real new evidence comes to light but he won't be getting out unless it does.
The scenario I rather see....
Common sense tells me he was a frustrated, violent man with a fiancee in prison and an infatuation for the only non-related/non-media/non-police young woman who comes out to his junk yard. She was never coming back and if she told him that it could have been the precipitating force that sent things sideways. He had made her feel creeped out before and I could see her trying to leave and letting him know she wouldn't be coming back after she was creeped out again. He hasn't handled conflict with women well according to his ex-wife, his cousin and his ex-fiancee. If he snapped and assaulted her he realizes he has lost millions if she goes away telling her story so he snaps and it ends with her death. I don't think he planned this out in advance but I also don't think someone framed him magically in line with his own actions. The idea he is totally innocent is truly a fairy tale.