LMAO LIMITED?????!!!!! Did you not notice he came 1 yard away from beating Romo's passing record for yards in a season? MY GAWD. OK...lets say hes limited....FINE...if THAT is what we deem limited, I will take those results all day long and twice on Sundays. WE ARE SPOILED ROTTEN AROUND HERE. We have the pieces on offense...and now with MM and proper scheme and coaching, the sky is the limit. OUR ISSUE is the defense. Once we right the ship over there, and sign Dak...we are ready to do great things for the next few years. IN SPITE OF JERRY. BTW guys...how the hell does Jerry get into the hall before Bill COWHER AND Jimmy? ITS JUST WRONG. Good thing is, unlike Jerry and his pettiness, Jimmy holds no grudges...TIME TO PUT JIMMY in the ROH.