Man shot outside stadium has died

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:laugh:@ anyone who thinks banning a inanimate object will solve the problem. And the argument that blah blah blah this other country has and it has helped holds no water either. Due to the sheer size and demographics of our country this will never fly. Just because it works in a country that is 1/20 our size/population doesn't mean it will work here.
Lol How am I scared? Im not watch two grown fight, ill just go about my business. You can get injured for them, but I wont

If you think you would get injured then I agree with you not getting involved but you can't just walk away.
Finger pointing do not kill people, guns do.

Actually no inanimate object kills people no matter how dangerous, unless you put it in the hands of an evil person. Leave gun or knife on a counter for 30 days i will guarantee that if it is not picked up no will die because of it.
It may not have been last year but I think the leading cause of homicide is hands and feet, lets ban those.
Yes you can, we' re talking about letting GROWN MEN fight, not kids.

Not that it happens much but I let my kids fight, it forces them to resolve their own problems. Grown men however, can seriously hurt each other and should now better.
Not that it happens much but I let my kids fight, it forces them to resolve their own problems. Grown men however, can seriously hurt each other and should now better.

Exactly, they should know better, so Im not gonna stop them. Kids can seriously hurt each other too.
This sucks, but honestly that's why people shouldn't break up fights. If he didn't know them then he should have just let them fight. Not worth risking your life for someone else's situation, if they wanna kill other then let them.

this is a very good point.

while assisting someone is noble...there are scenarios where things go very wrong...typically when you cant discern who is in the wrong and who the aggressor is.
Actually no inanimate object kills people no matter how dangerous, unless you put it in the hands of an evil person. Leave gun or knife on a counter for 30 days i will guarantee that if it is not picked up no will die because of it.

put it this way: a gun is VERY convenient and effective in killing people. Evil people use guns to kill others because guns are very convenient and effective in killing people.
Let's go back to the pre-gun 12th century when nobody killed anybody.

If only we could go back to the 12th century. unfortunately we are stuck in the 21st century where you can buy a gun at a gun store or gun fair and then take out as many people as you half ammo.
Not that it happens much but I let my kids fight, it forces them to resolve their own problems. Grown men however, can seriously hurt each other and should now better.

Maybe they will after getting hurt.
I should have known to not engage you.

I refuse to have a conversation with stupidity as your game is to drag people down to that level and beat them with experience.

Just because you do not understand the difference between mental illness and mentally challenged is no reason to get snippy
I would prefer to live but maybe that is just me.

You're going to die some day no matter what. At least I know I made a difference. I've lived a great life with no regrets. I've manager to keep myself alive for this long and I'm retired so why change now?
mine have been loaded and laying around for 5+ years and have never so much as even fired one round in my house

I hope you never turn evil. I hope no evil person ever steal your weapons of mass destruction. I hope you never half to use it. I hope no young person ever find them. I hope it never falls off the TV and hits the ground. I hope you stay safe.
I hope you never turn evil. I hope no evil person ever steal your weapons of mass destruction. I hope you never half to use it. I hope no young person ever find them. I hope it never falls off the TV and hits the ground. I hope you stay safe.

i always plan to stay safe, and as long as no one ever threatens my wife or daughter, they'll never have to be used
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