Making a Murderer

The innocence project has taken the case. They say there is the possibility of juror misconduct. One of the two juror that has come forward said they were intimidated.

No, they haven't.

Professor Keith Findley, a co-director of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, said his organization is not currently representing Avery, whose supporters say he was wrongfully convicted in the 2005 death of 25-year-old photographer Teresa Halbach.

But Findley said he has talked recently with Avery's attorneys, Dean Strang and Jerome Buting, and noted the innocence project could revisit Avery's case in the future, should new evidence come to light.

He also said deciding not to take up the case does not necessarily mean project members believe Avery is guilty. The project could pass on the case if there isn't new evidence available to support a demand for another trial, Findley said, or because another legal organization would be better suited for it.
I get the feeling that maybe he did it but law enforcement added to it as well to make sure he went down but on the other hand a man set to potentially receiving multi millions of dollars why would he risk it?

Same but imo there is no real proof inside or outside the documentary.

He should be let go until they prove him guilty.
One sided propaganda designed to bias public opinion. Without any attempt what-so-ever to present the other side, that's all I can say about this "documentary".

It definetely leaned towards the defense but the prosecution got plenty of their side told.

There were some things left out but none of it proves if he is guilty or not.

The police department screwed the case up imo with all of the tampering with evidence that they did.
Have those folks come forward... I mean do we know exactly who they are?

One has revealed themselves to the film makers and said they would be willing to be used as a source if there's another trial.

Unrelated but, two jurors who were directly related to member of the Sheriff's department and county clerks office could be a source as well for a new trial because of a conflict of interest issue.
Same but imo there is no real proof inside or outside the documentary.

He should be let go until they prove him guilty.

That's not how it works.

Nor would I like to see someone's guilt or innocence based on how "persuasive" their docu-drama is.
One has revealed themselves to the film makers and said they would be willing to be used as a source if there's another trial.

Unrelated but, two jurors who were directly related to member of the Sheriff's department and county clerks office could be a source as well for a new trial because of a conflict of interest issue.

I saw that also, but unless someone actually steps forward and identifies themselves to the general public... It's like a UFO-sighting by two people.
Avery is 100% guilty but the series was a fascinating look at a murder trial from the defendant's POV.

I don't think we have ever had this much access to the mind of a a murderer before, during and after the crime.

To me the first case was bad luck mixed a terrible reputation and rush to judgement. But it is hard to fault the system when the victim gives a photo ID and a line-up ID. A jury will convict on that alone 99 out of 100 times.
One has revealed themselves to the film makers and said they would be willing to be used as a source if there's another trial.

Unrelated but, two jurors who were directly related to member of the Sheriff's department and county clerks office could be a source as well for a new trial because of a conflict of interest issue.

The Defense knew this and cleared them. They actually preferred the guy that was a volunteer sheriff because he said he would report other cops. That is what they built there whole case on.

The Defense also decided against going for a mistrial when a juror had to leave on the first day of deliberations because their child was in an accident or something. They preferred seating an alternate juror.
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Same but imo there is no real proof inside or outside the documentary.

He should be let go until they prove him guilty.

He had to do 10 years for the firearms charge alone. He was a 2 time felon and was not allowed to have firearms.

The same with first 18 years. He was serving 6 years concurrently for running his female cousin off the road and pulling a gun on her. She begged for her life because her 6 month daughter was in the car and would freeze to death.

The guy deserves no sympathy. He just got railroaded once. But he couldn't even control himself knowing he had millions coming.

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